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Nikki Gemmell Quotes

Is it love, obsession, infatuation? You don't know. You think of a strange and beautiful word you read about once, Limerance, a psychological term, meaning an obsessive love, a state that's almost like a drug. Need like a wolf paces the perimeter of your world, back and forth, back and forth, never letting up. ...You're appalled by the new appetites within you, kicking their feet and clawing to get out.
Nikki Gemmell

Remember that the sudden decision to stop fighting, and just go with the flow, can be incredibly releasing. Resistance is just so draining. There is a beauty to gracious acceptance, an energy that leads to peace.
Nikki Gemmell

Our natural and happiest life is when we lose ourselves in the exquisite absorption of home.
Nikki Gemmell

An emptiness rules at its core, a rottenness, a silence when one of you retires to bed without saying good night, when you eat together without conversation, when the phone's passed wordlessly to the other. An emptiness when every night you lie in the double bed, restlessly awake, astounded at how closely hate can nudge against love, can wind around it sinuously like a cat. An emptiness when you realize that the loneliest you've ever been is within a marriage, as a wife.
Nikki Gemmell

People without curiosity are like houses without books: there's something unsettling about them.
Nikki Gemmell

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Alone you're refinding a glittering, a clarity, you're finding your distilled self. ...You think of the two types of aloneness you've known recently: this wonderful, sparkly, soul-refreshing type, and the despairing loneliness that sucks the breath from your life.
Nikki Gemmell

And I am in love with light. Lock me in the sunshine.
Nikki Gemmell