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Perfectionist Quotes

Nancy Reagan was a perfectionist, and I am not.
Barbara Bush

Authors on Perfectionist Quotes: Martha Stewart Patti LaBelle George Michael Roksanda Ilincic Brad Dourif Katherine Jenkins Tom Ford Al Franken Michael Jackson Garry Shandling Weegee Emily Giffin Pawel Pawlikowski Noma Bar Sue Bird Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu Jacqueline Bisset Truman Capote Charlie Trotter Lionel Shriver Oscar Wilde Taissa Farmiga Emma Watson Peter Biskind Jenna Bush Roseanne Barr Anna Wintour Heather Small Siedah Garrett Cristiano Ronaldo Mary Ellen Mark Mara Wilson Tammin Sursok
Perfectionist? Thats not something I am.
Mac DeMarco

When it comes to my art work I would say that I am a perfectionist, although my sketchbook, and my process, is a mess.
Noma Bar

I'm not a perfectionist, but I like to feel that things are done well
Cristiano Ronaldo

I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but you have to know you're going to make mistakes. It's how you respond to those mistakes that counts.
Sue Bird

Perfectionists are their own devils.
Jack Kirby

I'm somewhat of a perfectionist, I think, and I strive for perfection.
Sam Claflin

Don't be a perfectionist... leave that to the classical musicians.
Dave Brubeck

But what's so great about being a perfectionist?... You do all this work, and then the stuff you've made just pisses you off.
Lionel Shriver

It is through art, and through art only, that we can realise our perfection.
Oscar Wilde

It's a bit of a headache being a perfectionist. You're never satisfied.
Cherie Lunghi

Ah suppose man, ah'm too much ay a perfectionist, ken? It's likesay, if things go a bit dodgy, ah jist cannae be bothered, y'know.
Irvine Welsh

I'm a perfectionist, so my bossiness definitely comes out.
Emma Watson

I’m very driven by what I do. I am certainly very competitive. I like people who represent the best at what they do. If that turns you into a perfectionist then maybe I am.
Anna Wintour

Procrastination is a sign of a perfectionist.
Patrick J. Kennedy

If you are interested in photography because you love it and are obsessed with it, you must be self-motivated, a perfectionist, and relentless.
Mary Ellen Mark

A perfectionist is someone who finishes the backside of a drawer, which I consider completely unnecessary.
Helmut Krone

Really, I'm a neurotic perfectionist. Every single word in the script is the one that I want.
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

A perfectionist has to take his time.
Michael Jackson

Being a perfectionist is not an evil thing.
Martha Stewart

I am a perfectionist. When I take a picture...it's gotta be good.

I'm a perfectionist. I'm not going to cheat the people.
Dick Dale

I'm not a perfectionist but I'm definitely, or well, I like discipline. I'm obedient. I'm not a perfectionist.
Natalie Portman

I'm a perfectionist. It's a big pain in the ass and it takes a lot of my time, but it really is going well and I have to do my own things.
George Michael

I never considered Miles Davis a perfectionist; I always considered him as an excellence-ist, where deviation is actually kind of cool.
Charlie Trotter

I'm a perfectionist. I need to be needed. I need to do things for a man. But I don't need to do them as much, these days.
Jacqueline Bisset

I'm my own worst critic and I think everyone in the band is a perfectionist.
Adam Jones

And I deal with all that by being like a perfectionist. But that's okay.
Jennifer Lopez

A diva is someone who is a perfectionist, who does her best in her craft.
Patti LaBelle

I am they type of person that once I make a decision, I must execute. Maybe I am a perfectionist in this way.
Brad Dourif

I am a perfectionist.
Katherine Jenkins

I am pretty tenacious as a perfectionist in terms of getting something right.
Garry Shandling

I'm a pretty chaotic person, but I'm also a perfectionist. It's a very unfortunate mix.
Pawel Pawlikowski

I'm not the perfectionist anymore. It's my staff. They're the ones always insisting on doing something better and better.
Walt Disney

I am not very good at reflecting. I am a complete perfectionist and always thinking to the next thing!
Roksanda Ilincic

The more you know about something, the harder it becomes. You become more and more of a perfectionist. I think it's a curse... It's a form of illness!
Truman Capote

I'm a perfectionist. I'm very critical, especially artistically.
Vin Diesel

I'm a perfectionist, so it's hard for me to just accept that that I can't keep working until it's perfected. But I'm learning, I'm growing as a human in that way.
Taissa Farmiga

'Perfectionist' is the scariest word on a studio lot.
Peter Biskind

Anyone with a show on T.V. will tell you it's backbreaking work. And if you have a big personality, which I have, and you're a perfectionist, there's going to be head-butting.
Roseanne Barr

I'm a perfectionist - I could rewrite forever.
Jenna Bush

Michael Jackson was a constant perfectionist. He loved watching other people do what they did best and then taking that and adding his own little twist to it. He loved to pull the best from the best and make it his own.
Siedah Garrett

Not to be such a perfectionist, it makes life hard. I'd like to be more relaxed about everything.
Heather Small

A lot of actors are perfectionists, besides merely being egotists.
Eric Mabius

I'm a perfectionist about being on time.
Tammin Sursok

My grades in high school were not very good. I was that kind of perfectionist that figured if you can't do it perfectly, why do it at all?
Mara Wilson

I'm not a perfectionist. I'm just very observant.
Chris Van Allsburg

It is easy to be a moral perfectionist when one is politically unaccountable.
Robert D. Kaplan

If you have things and if you are a perfectionist, which I am, you have to really tend to them, and it takes energy away from other things.
Nicolas Berggruen

I had to have the record literally taken away from me. I am such a perfectionist.
Zachary Cole Smith