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Ned Vizzini Quotes

American author and screenwriter (d. 2013), Birth: 4-4-1981, Death: 19-12-2013 Ned Vizzini Quotes
I didn't want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that's really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare.
Ned Vizzini

its hard to talk when you want to kill yourself
Ned Vizzini

That's all I can do. I'll keep at it and hope it gets better.
Ned Vizzini

So why am I depressed? That's the million-dollar question, baby, the Tootsie Roll question; not even the owl knows the answer to that one. I don't know either. All I know is the chronology.
Ned Vizzini

I want to live but I want to die. What do I do?
Ned Vizzini

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I'm done with those; regrets are an excuse for people who have failed.
Ned Vizzini

Its so hard to talk when you want to kill yourself. That's above and beyond everything else, and it's not a mental complaint-it's a physical thing, like it's physically hard to open your mouth and make the words come out. They don't come out smooth and in conjunction with your brain the way normal people's words do; they come out in chunks as if from a crushed-ice dispenser; you stumble on them as they gather behind your lower lip. So you just keep quiet.
Ned Vizzini

I don't know how I can be so ambitious and so lazy at the same time.
Ned Vizzini

Quote Topics by Ned Vizzini: Thinking People Want Depression Real Book Brain Smart Important Problem Eye Bed Mom World Able Giving Tvs Wake Up Feelings Running Jealous Anchors Long Found Suicide Mean Men Sleep School Knowing
Sometimes I just think depression's one way of coping with the world. Like, some people get drunk, some people do drugs, some people get depressed. Because there's so much stuff out there that you have to do something to deal with it.
Ned Vizzini

She doesn't want to end up like me. At least I'm giving someone an example not to follow.
Ned Vizzini

Sometimes when you open a book, time stops.
Ned Vizzini

I wanted to tell people, "My depression is acting up today" as an excuse for not seeing them, but I never managed to pull it off.
Ned Vizzini

Dr. Barney stared at me, his lips puckered. What was he so serious about? Who hasn’t thought about killing themselves, as a kid? How can you grow up in this world and not think about it?
Ned Vizzini

I'm smart but not enough--just smart enough to have problems.
Ned Vizzini

I didn't want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that's really sad.
Ned Vizzini

Ski. Sled. Play basketball. Jog. Run. Run. Run. Run home. Run home and enjoy. Enjoy. Take these verbs and enjoy them. They're yours, Craig. You deserve them because you chose them. You could have left them all behind but you chose to stay here. So now live for real, Craig. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live.
Ned Vizzini

And I could have died right then. And considering how things went, I really should have.
Ned Vizzini

I can't eat and I can't sleep. I'm not doing well in terms of being a functional human, you know?
Ned Vizzini

The absolute worst part of being depressed is the food. A person's relationship with food is one of their most important relationships. I don't think your relationship with your parents is that important. Some people never know their parents. I don't think your relationship with your friends are important. But your relationship with air-that's key. You can't break up with air. You're kind of stuck together. Only slightly less crucial is water. And then food. You can't be dropping food to hang with someone else. You need to strike up an agreement with it.
Ned Vizzini

I had fooled myself into thinking that I was something important to the rest of the world.
Ned Vizzini

Life can't be cured, but it can be managed.
Ned Vizzini

I have a system with bathrooms. I spend a lot of time in them. They are sanctuaries, public places of peace spaced throughout the world for people like me.
Ned Vizzini

If you can't get out of bed for long enough, people come and take your bed away
Ned Vizzini

It’s tough to get out of bed; I know that myself. You can lie there for an hour and a half without thinking anything, just worrying about what the day holds and knowing that you won’t be able to deal with it.
Ned Vizzini

Sometimes I wish I had an easy answer for why I'm depressed.
Ned Vizzini

I work. And I think about work, and I freak out about work, and I think about how much I think about work, and I freak out about how much I think about how much I think about work, and I think about how freaked out I get about how much I think about how much I think about work.
Ned Vizzini

I'm fine. Well, I'm not fine - I'm here." "Is there something wrong with that?" "Absolutely.
Ned Vizzini

My brain was all right back then; it didn't get stuck in ruts.
Ned Vizzini

I found myself jealous of the people who wrote the books. They were dead and they were still taking up my time. Who did they think they were?
Ned Vizzini

I feel dead, wasted, awful, broken and useless. It's not the kind of feeling you forget.
Ned Vizzini

A person's relationship with food is one of their most important relationships.
Ned Vizzini

Some of the most profound truths about us are things that we stop saying in the middle.
Ned Vizzini

A working brain is probably a lot like a map, where anybody can get from one place to another on the freeways. It's the nonworking brains that get blocked, that have dead ends, that are under construction like mine.
Ned Vizzini

We look into each other's eyes as we shake. His are still full of death and horror, but in them I see my face reflected, and inside my tiny eyes inside his, I think I see some hope.
Ned Vizzini

I think you run out of 'I love yous
Ned Vizzini

That made me happy. That was my Anchor.
Ned Vizzini

People are screwed up in this world. I'd rather be with someone screwed up and open about it than somebody perfect and ready to explode.
Ned Vizzini

It’s a huge thing, this Shift, just as big as I imagined. My brain doesn’t want to think anymore; all of a sudden it wants to do.
Ned Vizzini

deep down I believe my year was a special year: it produced me.
Ned Vizzini

I was never big on rage.' 'Why?' "It's so much more angry in my head than it could ever be outside.
Ned Vizzini

I don't owe people anything, and I don't have to talk to them any more than I feel I need to.
Ned Vizzini

Do you even know who the enemy is?" "I think... it's me".
Ned Vizzini

That's the number one thing I hear about humans. You have all these choices, so you're confused all the time, and you think so much that you're never happy.
Ned Vizzini

One thing I've learnt recently: how to think nothing. Here's the trick: don't have any interest in the world around you, don't have any hope for the future, and be warm.
Ned Vizzini

They're sort of ancillary anyway, friends. I mean, they're important -- everybody knows that; the TV tells you so -- but they come and go. You lose one friend, you pick up another.
Ned Vizzini

My family shouldn't have to put up with me. They're good people, solid, happy. Sometimes when I'm with them I think I'm on television.
Ned Vizzini

I had hurt her feelings, I found out later; I didn’t know I had that power.
Ned Vizzini

The Shift hasn't happened yet, maybe it never will, but sometimes-just enough times to give me hope-my brain jars back into where it's supposed to be.
Ned Vizzini

And when you say the truth you get stronger.
Ned Vizzini

Dreams are only dreams until you wake up and make them real.
Ned Vizzini