He who has no confidence utters falsehoods, and he who utters falsehoods has no confidence.
Nachman of Breslov
You have never had any confidence in him. And if he has no confidence in himself it is because he sees himself through your eyes.
Simone de Beauvoir
No one is going to pay much attention to the person who has no confidence in himself.
Napoleon Hill
I have no confidence in a man whose faults you cannot see.
Edward Dahlberg
Suicide is an extreme vote of no confidence in a society that doesn't work.
Sharif Abdullah
Let the influx of money be ever so great, if there be no confidence, property will sink in value... The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money.
James Madison
Never put much confidence in such as put no confidence in others.
Augustus Hare
I have no confidence whatsoever in BP. I think that they do not know what they are doing.
Ed Markey
I was afraid to let other make any decisions, because I had no confidence they would be concerned for me.
Joyce Meyer
In my early work I didn't use much colour. I had no confidence about how I could do this.
Michael Craig-Martin
I did a lot of ridiculous television. Between 1980 and '85 I had no confidence, so I did everything I was told to do.
Dana Carvey
Men have no confidence in an officer who doesn't know his own mind.
Napoleon Hill