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Representation Quotes

In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation.
Guy Debord

Authors on Representation Quotes: Amy Sillman Guy Debord Sigfried Giedion Judd Gregg Billy Corgan James Mangold David Hockney Stevie Jackson Martha Rosler Jeff Hawkins Catherine Opie Harry Lennix Mason Cooley Arthur Schopenhauer John Congleton Claude Simon Margaret Chapman Dale Jamieson Medard Boss Vanessa Hudgens John Green Craig Owens Gerhard Richter Agnes Martin Shawn Amos Joseph Chilton Pearce Bertolt Brecht Douglas Crimp
Reality changes; in order to represent it, modes of representation must change.
Bertolt Brecht

All that once was directly lived has become mere representation.
Guy Debord

Abstraction returned as soon as artists tried to come to closer grips with reality than naturalistic representation permitted.
Sigfried Giedion

Anything can be painted without representation.
Agnes Martin

Photography [can] be seen as a system of representation that you bring to bear on other systems.
Martha Rosler

There is no such thing as a 'real' representation of 'reality.' Except, perhaps, in algebraic formulae.
Claude Simon

When I make a representation of something, this, too, is an analogy to what exists; I make an effort to get a grip on the thing by depicting it.
Gerhard Richter

Representation, then, is not - nor can it be - neutral; it is an act - indeed the founding act - of power in our culture.
Craig Owens

The key to artificial intelligence has always been the representation.
Jeff Hawkins

When we visualize something, we establish a relationship to the thing itself, not to some mere subjective representation of it inside us.
Medard Boss

...things become mainstream when they become imaged over and over again. Something happens in relationship to ideas of representation that makes it more palatable or digestible.
Catherine Opie

The desire of representation exists only insofar as the original is always deferred. It is only in the absence of the original that representation can take place.
Douglas Crimp

In my work, we're not looking at an icon, we're not looking at a sign, we're not looking at a representation. We're looking at something. I do have this feeling of trust that people can read it for themselves.
Amy Sillman

Every representation, even of an orgy, is a sublimation.
Mason Cooley

I think every record, good or bad, is a representation of us.
Stevie Jackson

You can't make a representation and then claim you didn't make it. You know, it just shouldn't work that way.
Judd Gregg

Movies aren't just supposed to be a representation of reality. They're supposed to be an art.
James Mangold

We're highly adaptable and have developed some powerful systems of representation.
Dale Jamieson

People learn who they are by the images of themselves, the representations that they seek.
Harry Lennix

The world is my representation
Arthur Schopenhauer

To me, food is a representation of your soul.
Margaret Chapman

Look at Kate Moss, she's such an amazing representation of that peak '90s fashion of a slinky shimmery dress and choker. Fashion was playful in the '90s, and that's why I love music festivals as well. They have that playful essence.
Vanessa Hudgens

I feel just as creative focusing on just the sounds and getting the photographic representation of where the sounds should be. But it's all the same bag of bones for me. It's hard for me to compartmentalize production and engineering, and that's why I can't produce things unless I'm also recording. It's very tactile. I need my hands in the dirt.
John Congleton

We are more than the work we perform. In fact, I'd say that our work is a mere representation of who we are underneath.
Shawn Amos

All representations of a thing are inherently abstract.
John Green

Gish was the best representation of where we were at the time.
Billy Corgan

Because I'm interested in depiction, representation, therefore you're interested in photography. You don't ignore it.
David Hockney

I've never read a book on shape. I've read books on gesture; I've read tons of books on color, surface, field, ground, representation, abstraction. But I've never read a book on what a shape is.
Amy Sillman

Any representation of God produces accordingly.
Joseph Chilton Pearce