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Reggie Watts Quotes

Reggie Watts Quotes
Now with the allocation and the understanding of the lack of understanding, we enter into a new era of science in which we feel nothing more than so much so as to say that those within themselves, comporary or non-comporary, will figuratively figure into the folding of our non-understanding and our partial understanding to the networks of which we all draw our source and conclusions from.
Reggie Watts

We're all just memories of our future selves.
Reggie Watts

Feel not as though it is a sphere we live on. Rather, an infinite plane which has the illusion of leading yourself back to the point of origin.
Reggie Watts

I guess, in a way, I grew up mixed race: half white, half black. That question's always been on my mind: 'What are you? Are you this or that? Are you a white dude or are you a black dude?' In a strange way, music and comedy is kind of the same thing. I'm both.They're just different modes of expression.
Reggie Watts

If you pay attention to the world, it’s an amazing place. If you don’t, it’s whatever you think it is.
Reggie Watts

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I wear the same pants, same shirt and same shoes every day. I learned it from the greats, like Einstein. It's a uniform essentially.
Reggie Watts

Religion can only dream to do what science and art does every day.
Reggie Watts

Just remember, everything you are is.
Reggie Watts

Quote Topics by Reggie Watts: Thinking Art People Ideas Talking Groups Creativity Decision Years Creating Piano Self School World Technology Important Memories Listening Pain Machines Littles Stupid Acting Song Reflection Cutting Sincere Fun Fascination Understanding
Performers always come back from the Edinburgh festival with adventure stories. Watts told a few: meeting a young kilt maker who spent a year in a madhouse after eating too much LSD, and accompanying Seattle actor and musician Michael McQuilken (of Collaborator Productions) to the hospital after a Frisbee accident. He reached up to catch it and cut his hand on a sign, .. He had to get a few stitches, but I think he can still play.
Reggie Watts

When in doubt, zoom out.
Reggie Watts

It's creating things that make enough money to create resources to generate new technologies to have those technologies to generate more resources so I can make more things happen.
Reggie Watts

Whatever encourages people to become more interested in who they are and discovering who they are, as opposed to just accepting what people or things are saying what they are. That's fascinating to me.
Reggie Watts

The things that are reflected back at us, often times, are appealing to a base instinct that's about response as opposed to reflection. So for me, it's important to turn on a piece of information that might interest people, you know, that might interest them in pursuing or researching maybe, or even just thinking about it in that moment as I'm performing it.
Reggie Watts

Common knowledge, but important nonetheless
Reggie Watts

The biggest fear that I have is settling into too many set behavior patterns, where I feel like I'm no longer exploring possibilities anymore.
Reggie Watts

I like that feeling of discombobulation that comes in creating an absurd world that doesn't make sense.
Reggie Watts

In the absence of truth there is confusion, the essence of truth.
Reggie Watts

Technology is a wonderful tool, but also if used incorrectly a horrible tool. We're fascinated by all aspects of it, whatever makes our human lives easier on the planet, but eventually there will have to be some sort of merger. The fascination isn't going to die down.
Reggie Watts

Religions are the training wheels of self enlightenment. They can be helpful in the beginning but at some point they must be let go.
Reggie Watts

I think the end goal, hopefully, is to take advantage of the attention Ive gotten along the way and use it for good and build some communities, and as I get older I can continue to do things and be surrounded by things that are inspirational to me.
Reggie Watts

It's hard to move on when you can see too many good possibilities or any kind of possibility really. That's something that always kind of slows me down and can be a bad place to be in.
Reggie Watts

Not necessarily in the beginning, thinking I would have a career in comedy, but I was always interested in making people laugh.
Reggie Watts

I consider myself something of a self-taught anthropologist.
Reggie Watts

The most important thing is to keep creating and following my inklings as they come into being and acting on them.
Reggie Watts

Being faced with too many options. I mean, it makes me feel as though I'm overwhelmed by too many possibilities; that can be a very vulnerable feeling because it's hard to make a decision.
Reggie Watts

If it's physical pain, you just deal with it the best way you can. But if it's more emotional, I don't know. I just try my best to feel it, take it in, and just allow myself to go through whatever may actually come from it. And then a certain amount of it, you can use to transform it through art, which is the healthy way of dealing with it, as well.
Reggie Watts

In general, I'm in support of promoting art and science in public schools. I think music and science are probably the most important factors for the human brain developing. Even more so than any other fields, because music covers mathematics, cognitive reasoning, motor skills, coordination, like, it's kind of everything.
Reggie Watts

I was in punk rock bands, heavy metal bands, world music bands, jazz groups, any type of music that would take me. I just love music.
Reggie Watts

I've always wanted to do a Shakespearean soliloquy, or a fake Shakespearean soliloquy, and now I'm doing that more often in shows. Things I've always wanted to do starting to happen.
Reggie Watts

I had a job at a movie theater for like a year and a half and then a job at a health food store for like two years. Those were the only two jobs I ever had.
Reggie Watts

What I'm doing on stage now is just the tip of the iceberg.
Reggie Watts

I try not to talk about something unless it's something I love. But if it's something that really annoys me, I fixate on it, learn something about it and then, when I'm onstage, it comes out.
Reggie Watts

I don't have a 10-octave range. No human being has a 10-octave range.
Reggie Watts

I love the whole futuristic landscape of dark, rainy neon, the mix of Eastern and Western cultures and the beautiful shots of the flying cars.
Reggie Watts

I'm always trying to see things from different peoples' perspectives, to understand why they love something.
Reggie Watts

There are three different modes: playing piano, just me at the microphone, and me at my effects units. And I can mix those up in different ways.
Reggie Watts

I like to ride the line between absurd and sincere.
Reggie Watts

Everyone speaks stupid.
Reggie Watts

My mom was a pretty hard worker. She worked her ass off, but I'd say we were middle class. I had a car in high school, so I loved the idea that I could mimic this lifestyle.
Reggie Watts

I always did music, but music is an easier thing for me. Making videos and doing comedy things was more of a challenge, so I was more interested in that. Music is a little bit more automatic.
Reggie Watts

Im pretty lazy when it comes to creativity. I just want it to be easy and fun.
Reggie Watts

When I'm performing, I hope my research and my experience with those things I'm talking about rings true.
Reggie Watts

If I can learn a couple of phrases in Italian but do mostly weird, absurd music things, people will like it.
Reggie Watts

I want to be able to make a movie.
Reggie Watts

As a child I was very into gadgets and machines and robots.
Reggie Watts

An improv artist's best instrument is their ability keep their antennae clean so they're able to receive what I call the connection to creativity. It's the thing that you see in any amazing moment that any human being is performing. Whether it's watching Michael Jordan navigating through all these attackers and then suddenly rising up and putting the ball in the most amazing way, or watching an actor on stage playing Shakespeare, but not thinking about the actor anymore or the stage or you or the chair, any of these kinds of moments of transcendence.
Reggie Watts

When you're improvising, you're relying on this connection to creativity.
Reggie Watts

I would always write lyrics and songs on the piano.
Reggie Watts

I always composed music as a little kid.
Reggie Watts

I usually just say I'm a stand-up comedian, but I use looping machines to create ideas with my voice.
Reggie Watts