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Niels Diffrient Quotes

When design springs from an understanding of the people who are going to use a product, you begin to see forms that you would never have imagined.
Niels Diffrient

The best way to know what people want is not by asking them, but by understanding them.
Niels Diffrient

Why would you design something if it didn't improve the human condition?
Niels Diffrient

It looks like a galosh with electronics in it.
Niels Diffrient

My ideal office wouldn't have a chair. You would do two things there: stand up or lie down. These are the body's most natural positions.
Niels Diffrient

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Today the telephone takes precedence over everything. It reaches a point of terrorism, particularly at dinnertime.
Niels Diffrient

The less there is of a phone, the more I like it.
Niels Diffrient