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Prince Ea Quotes

Call me crazy but I imagine a world where we smile when we have low batteries, because that will mean we’re one bar closer to humanity.
Prince Ea

I'm an idealist, but I envision a world where we cheer when our batteries are running low, because that signifies we're one step nearer to unity.
It is up to us to take care of this planet, it is our only home. To betray nature is to betray us. To save nature is to save us. Because whatever you're fighting for, racism or poverty. Feminism, gay rights or any type of equality. It won't matter in the least. Because if we don't all work together to save the environment, we will be equally extinct.
Prince Ea

Before the TRUTH can set you free,you must first recognize which LIES are holding you hostage.
Prince Ea

Before the REALITY can liberate you, you must first acknowledge what DECEPTIONS are restraining you.
Life is all about moments. No one in history has ever been able to hold on to one.
Prince Ea

Life is a series of snapshots; no one has ever been able to freeze time.
We are not apart from nature, we are a part of nature. And to betray nature is to betray us. To save nature is to save us.
Prince Ea

'We are intrinsically interconnected with the natural world, and to disregard nature is to neglect ourselves. To safeguard nature is to secure our own future.'
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Why do we have to die to got to heaven? The earth is already in space.
Prince Ea

'Why do we have to perish to arrive in paradise? Our planet is already situated in the cosmos.'
Our role models today 60 years ago would have been examples of what not to be
Prince Ea

'The people we look up to today would have been considered unideal models 60 years ago.'
Love is the most powerful weapon on the face of the earth.
Prince Ea

Adoration is the most potent force on the planet.
Quote Topics by Prince Ea: Earth Save Nature Hostage Lying Absence Moments Doe Gay Example Home Space Mean Love Is Betray Firsts Able Evidence Life Is Role Models Heart Years Humanity Heaven Crazy Powerful
Since when does absence of evidence equate to evidence of absence?
Prince Ea

When has lack of proof been interpreted as evidence that something does not exist?