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Muffins Quotes

So, she tells me, the words dribbling out with the cranberry muffin crumbs, commas dunked in her coffee.
Laurie Halse Anderson

Authors on Muffins Quotes: Oscar Wilde Dane Cook George Bernard Shaw Mark E. Smith Sloane Crosley W. Somerset Maugham Davey Havok Libba Bray Tamora Pierce Charles Dickens Janet Evanovich Laurie Halse Anderson Veronica Roth Chicken John Jeaniene Frost Heidi Klum Sara Blakely Colin Mochrie Johnny Depp P. G. Wodehouse Rick Riordan Brian P. Cleary Mia Hamm
Carter Kane, 14, died tragically in Paris when he was eaten by his sister’s cat Muffin.
Rick Riordan

You look as scary as a buttered muffin.
Tamora Pierce

Well, I can't eat muffins in an agitated manner. The butter would probably get on my cuffs.
Oscar Wilde

One should always eat muffins quite calmly. It is the only way to eat them.
Oscar Wilde

Give me liberty! Or a bran muffin!
Colin Mochrie

Its always nice to have a stud muffin at the table.
Janet Evanovich

English muffins with avocado is one of my favorite breakfasts.
Mia Hamm

I love to bake, so I made vanilla bean and blueberry muffins for sick hospital children. Just kidding! All of that is true except the sick children part.
Sloane Crosley

Usually, old ladies tell me to find Jesus. Look, I'm just trying to find some chai and a good vegan muffin.
Davey Havok

Any cupcake consumed before 9AM is, technically, a muffin.
Brian P. Cleary

My saddlebags are why Spanx exist! Now that I have a baby I also have a muffin top.
Sara Blakely

You don't get tired of muffins, but you don't find inspiration in them.
George Bernard Shaw

My earliest memory is learning to read 'Muffin the Mule' when I was about three.
Mark E. Smith

When I am in trouble, eating is the only thing that consoles me. Indeed, as any one who knows me intimately will tell you, I refuse everything except food and drink. At the present moment I am eating muffins because I am unhappy. Besides, I am particularly fond of muffins.
Oscar Wilde

How you can sit there, calmly eating muffins when we are in this horrible trouble, I can’t make out. You seem to me to be perfectly heartless." "Well, I can’t eat muffins in an agitated manner. The butter would probably get on my cuffs. One should always eat muffins quite calmly. It is the only way to eat them." "I say it’s perfectly heartless your eating muffins at all, under the circumstances.
Oscar Wilde

If you have to be at work at 8, it's always like, 7:54. Just enough time to do nothing. To just lay there and go, "I can't do anything! I can't even have an English muffin!
Dane Cook

United metropolitan improved hot muffin and crumpet baking and punctual delivery company.
Charles Dickens

...what I feel we ought to do at this juncture is to dash off somewhere where it's quiet and there aren't so many housesdancing the 'Blue Danube' and shove some tea into ourselves. And over the pot and muffins I shall have something veryimportant to say to you.
P. G. Wodehouse

We all have to pick our battles. You've got to draw a line in the sand and stand firm. And it's this squishiness that's really the enemy, like, "Well, I don't know, it's kind of OK but I kind of feel guilty, and I kind of want a bran muffin, I don't know, and I'm wearing a vest; it's crocheted." Shut up. Just pick your battle and just stand there, and whatever you are going to do, own it.
Chicken John

I can't do anything! I can't even have an English muffin!
Dane Cook

She had no mercy. He looked at her neck and thought how he would like to jab it with the knife he had for his muffin. He knew enough anatomy to make pretty certain of getting the carotid artery. And at the same time he wanted to cover her pale, thin face with kisses.
W. Somerset Maugham

DiscomfortWear™, shapewear designed to eliminate rills, ripples, and muffin tops. In some cases known to eliminate circulation and breathing. If you’re not uncomfortable, it’s not DiscomfortWear™.
Libba Bray

When I came to America, I was really into all the things people eat here. . . . People called me Muffin because I would eat muffins all the time.
Heidi Klum

I'm going to shoot a muffin off Marlene's head.
Veronica Roth

Some things we need to talk about, but not here. I'll see you later, darling." "No you won't, nut muffin!
Jeaniene Frost

Marry Ann; and at the end of a week you'll find no more inspiration in her than in a plate of muffins.
George Bernard Shaw

They have been eating muffins. That looks like repentance
Oscar Wilde

It's impossible to consider myself a producer. I can barely produce an English muffin, in the morning.
Johnny Depp