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Placid Quotes

The more simply we look at ticklish questions, the more placid will be our lives and relationships.
Anton Chekhov

Authors on Placid Quotes: Anton Chekhov Mason Cooley Howard Hodgkin Patti Page Phyllis Diller David Levithan
A lot of people... are afraid of pictures which have visible emotions in them. They feel calmer in front of pictures which are placid.
Howard Hodgkin

Tolerance is a placid contempt.
Mason Cooley

My music was called plastic, antiseptic, placid.
Patti Page

Absolutely nothing was happening in my marriage. I nicknamed my waterbed, Lake Placid!
Phyllis Diller

placid, adj. Sometimes I love it when we just lie on our backs, gaze off, stay still.
David Levithan