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Nonfiction Quotes

People respect nonfiction but they read novels.
E. O. Wilson

Authors on Nonfiction Quotes: Ann Patchett John D'Agata Anne Lamott Kate Zambreno Frederick Busch David Shields Joan Didion Peter Morgan Lee Gutkind Laura Hillenbrand Chris Abani Marya Hornbacher Tom Wolfe Carl Hiaasen John McPhee Phyllis Rose James Frey Fran Lebowitz Chuck Palahniuk Michael Moore Scott McCloud Dav Pilkey Jonathan Franzen W. P. Kinsella Barbara Kingsolver George Saunders Cory Monteith Mortimer Adler Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Dave Eggers Joseph Wambaugh Wendy C. Ortiz Elizabeth McCracken
In this time of the Internet and nonfiction, to be on an actual bookshelf in an actual bookstore is exciting in itself.
Chris Abani

You can tell a more over-the-top incredible story if you use a nonfiction form.
Chuck Palahniuk

I don't read that many novels, I'm more of a nonfiction fan.
Cory Monteith

What I'm really interested in, as a reader and as a writer, is the idea of the nonfiction book that is not defined by its content, by its "about"-ness. Where you read it irrespective of whether you're interested in the subject.
Geoff Dyer

For me, a memoir is nonfiction and nonfiction has to be absolutely true.
Akhil Sharma

My reading preferences are kind of all over the board - I read nonfiction, I read graphic novels.
Dav Pilkey

To me, the moment you're talking about nonfiction you're talking about reality.
David Shields

I've always read broadly: literary fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, chick lit, historical, dystopian, nonfiction, memoir. I've even read Westerns. I prefer female protagonists.
Sandra Cisneros

I've written six novels and four pieces of nonfiction, so I don't really have a genre these days.
Anne Lamott

When you deal with nonfiction you deal with human characters.
Marya Hornbacher

My work was entirely nonfiction.
Laura Hillenbrand

I really enjoy doing both, but I didn't write nonfiction until 1994.
Jonathan Franzen

Every time I write a nonfiction book I get sued.
Joseph Wambaugh

I don't have time to read nonfiction.
W. P. Kinsella

I also read a lot of nonfiction. I just got "Nixonland" by Rick Perlstein. I felt like what with everything that is going on with the president [Donald trump] and the parallels with [Richard] Nixon's presidency, I needed to know more about the man.
Laila Lalami

Redheaded Peckerwood, which unerringly walks the fine line between fiction and nonfiction, is a disturbingly beautiful narrative about unfathomable violence and its place on the land
Luc Sante

I don't like to read nonfiction. To me, fact is something I can look up.
Fran Lebowitz

Nonfiction is never going to die.
Tom Wolfe

Nonfiction-wha t the hell, that just says, this is nongrapefruit we're having this morning.
John McPhee

I always want to read Gore Vidal's nonfiction. Because everything he writes is an essay and it's worth reading.
Frederick Busch

I read a lot of nonfiction - especially books about the brain.
Ellen Pompeo

I love to read nonfiction and memoir, but I'm mostly interested in the piece of writing more than the person.
Alice Mattison

I like European and South American literature, but mostly I read nonfiction.
Jessa Crispin

Nonfiction, qua label, is nothing more or less than a very flexible (easily breakable) frame that allows you to pull the thing away from narrative and toward contemplation, which is all I've ever wanted.
David Shields

The myth of objectivity made nonfiction increasingly unread. In feature articles, we could be playful in the opening and clever in the end but in the middle it was back to the boring basics.
Lee Gutkind

We like nonfiction, and we live in fictitious times.
Michael Moore

It's hard to do fiction and nonfiction simultaneously.
Erica Jong

I read the same amount of nonfiction and fiction.
Anne Lamott

Movies feel like work, and reading fiction feels like work, whereas reading nonfiction feels like pleasure.
Peter Morgan

But I don't read a lot of fiction. I prefer the nonfiction stuff.
Andy Richter

For a while I just couldn't imagine that there was a place for me in nonfiction. I looked around at what we were calling nonfiction and I thought, "Maybe you do have to go to poetry in order to do this other weird thing in nonfiction."
John D'Agata

I don't think the potential for comics in nonfiction has been exploited nearly as much as it could be.
Scott McCloud

Let me roughly divide books into those which compete with the movies and those with which the movies cannot compete. They are the books that can elevate or instruct. If they are fine works of fiction, they can deepen your appreciation of human life. If they are serious works of nonfiction, they can inform or enlighten you.
Mortimer Adler

When I'm working on a novel of my own, I try to read mostly nonfiction, although sometimes I break down and peek at something else.
Carl Hiaasen

Most books aren't pure nonfiction or fiction.
James Frey

the challenge of nonfiction is to marry art and truth.
Phyllis Rose

The hardest piece of nonfiction I ever wrote isn't anywhere close to the easiest piece of fiction I never wrote.
Ann Patchett

The nonfiction novel or literary memoir as authored by women is usually given a much harder time in mainstream criticism.
Kate Zambreno

I could talk more directly in a nonfiction voice than I could in fiction.
Joan Didion

In December 2011, I will be opening up my production house, Sharmeen Obaid Films, and aspire to change the way Pakistanis approach nonfiction storytelling. There are thousands of stories to be found here.
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy

I'm not a poet, but I was in the poetry program. And I'm also not much of a nonfiction writer, at least not in the standard sense of nonfiction, nor especially in the way we were thinking about nonfiction back then, in the late 90s.
John D'Agata

I'd like to imagine that "dreamoir" becomes a subgenre of nonfiction, maybe ultimately because I'd love to read many more dreamoirs by other writers - poets and memoirists especially.
Wendy C. Ortiz

With nonfiction, I go in trying to be really honest about what my preconceptions are.
George Saunders

If you wrote about sex the way Jim [Salter] writes about sex in nonfiction, you would be a sociopath.
Lorin Stein

Nonfiction requires enormous discipline. You construct the terms of your story, and then you stick to them.
Barbara Kingsolver

Nonfiction is easy and fiction is hard.
Ann Patchett

I'm just too lazy. I wish I could be someone that has wild affairs - all of my favorite nonfiction novels are about these wild affairs and postmarital agonistes - but to be honest, I'm someone that doesn't deal well with instability.
Kate Zambreno

Nonfiction is more personal for me. It's more personal in that it's more direct, and actually it's always been more direct, even when I first started doing pieces.
Joan Didion

As a student at the time, I kind of felt like my only options as a nonfiction writer were to either jump on the personal essay bus or linger back at the station, hoping that some other heretofore unknown mode of transportation was going to magically show up to take me where I wanted to go.
John D'Agata