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Promotion Quotes

Putting out a newspaper without promotion is like winking at a girl in the dark -- well-intentioned, but ineffective.
William Randolph Hearst

Authors on Promotion Quotes: Teresa Nielsen Hayden Kieran Flanagan Robert Silverberg Alfred Nobel Pranab Mukherjee Jess Walter James Taylor Sallie Krawcheck Chris Alexander Matthew Henry Pascal Couchepin Ice Cube William Randolph Hearst Duncan Jones Josh Becker Susan Ward Allen C. Guelzo Damon Thomas Jessica Chastain Chrissie Hynde Hoodie Allen Pat Riley Mark Victor Hansen Felix Buxton Will Rogers Akio Morita Joyce Meyer Roy Barnes Alfonso Herrera Enya Jimi Hendrix Scott Adams Craig Ferguson
Being ready isn't enough; you have to be prepared for a promotion or any other significant change.
Pat Riley

I intend to leave after my death a large fund for the promotion of the peace idea, but I am skeptical as to its results.
Alfred Nobel

The manufacturer who finds himself up the creek is the short-sighted opportunist who siphons off all his advertising dollars for short-term promotions.
David Ogilvy

American power should be used not just in the defense of American interests but for the promotion of American principles.
William Kristol

Much of the demand for women in combat comes from female officers who are eager for medals and promotions.
Phyllis Schlafly

Each individual Christian and every community is called to be an instrument of God for the liberation and promotion of the poor.
Pope Francis

Whatever you gain through self promotion you'll have to sustain through self promotion. When our promotion comes from God, He sustains it.
Bill Johnson

Advertising and promotion alone will not sustain a bad product or a product that is not right for the times.
Akio Morita

Ninety percent of the success of any product or service is its promotion and marketing.
Mark Victor Hansen

A powerful attraction exists, therefore, to the promotion of a study and of duties of all others engrossing the time most completely, and which is less benefited than most others by any acquaintance with science.
Charles Babbage

Sometimes God allows us to be tested because He's preparing us for promotion.
Joyce Meyer

The invention of the concept of sustainable human development and that of so-called human security, as opposed to territorial security of nation- states, and its promotion by the UN is in clear contradiction to all that we, the Group of 77, and the UN Charter itself consider inalienable, namely national sovereignty and security.
Pranab Mukherjee

Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it.
Josh Becker

Sanctified afflictions are spiritual promotions.
Matthew Henry

Without promotion, something terrible happens... nothing!
P. T. Barnum

The only risk of failure is promotion.
Scott Adams

Upon the creatures we have made, we are, ourselves, at last, dependent.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Writers say many true things about their own experiences with publicity and promotion.
Teresa Nielsen Hayden

If every call to Christ and His righteousness is a call to suffering, the converse is equally - every call to suffering is a call to Christ, a promotion, an invitation to come up higher.
Charles Bent

Quite simply, promotions are not just functions of ability, values, or the numbers you hit, but also rest critically on how you are perceived.
Sylvia Ann Hewlett

If you will keep being your best right where you are, you will come into more favor, promotion and opportunity than you ever imagined.
Joel Osteen

My temperament is not inclined toward more self-promotion than is absolutely necessary for my professional well-being.
Robert Silverberg

I do promotion when it is necessary, but I always want to get back to the music.

I don't know how much of a natural human I am. Y'know, the truth is, I never set out to do that, and I don't think of myself like that. I don't think like that. It's not really about promotion - I don't really understand the idea of promotion, talking to a camera for more money. That's just money. And I like money, don't get me wrong. I don't know. I don't get it. I don't understand it as much as you don't understand me, I think.
Craig Ferguson

I think as far as self-promotion goes, I probably have a lot to learn.
Chris Isaak

The structure of my life has changed a little. But we no longer have the time that we had, to be with family. Sometimes you can't even spend any time with friends because you are working so hard. You're either on tour or on promotion or suddenly we're taping the soap opera.
Alfonso Herrera

The irony of good customer service is that over time it will bring in more new customers than promotions and price slashing ever did!
Susan Ward

There was a time when self-promotion was considered so verboten, especially for authors.
Jess Walter

As soon as you start making a record, things start getting lined up: the promotion, possibly even a tour.
Phil Collins

Sometimes writers say true things about the overall nature of publicity, promotion, and the publishing industry; but alas, not always.
Teresa Nielsen Hayden

Many artists who sign deals in the US and UK get the benefit of worldwide promotion and have a better shot at breaking globally.
Wendy Starland

It's a hard slog doing promotion, but its nothing compared to working in a factory packing meat pies or whatever.
Felix Buxton

There is no end to the promotion. There is no end to the possibilities. You can continue to promote a book for years, literally.
Dani Shapiro

I still make music. I still write music and I record music, I just don't trust music promotion [and] distribution right now enough to record a new set of diligently worked-upon compositions. I do trust the audience and the audiences very much.
Will Oldham

The time has come to end social promotion in our schools.
Roy Barnes

We need to reevaluate that women who ask for a pay raise or ask for a promotion - it's actually an okay thing.
Jessica Chastain

With all the traveling and promotion I've been doing for 'Murderball,' its been difficult keeping up with my rugby training.
Mark Zupan

I do all of marketing and promotion - it's the most exhaustive and rewarding part of the process and I wouldn't trade it for anything. The artist should be the person representing their brand because theyre the best person to do so.
Hoodie Allen

I used to be called the "Green Jack Kemp" because of my promotion of entrepreneurial and work-based solutions for poor people.
Van Jones

You can't help someone unless she wants to help herself. You can give her a nudge, but if she doesn't want to help herself, no one is going to be able to force her to do anything. I like that "attraction rather than promotion" approach.

There's another weight of us being in the public eye, which is this presumption that, because your work and your promotion work is very public, your private life should be, too.
Benedict Cumberbatch

The studios are making fewer films. They are making more expensive films. Profits are tougher to come by. Not only because of the expense of production. But also because of the expense of promotion and hype. To boil that all down, it's more about hype than it is about filmmaking.
William Friedkin

Promotion with my name only, that's all I have to do with it.
Jimi Hendrix

In other words, if you - the cost of promoting movies, the advertising and promotion of a movie, the budget is almost as large as the cost of the movie.
Richard Attenborough

To be truly effective at content marketing, we need to excel at promotion.
Kieran Flanagan

Protein during promotion trumps the carcinogen, regardless of initial exposure.
T. Colin Campbell

The vogue of the New Negro . . . had all of the character of a public relations promotion. The Negro had to be "sold" to the public in terms they could understand.
Nathan Huggins

Often the grind of book promotion wearies you of your own book - though at the same time this frees you from its clutches.
Julian Barnes

You can always tell when something is good, because the studio senses it has something good, and you can see them pour more and more resources into it. The promotion gets bigger and bigger.
Cheech Marin