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Pow Quotes

One of these days... One of these days... Pow! Right in the kisser!
Jackie Gleason

One of these days... One of these days... Bam! Right in the chops!
Authors on Pow Quotes: Robert Burns Jackie Gleason Gideon Raff Fred Thompson John Dryden William Shakespeare John J. Legere
The PoWs went through something so horrible, you don't know who's coming back.
Gideon Raff

It's hardly in a body's pow'r,To keep, at times, frae being sour.
Robert Burns

Being a POW certainly doesn't qualify anyone to be president.
Fred Thompson

Not Heav'n itself upon the past has pow'r; But what has been, has been, and I have had my hour.
John Dryden

The pow'r that I have on you is to spare you; The malice towards you to forgive you.
William Shakespeare

When I finished my last job, at Global Crossing, it was the first time in God knows how many years that I wasn't in a job. It was probably 32 years or so, and there I was, it was like pow!
John J. Legere