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Nancy Kline Quotes

Supervision is an opportunity to bring someone back to their own mind, to show them how good they can be.
Nancy Kline

The quality of your attention determines the quality of other people's thinking.
Nancy Kline

The human MIND seems to work best in the presence of reality. The brain that contains the problem probably also contains the solution. IF the conditions are right, the huge intelligence of the human being surfaces. IDEAS seem to come from nowhere & sometimes STUN US.
Nancy Kline

A manager's ability to turn meetings into a thinking environment is probably an organization's greatest asset.
Nancy Kline

Until we are free to think for ourselves, our dreams are not free to unfold.
Nancy Kline

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Even in a hierarchy people can be equal as thinkers.
Nancy Kline

A relationship is not two halves coming together to make a whole. Each of you is already complete.
Nancy Kline

Thinking for yourself is the thing on which everything else depends.
Nancy Kline

Quote Topics by Nancy Kline: Thinking People Depends Hierarchy Environment Dream Reality Supervision Radical Opportunity Together Two Equal Organization Our Dreams Brain Ideas Mind Stills Focus Half
Thinking for yourself is still a radical act
Nancy Kline