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Pissed Off Quotes

You can be angry and pissed off at the coach and put your head down and pout. Or you can rise above it, respect the decision, but also know that you're going to go and work that much harder and prove everybody wrong. And that's the road that I chose.
Carli Lloyd

Authors on Pissed Off Quotes: Tom Peters Howard Stern Tori Amos Marian Keyes Shawn Michaels Cecily McMillan Ilona Andrews Rachel Caine Adele MaryJanice Davidson Stephen Fry Bob Hope Emma Roberts Jennifer Rardin Marilyn Manson Richard Matheson Charlaine Harris P. C. Cast Kasey Chambers Tara Reid Danny DeVito Michelle Sagara Mac DeMarco Andre Vltchek Eric Bogosian Joe Namath Gustav Ejstes Sherrilyn Kenyon Christopher Titus Patrick Ness Harold Ramis Deb Caletti Zach Braff
It's better to be pissed off than pissed on.
Shawn Michaels

The good news is that Jesus is coming back. The bad news is that he's really pissed off.
Bob Hope

When we get out of this, I'm gonna shove my fist right into your ass, hard and fast Not in the sexual way! In the 'I am pissed off' sort of way.
Danny DeVito

Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it.
Edward Furlong

I am pissed off at your insensitive inability to understand why I'm pissed off in the first place.
Ai Yazawa

We are young, beautiful scum pissed off with the world.
Richey Edwards

To win, you have to lose, and then get pissed off.
Joe Namath

So anybody with any bit of intelligence has got to be pissed off because if they see how things are in the world they're not going to be happy with it.
Marilyn Manson

I was pissed off about a lot of things...so much shitty rock ’n’ roll that angered me, and Pussy Galore was kicking against that. With the Blues Explosion, there was some of that, but now I was into celebrating it.
Jon Spencer

I told the students [at Yale] we were going to talk about love - I meant love in the sense of devotions to one's work - and about half the students got really pissed off.
Kiki Smith

I am completely pissed off that I'm circumcised.
Howard Stern

Whenever you're pissed off, just remember that it's better than being pissed on.
Christopher Titus

It's my duty as a human being to be pissed off.
Eric Bogosian

You don't have to justify everything. Being pissed off is just absolutely okay.
Tori Amos

I am circumcised, and I tell you something, I despise it. I despise it. I despise it... I am completely pissed off that I'm circumcised.
Howard Stern

For your information, I am NOT overreacting. I'm REACTING. That's different. It's important to react when you're pissed off.
Cherie Currie

It seems a stray bullet actually pierced the testicle of a Union soldier and lodged itself in the ovaries of a woman standing approximately 100 ft. away. She's alright, the baby's doing fine...ofcourse the soldier's a little pissed off.
Tom Waits

None of the bravado he usually showed was there. I guess there was "usually" and then there was being held in the grip of a really ripped, really tall, and really pissed off Russian guy.
Richelle Mead

I am the president of the sorority and I'm sure there are plenty of people I've pissed off enough to go on a killing spree.
Emma Roberts

I was never happy, I was just less pissed off.

If no one is pissed-off with you then you are dead but just haven't figured it out yet.
Tom Peters

...and I have this stupid little thought that Aaron didn't survive the croc attack after all, that he died but he's so pissed off at me that dying didn't stop him from coming here to kill me anyway.
Patrick Ness

He runs like a camel. A really pissed off camel.
Art Donovan

You don't get depressed because bad things happen to you. That's getting pissed off and annoyed. That's reasonable. Someone hits you in the face you go ow, you know that's... but depression is something that happens like weather to you inside you.
Stephen Fry

Sometimes I'll listen to a lyric and I'll be so pissed off that I didn't write it.
King Krule

Men don't know much about women. We do know when they're happy. We know when they're crying, and we know when they're pissed off. We just don't know in what order these are gonna come at us.
Evan Davis

If you're not pissed off with the World, you're just not paying attention.
Kasey Chambers

Over Kyle's shoulder she could see grandpa, looking like a cross between a grizzly bear and a giant pissed-off blowfish.
P. C. Cast

Only pissed-off people change the world.
Tom Peters

I'm into politics - I'm interested in the election and how pissed off people get.
Pauly Shore

I realized that my righteous indignation was a form of entertainment for me. I loved getting pissed off at injustice. I didn't do anything about it, I just liked the feeling of being pissed off.
Harold Ramis

You just don't want a vampire pissed off at you.
Charlaine Harris

I'm not hurt. I'm pissed off and sexually frustrated.
J.R. Ward

Each book needs a good beginning and a good ending. People get pissed off when you don't close things off properly at the end.
Patrick Rothfuss

I can get pissed off very easily.
Richard Matheson

At a wedding last week, my wife said: 'Isn't the bride beautiful ?' When I responded by saying, 'Yeah, but her blowjobs aren't half as good as yours', she got all pissed off. Women - they can't take a compliment!
David Henry

There wasn't a colloquial phrase, or curse, that went something like, "May your day be full of angry dragons" or, "May every dragon you meet today be pissed off." But, there should have been.
Michelle Sagara

What gets me pretty pissed off is the whole Monsanto engineered foods issue.
Alex Ebert

I'm getting paid to tour and travel and I don't have to work a shitty job. And it's weird because you like start getting pissed off about that.
Mac DeMarco

Hell, I'd even failed with women. Three wives. Nothing really wrong each time. It all got destroyed by petty bickering. Railing about nothing. Getting pissed-off over anything and everything. Day by day, year by year, grinding. Instead of helping each other you just sliced away, picked at this or that. Goading. Endless goading. It became a cheap contest. And once you got into it, it became habitual. You couldn't seem to get out. You almost didn't want to get out. And then you did get out. All the way.
Charles Bukowski

I have you – a god of mixed heritage – on an expedition that could unleash the Destroyer from her hole. Arikos, another god, on the same team who is masquerading as a human. The demigod Solin, who I have to ride herd on constantly anyway, who gave them their permits. Megeara, a human who is sensitive and subjective to the voices of the gods. And the pissed-off goddess, Apollymi, who will do anything to be free, and once free wouldn’t hesitate to destroy every one of us. I can’t imagine why I’m concerned over this, can you? (ZT)
Sherrilyn Kenyon

When I did the vocals, I always became so angry and pissed off.
Gustav Ejstes

I don't get why arabs are so pissed off at us. I mean they have enough oil for all of them to drive a hummer at what, maybe 1.50 a gallon?
Zach Braff

If I missed out on some really big action, I’m going to be royally pissed off!
Becca Fitzpatrick

We've created a theology in the West of a God who is fundamentally self-centered. The imagery of God as distant, unapproachable, unreachable -- that's not a God who is relational. It is a God that gets to declare or judge when he gets pissed off. But there is no basis for love and relationships if God is a fundamentally self-centered being.
William P. Young

I'm a barrel of monkeys, kid, though mostly I figure monkeys stuck in a barrel are just going to be pissed off.
Nora Roberts

It's important that you all agree on what the parameters are and what you can accomplish - and not get pissed off or beat yourself up for what you can't accomplish.
Bette Midler

Maybe that's what love is, I thought: it's being pissed off.
Margaret Atwood

I can be all pissed off at the oppression of the state, but what does that really mean? Well, it's the tacit consent of a public.
Cecily McMillan