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Passing Moments Quotes

As wave is driven by wave And each, pursued, pursues the wave ahead, So time flies on and follows, flies, and follows, Always, for ever and new. What was before Is left behind; what never was is now; And every passing moment is renewed.

Authors on Passing Moments Quotes: Marc Maron Robert Kennedy Haruki Murakami Rumi Pio of Pietrelcina George Gissing Ovid Amanda Harlech Markus Zusak Nathaniel Hawthorne W. Somerset Maugham Julia Cameron Jack Kornfield William Butler Yeats Louis J. Halle
Since eternity means happiness for you, what does it matter if some of these passing moments are unpleasant?
Pio of Pietrelcina

To live fully is to let go and die with each passing moment, and to be reborn in each new one.
Jack Kornfield

Goethe tells us in his greatest poem that Faust lost the liberty of his soul when he said to the passing moment, 'Stay, thou art so fair.
Robert Kennedy

To snatch the passing moment and examine it for signs of eternity is the noblest of occupations.
Louis J. Halle

With each passing moment I'm becoming part of the past. There is no future for me, just the past steadily accumulating.
Haruki Murakami

Florence Farr once said to me,
If we could say to ourselves,
with sincerity,
'this passing moment is as good as any I shall ever know,' we could die upon the instant and be united with God.
William Butler Yeats

People observe the colors of a day only at its beginnings and ends, but to me it's quite clear that a day merges through a multitude of shades and intonations with each passing moment. A single hour can consist of thousands of different colors. Waxy yellows, cloud-spot blues. Murky darkness. In my line of work, I make it a point to notice them.
Markus Zusak

The passing moment is all we can be sure of; it is only common sense to extract its utmost value from it.
W. Somerset Maugham

With each passing moment, a Soul sets off to find Itself.

A sketch book freezes time. It is an instantaneous form of meditation focusing us on the worth of every passing moment.
Julia Cameron

We have to keep an eye on the future with a sense of the past in every passing moment of the present.
Amanda Harlech

I'm weird; I have a very strange emotional memory. I really somehow hold on to even passing moments with people.
Marc Maron

I have the happiness of a passing moment, and what more can mortal ask?
George Gissing

Nothing gives a sadder sense of decay than this loss or suspension of the power to deal with unaccustomed things, and to keep up with the swiftness of the passing moment. [Speaking of self-posed isolation in old age.]
Nathaniel Hawthorne