Want to know what’s more destructive than a nuclear bomb? Words.
Kim Jong-un
'Verbal devastation can be more ruinous than a nuclear blast.'
The days are gone forever when our enemies could blackmail us with nuclear bombs.
Kim Jong-un
There is no such thing as a survivable or local nuclear war.
Jill Stein
Nearly all of our existing power sources are generators which use a heat cycle. This includes our coal, oil, and gas fired utilities, our automobiles, trucks, and trains, and even our nuclear fission utility power plants.
Wilson Greatbatch
National Missile Defense is of a nature to retrigger a proliferation of weapons, notably nuclear missiles. Everything that goes in the direction of proliferation is a bad direction.
Jacques Chirac
I have heard that the Saudi Arabians are paying Greenpeace to campaign against Nuclear Power. It wouldn't surprise me at all.
James Lovelock
Proliferation of nuclear weapons to terrorist organisations is far more dangerous than proliferation of nuclear weapons to states, even states like North Korea.
John Bruton
There is a driving force more powerful than steam, electricity and nuclear power: the will.
Albert Einstein
We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the sermon on the mount.
Omar N. Bradley
Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds. (quoting the Bhagavad-Gita after witnessing the first Nuclear explosion.)
J. Robert Oppenheimer
We must perfect a worldwide system of accountability for nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.
Richard Lugar
At the point when continuity was interrupted by the first nuclear explosion, it would have been too easy to recover the formal sediment which linked us with an age of poetic decorum, of a preoccupation with poetic sounds.
Salvatore Quasimodo
I would like nuclear fusion to become a practical power source. It would provide an inexhaustible supply of energy, without pollution or global warming.
Stephen Hawking
Our nuclear weapons are meant purely as a deterrent against nuclear adventure by an adversary.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
It was my responsibility that this world got itself an atom bomb, because there were only a handful of nuclear physicists in the thirties - only a handful. And we were all beating the desk and saying "How wonderful it will be if we discover atomic fission."
L. Ron Hubbard
Of all the failed technologies that litter the onward march of science - steam carriages, zeppelins, armoured trains - none has been so catastrophic to prosperity as the last century's attempt to generate electricity from nuclear fission.
James Buchan
Is e=mc2 a sexed equation? Perhaps it is. Let us make the hypothesis that it is insofar as it privileges the speed of light over other speeds that are vitally necessary to us. What seems to me to indicate the possible sexed nature of the equation is not directly its uses by nuclear weapons, rather it is having privileged what goes the fastest.
Luce Irigaray
India can live without nuclear weapons. That's our dream, and it should be the dream of the U.S. also.
Abdul Kalam
Don't let that weapon technology proliferate. Don't let Saddam Hussein get capability for nuclear or chemical weapons, because he's already shown a willingness to use any weapon at his disposal.
John Sununu
If we dont continue to pursue alternative, emissions-free energy sources like nuclear fuel, we are at risk of increasing our dependence on costly natural gas.
Judy Biggert
Washington's adventuristic policy, whipping up international tension to the utmost, is pushing mankind towards nuclear catastrophe.
Konstantin Chernenko
North Korea is going to get away with keeping its nuclear weapons.
John Bolton
If the North Korean side shows no sincerity in solving the nuclear weapon, abduction and missile issues, then the likelihood of normalization of diplomatic relations is very slim.
Koichi Haraguchi
How well a posse policy will fare in a world with 3 billion people below the poverty line and nuclear warheads scattered around a dozen or more regions like melons in a field, is not easy to imagine.
Herbert Schiller
We can just assume they have much more and powerful, more advanced technology, all the new computers, everything could be much more easier and help them to build much more and many more nuclear weapons.
Mordechai Vanunu
Human race cannot coexist with nuclear weapons
Iccho Itoh
Solve global warming, eliminate the nuclear threat, and we will still have to confront the vastness of our species and the way it diminishes, without thinking, all the other species around it.
Verlyn Klinkenborg
Nuclear proliferation - the proliferation of WMDs altogether - is one of the greatest dangers of our time.
Timothy Garton Ash
The Israelis have nuclear bombs but we have the children bomb and these human bombs must continue until liberation.
Yusuf al-Qaradawi
I think, for me, nuclear is just the power, the devastation is very important to me.
Donald Trump
We must abolish nuclear weapons, or they will abolish us.
John F. Kennedy
The indefinite combination of human fallibility and nuclear weapons will lead to the destruction of nations.
Robert McNamara
Of course I've got lawyers. They are like nuclear weapons, I've got em 'cause everyone else has. But as soon as you use them they screw everything up.
Danny DeVito
The nuclear bomb is the most useless weapon ever invented. It can be employed to no rational purpose. It is not even an effective defense against itself.
George F. Kennan
Even the Soviet Union, with its huge nuclear arsenal, was a threat that could be deterred by the prospect of retaliation. But suicide bombers cannot be deterred. They can only be annihilated - preemptively and unilaterally, if necessary.
Thomas Sowell
Since the advent of nuclear weapons, it seems clear that there is no longer any alternative to peace, if there is to be a happy and well world.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
I'm afraid there's a big confusion in the world between nuclear power and nuclear arms.
Abdus Salam
Find something that you love to do, and find a place that you really like to do it in. I found something I loved to do. Im a mechanical engineer by training, and I loved it. I still do. My son is a nuclear engineer at MIT, a junior, and I get the same vibe from him. Your work has to be compelling. You spend a lot of time doing it.
Ursula Burns
Before Chernobyl or without Chernobyl the nuclear power was the safe thing.
Abdus Salam
The planet's spinning a thousand miles an hour around this gigantic nuclear explosion while these people roll these machines with rubber tires over this hard surface that we've laid down over the planet so that we can easily move ourselves back and forth.
Joe Rogan
Why should people be afraid that we use a few small pellets of uranium at the nuclear power plant in Bataan? Don't they know that we're surrounded by uranium? We have the world's fourth largest deposits of uranium. Yes, we're all radioactive -- must be the reason why we have so many faith healers!
Imelda Marcos
We do not believe that a nuclear war should be fought, and we do not believe that a nuclear war can be won.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
By the time I'm 50, there is probably going to be a nuclear holocaust. I should just enjoy myself.
Obviously, it gave me a chance to see Barcelona. I won't deny that. But I also had a chance to see something in another country in terms of recycling and reusing nuclear material.
Ed Pastor
If in the words which the Secretary of State has just used, the use of a nuclear weapon is to be avoided 'at all costs'. what is the point of having one?
Enoch Powell
Sometimes people ask me why I began perestroika. Were the causes basically domestic or foreign? The domestic reasons were undoubtedly the main ones, but the danger of nuclear war was so serious that it was a no less significant factor.
Mikhail Gorbachev
It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil spirit of man.
Albert Einstein
The oil companies regard nuclear power as their rival, who will reduce their profits, so they put out a lot of disinformation about nuclear power.
James Lovelock