I am my own muse. I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to better.
Frida Kahlo
I am the inspiration of my own creativity; I am the most knowledgeable about myself and strive to become a better version.
Show up, show up, show up, and after a while the muse shows up, too. If she doesn’t show up invited, eventually she just shows up
Isabel Allende
Perversity is the muse of modern literature.
Susan Sontag
I didn't have time to be anyone's muse... I was too busy rebelling against my family and learning to be an artist.
Leonora Carrington
Cheat your landlord if you can -- and must -- but do not try to shortchange the Muse.
William S. Burroughs
Once you start being a muse, you cannot stop being a muse.
Carine Roitfeld
I look at you and you look at me and deep in our hearts know it That you weren't much of a muse, but then I weren't much of a poet
Nick Cave
I didn't really think of myself as being a muse.
Jane Birkin
To me the Muses truly gave / An envied and a happy lot: / E'en when I lie within the grave, / I cannot, shall not, be forgot.
O! for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention.
William Shakespeare
Following my muse has worked out pretty well so far. I can't see any reason to change the formula now.
Chris Van Allsburg
The muses are ghosts, and sometimes they come uninvited.
Stephen King
I guess I'll just slip into the studio after the next time with the Muses, and then just keel over and die.
Kristin Hersh
Also, I am driven by a wonderful muse called alimony.
Dick Schaap
Who loves not music and the heavenly muse, That man God hates.
John Dowland
Illustrious acts high raptures do infuse, And every conqueror creates a muse.
Edmund Waller
The muse whispers to you when she chooses, and you can't tell her to come back later, because you quickly learn in this business that she might not come back at all.
Terry Brooks
Change shakes us up, and we can thank our Muse for it... we are driven by change to create, to excel, and to become better humans, perhaps even more sensitive humans!
Max Elliott Slade
I don't know if I've ever had a muse per se. I would say that the woman I'm inspired by exists more in my sketchbooks. She exists in my head.
Erdem Moral?oglu
I went out under the sky, Muse! and I was your vassal.
Arthur Rimbaud
When I was from Cupid's passions free, my Muse was mute and wrote no elegy.
Clio may be the most austere and chaste of the Muses, but she has been known to come down informally from Mount Helicon in a mood so raffish that there are those who claim to have seen her with her slip showing.
Thornton Willis
The Muse visits during the process of creation, not before.
Roger Ebert
Visual tonics such as 'timed creativity' need to be introduced to refresh and refurbish the muse.
Robert Genn
It's only very recently that women have succeeded in entering those professions which, as Muses, they typified for the Greeks
To feed your Muse, then, you should always have been hungry about life since you were a child. If not, it is a little late to start.
Ray Bradbury
When I'm writing, I write. And then it's as if the muse is convinced that I'm serious and says, 'Okay. Okay. I'll come.'
Maya Angelou
I didn't see it as someone who worked as hard as I did. But now that Saint Laurent is part of history, it makes me a part of history, so, yes, finally it's not such a bad thing to have been a muse.
Loulou de la Falaise
I'm not in control of my muse. My muse does all the work.
Ray Bradbury
Nothing which is harmonized by the bond of the Muse can be changed from its own to another language without destroying its sweetness
Dante Alighieri
I don't know if you actually get something out of writing poetry. I think poetry is an autonomous muse that decides to come and sit on your couch.
Alice Walker
We ought to muse upon the things of God, because we thus get the real nutriment out of them.
Charles Spurgeon
What is The Subconscious to every other man, in its creative aspect becomes, for writers, The Muse.
Ray Bradbury
It's hard to act in the morning. The muse isn't even awake.
Keanu Reeves
My Muse sits forlorn She wishes she had not been born She sits in the cold No word she says is ever told.
Stevie Smith
I attempt to connect with my muse and go on demon rides.
Keanu Reeves
But I can only write what the muse allows me to write. I cannot choose, I can only do what I am given, and I feel pleased when I feel close to concrete poetry - still.
Ian Hamilton Finlay
Christianity is merely a system for turning priestesses into handmaidens, queens into concubines, and goddesses into muses.
Tom Robbins
[My muse] she's impatient with me, because I don't do what I should do: sit down and write.
Shirley Geok-lin Lim
No muse shoots darts of insight into the unsuspecting artist.
Eric Maisel
If a muse knocked at our studio door tomorrow, how many of us would even notice?
Carole Katchen
Your muse is amused and willed to further renewal during the process of mindless grabbing of reference material or errant imaginings.
Robert Genn
A muse is something that serves a poet well early in his or her career. In later years one writers out of one's own driven inspiration. One learns to find inspiration rather than waiting for it to come for a visit. I can find inspiration almost anywhere.
Clarence Major
I just really allowed my muse to be my guide and I just go with whatever I'm feeling.
K. D. Lang
There is no wide road which leads to the Muses.
The muse on my shoulder is very sensitive and does not abide claptrap of any kind... Only when I am totally immersed... absorbed in work... does she allow something magical to happen and I become aware of a faint heartbeat and gentle breath emanating from my brush.
Catherine Stock