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Preference Quotes

That a majority of the Abolitionists in this place would patronize a free labor store, in preference to others, I do not doubt; but we do not muster money in Cincinnati.
Gamaliel Bailey

Authors on Preference Quotes: Thomas Jefferson Barack Obama Moliere Lance Loud Sengcan Alberto Manguel Carl Sagan Henry A. Kissinger Ronnie Dunn Tim Wu Bill Shorten Miuccia Prada Havoc Pennington Virginia E. Johnson David Mamet Johann Gottfried Seume Hans H Wellisch Willem Dafoe Daniel Day-Lewis Henry James Susan Orlean Albert Ellis Pauline Kael Nicki Minaj Toby Keith Terry Pratchett Demi Moore John B. S. Haldane Fran Lebowitz Wyndham Lewis Daniel Radcliffe Mark Nepo Rose Tremain
The best of men choose one thing in preference to all else, immortal glory in preference to mortal good; whereas the masses simply glut themselves like cattle.

When people change their irrational beliefs to undogmatic flexible preferences, they become less disturbed.
Albert Ellis

I would say there is no Prada woman. I'm interested in women in general. I don't have any kind of preference.
Miuccia Prada

Your being is real and it gets to have everything. It gets to have your preferences, your person, and all of your plans.
John de Ruiter

I have always tried to perform the music I love, and I think I am lucky because my preferences are often the ones of the public.
Andrea Bocelli

That some Forms of Government are preferable to others, cannot be doubted; yet neither our Saviour, nor his Apostles have decided where that Preference is due.
Charles Inglis

Gentlemen prefer bonds.
Andrew Mellon

To recognize that nature has neither a preference for our species nor a bias against it takes only a little courage.
James Randi

Every library is a library of preferences, and every chosen category implies an exclusion.
Alberto Manguel

We have to be careful not to elevate our preferences to moral standards and judge others by them. We only do so to feel superior.
Timothy Keller

My preference is that, that day when someone sticks a tripod in front of you with a camera on the top, it is not day one.
Daniel Day-Lewis

I'll say American for now. I really have no preference, though. Nationality is nothing. It's all about the girl - but she has to be curvy!
Daniel Radcliffe

The great way is not difficult if you don't cling to good or bad. Just let go of your preferences; and everything will become perfectly clear.

The Creator, if He exists, has a special preference for beetles.
John B. S. Haldane

A true gentleman doesn’t prefer blondes. A true gentleman doesn’t have any preferences whatsoever.
Matt LeBlanc

I prefer to be remembered for what I have done for others, not what others have done for me.
Thomas Jefferson

Luck, if there is such a thing, is either going to favor everyone equally or going to exhibit a preference for the prepared.
David Mamet

I don't have a preference between theatre and film; I like to do both. But I will say that there's something about theatre that is more nourishing and sustaining than film ever can be.
Willem Dafoe

I, unfortunately, take the subway a lot. It's not my preference, but it is my lot in life.
Fran Lebowitz

Proclaiming a sexual preference is something that straight men never really have to bother with.
Lance Loud

My reasons for declaring a sexual preference had to do less with the pursuit of personal freedom than with the lust for pure shock value.
Lance Loud

Esteem must be founded on preference: to hold everyone in high esteem is to esteem nothing.

We learn our sexual preferences and orientations.
Virginia E. Johnson

What we prefer to read is sort of like sexual preference, you like what you like. Most of the time you have no clue why.
Laurell K. Hamilton

With no fact as a referent, what is normative is purely a matter of preference.
Ravi Zacharias

Prejudices and preferences exist and will continue to. When you learn how to market yourself, you become less of a victim.
Lavrenti Lopes

I would certainly never suggest that any lesbian should be ashamed of her sexual preference.
Ed McBain

I usually go for the ethnic ladies. That's kinda my preference, but I don't discriminate.
Mark Salling

I'm an American before any party preference.
Lynn Anderson

I never say I have a preference for one medium as opposed to another.
Christine Baranski

I don't care anything about reasons, but I know what I like.
Henry James

My preference is that employees pay their union dues, but what I also get is that I'd rather someone be in the union than not in the union.
Bill Shorten

The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences.

Esteem must be founded on some sort of preference. Bestow it on everybody and it ceases to have any meaning at all.

They [human beings] are unwilling to gamble that God made those people who are skilled at rational argumentation uniquely virtuous. They protect themselves and others from cleverness by obscuring their preferences.
James G. March

There are as many preferences as there are men.

When you put your preferences on the altar of your life and say: THIS. THIS is what compels me. The real you emerges.
Danielle LaPorte

My only preference is to have a lot of variety and diversity in the material that I work on.
Tony Shalhoub

People should always have something which they prefer to life.
Johann Gottfried Seume

Coolidge's preference for experience over ideas was a deeply rooted trait.
David Greenberg

Listen to the criticisms and preferences of your trusted "first readers".
Rose Tremain

In daily terms, the work of listening is to be constantly worn free of our preconceptions and preferences so that nothing stands in the way of our direct experience of life.
Mark Nepo

I miss everything that makes up Panama. I don't have a preference. I love my country.
Mariano Rivera

I am a Christian in the only sense in which He wished anyone to be: sincerely attached to His doctrines in preference to all others.
Thomas Jefferson

The power of declaring war being with the Legislature, the Executive should do nothing necessarily committing them to decide for war in preference of non-intercourse, which will be preferred by a great many.
Thomas Jefferson

I express preference for a chronological sequence of events which precludes a violence.
Terry Pratchett

Art is the expression of an enormous preference.
Wyndham Lewis

I have a preference for film just because of the familiarity. It's what I know, and I sort of have nostalgia for it.
Vince Vaughn

Nature does not always conform to our predispositions and preferences, to what we deem comfortable and easy to understand.
Carl Sagan