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My Smile Quotes

I'm going to smile, and my smile will sink down into your pupils, and heaven knows what it will become.
Jean-Paul Sartre

I'm going to beam, and my radiance will penetrate your pupils, and only the divine knows what it shall become.
Authors on My Smile Quotes: Jean-Paul Sartre Richelle Mead Mike Posner Stephanie Perkins Nhat Hanh Else Lasker-Schuler Nick Jonas Chris Killip Kiersten White Victoria Beckham
I have lost my smile, but don't worry. The dandelion has it.
Nhat Hanh

My smiles don't result from good things, they result in good things.
Mike Posner

I don't like smiley pictures. A smile is a defense mechanism. It says, You can't have the real me but here's my smile. You get closer to the real person when they stop smiling.
Chris Killip

My smile faded, and I suddenly felt confused. My heart leapt in my chest. "Why would you do that for me?" "What wouldn't I do for you?
Richelle Mead

I actually used to smile a lot in pictures. I think I only stopped smiling when I got into fashion. Fashion stole my smile!
Victoria Beckham

I've always been a bit insecure about my smile, but its days like these where all I wanna do is smile.
Nick Jonas

My smile wavers as I revert to my natural state of being: nervous and weird.
Stephanie Perkins

Were my smile not submerged in my countenance, / I should suspend it over her grave.
Else Lasker-Schuler

I could have melted ice, my smile was so bright.
Kiersten White