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Once Upon A Time Quotes

Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were--Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, and Peter.
Beatrix Potter

Authors on Once Upon A Time Quotes: Laini Taylor Philip Pullman Sergio Leone John D. Barrow Jodi Picoult Kate DiCamillo Terry Pratchett Jonathan Gottschall Gertrude Stein Chris Colfer Marissa Meyer Edward Abbey Patricia A. McKillip Tom Ford Moondog Anita Loos Craig Stone Helen Oyeyemi Elizabeth Scott N.K. Jemisin Terri Windling Herta Muller Diane Setterfield Harry Browne Cameron Dokey Robert R. McCammon Wim Wenders Johnny Mercer James Joyce Edith Widder Jack Zipes Patrick Star Seamus Heaney
Once upon a time," he said out loud to the darkness. He said these words because they were the best, the most powerful words that he knew and just the saying of them comforted him.
Kate DiCamillo

There was no "before" the beginning of our universe, because once upon a time there was no time.
John D. Barrow

Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love. It did not end well.
Laini Taylor

Even in the Future the Story Begins with Once Upon a Time.
Marissa Meyer

Once upon a time there was a lady. She had no children, and no happiness either. And at first she cried for a long time, but then she became wicked.
Mikhail Bulgakov

Never forget that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, you recognized yourself as a friend.
Elizabeth Gilbert

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time. But now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time.

Every photo, every 'ONCE' in time is also the beginning of a story starting 'once upon a time...' Every photo is the first frame of a movie.
Wim Wenders

You see in Once Upon a Time in the West the whole film moves around her [Claudia Cardinale]. If you take her out, there's no more film. She's the central motor of the entire happening.
Sergio Leone

Once upon a time, man had a love affair with fire.
Robert R. McCammon

Once upon a time, something happened, and it was better than something not happening. The end.
Dan Harmon

Maybe a story will cheer you up... Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The End.
Patrick Star

To Grandma: Once upon a time, there was a boy who flew.
Chris Colfer

Once upon a time refugee meant somebody who has a refuge, found a place, a haven where he could find refuge.
Elie Wiesel

Writing is storytelling. No matter how you slice it, you're saying, 'Once upon a time.' That's what writing is all about.
Mary Higgins Clark

Once upon a time, began the story of you.Many perilous, wonderful, harrowing, brilliant, delightful, profound things happened.And yet—the most exciting twists and best turns are yet to come. And it absolutely does not matter how old or young you are.Like a bright carpet of wonders, enjoy the unrolling of your story.
Vera Nazarian

Happily ever after doesn't begin with Once upon a time: it begins with Now.
Stephen Mitchell

Once upon a time people talked about the infallibility of the pope; today it is that of the merchant which they wish to establish.
Charles Fourier

Once upon a time there was a fairy godmother, but the rest of the time there was none. This story is about one of those other times.
Diane Setterfield

Once upon a time when there was no time.
John D. Barrow

Once upon a time, the most successful Democratic leader of them all, FDR, looked south and said I see one third of a nation ill-housed, ill clad, ill nourished. Today our national Democratic leaders look south and say, I see one third of a nation and it can go to hell.
Zell Miller

Had I been brighter, the ladies been gentler, the Scotch been weaker, had the gods been kinder, had the dice been hotter, this could have been a one-sentence story: Once upon a time I lived happily ever after.
Mickey Rooney

Once upon a time they had some bad luck, and they blame everything on that.
Herta Muller

Once upon a time, there was a woman who discovered she had turned into the wrong person.
Anne Tyler

I’m letting God write my love story because once upon a time, I took control of it and it didn’t work well.
Nikki Gil

Once upon a time the world was sweeter than we knew. Everything was ours; how happy we were then, but then once upon a time never comes again.
Johnny Mercer

It was not once upon a time, but a certain time in history, before anyone knew what was happening, that Walt Disney cast a spell on the fairy tale, and he has held it captive ever since.
Jack Zipes

Once upon a time there were three little foxes Who didn't wear stockings, and they didn't wear sockses, But they all had handkerchiefs to blow their noses, And they kept their handkerchiefs in cardboard boxes.
A. A. Milne

McGough: I'm sorry. I'm afraid I've caught poetry. Mr Bones: Oh really? Well, don't worry, sir - I used to suffer from short stories. McGough: Really? When? Mr Bones: Oh, once upon a time...
Graham Chapman

Once upon a time, an angel and a devil held a wishbone between them. And its snap split the world in two.
Laini Taylor

Once upon a time is now.
Emilie Autumn

That was the only decision there was once upon a time: what to do with the night.
Harry Crews

There is no such thing as a happy ending. I never met a single one to equal "Once upon a time.
Stephen King

There were dreams once upon a time, dreams now all but forgotten. On sad days I dust them off and fondle them nostalgically, with a patronizing wonder at the naivete of the youth who dreamed them.
Glen Cook

I've always felt like I was on the margins. Once upon a time that's what independent used to mean.
John Sayles

The trouble is now, with rock'n'roll and stuff, it gets so big that it loses what once upon a time was a magnificent thing, where it was special and quite elusive and occasionally a little sinister and it had its own world nobody could get in.
Robert Plant

Anyone can have a once-upon-a-time or a happily-ever-after, but it's the journey between that makes the story worth telling.
Chris Colfer

What actresses do today when they appear on the screen is what they did once upon a time for getting to appear on the screen.
George Burns

Humans simply aren’t moved to action by 'data dumps,' dense PowerPoint slides, or spreadsheets packed with figures. People are moved by emotion. The best way to emotionally connect other people to our agenda begins with “Once upon a time
Jonathan Gottschall

We are creatures of story, and the process of changing one mind or the whole world must begin with 'Once upon a time.'
Jonathan Gottschall

The difference between a fairy tale and a sea tale? A fairy tale starts with "Once upon a time". A sea tale starts with " This ain't no $hit"!
Edith Widder

Once upon a time the English knew who they were.
Anna Pavlova

Once upon a time . . .” “In the beginning was . . .” That’s the way it always starts off. Every story, gospel, history, chronicle, myth, legend, folktale, or old wives’ tale blues riff begins with “Woke up this mornin’. . . .
Steven Tyler

Once upon a time I owned a watermelon.
Irving Bacheller

At its best, fantasy rewards the reader with a sense of wonder about what lies within the heart of the commonplace world. The greatest tales are told over and over, in many ways, through centuries. Fantasy changes with the changing times, and yet it is still the oldest kind of tale in the world, for it began once upon a time, and we haven't heard the end of it yet.
Patricia A. McKillip

Once upon a time there was an old country, wrapped up in habit and caution. We have to transform our old France into a new country and marry it to its time.
Charles de Gaulle

Once upon a time' lasts forever.
Philip Pullman

When I used Claudia [Cardinale] for example, in Once Upon a Time in the West, she represented the birth of American matriarchy. Because women had enormous weight in America.
Sergio Leone

Once upon a time there was a Once upon a time there was a Once upon a time there was a Stop this. It's undignified.
N.K. Jemisin