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Resignation Quotes

Everyone has the revolver of resignation in his pocket.
Ian Fleming

Authors on Resignation Quotes: Samuel Johnson Honore de Balzac W. Somerset Maugham Richard M. Nixon David Livingstone Kin Hubbard William Penn Francois Fenelon Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton Donald Trump Thaksin Shinawatra Salmon P. Chase Francois de Malherbe Sophie Swetchine Charles Dickens Thomas M. McGee Caitlin Thomas Hazrat Inayat Khan Samuel Beckett Gustav Heinemann Chuck Palahniuk Rafik Hariri Seneca the Younger Pierre Salinger Ralph Waldo Emerson Frederick William Borden Ian Fleming Richard Jenkins Epictetus Vince Cable John Podesta William Mountford Ingeborg Bachmann
If success attend me, grant me humility; If failure, resignation to Thy will.
David Livingstone

We learn resignation not by our own suffering, but by the suffering of others.
W. Somerset Maugham

Make sense who may. I switch off.
Samuel Beckett

I myself am a person who has never resigned myself, who is absolutely never resigned, who can’t imagine it at all. I simply observe, and I observe in so many people, and often very quickly, a resignation that terrifies me, that’s it.
Ingeborg Bachmann

Resignation is a daily suicide.
Honore de Balzac

Resignation is a quality of the saintly souls.
Hazrat Inayat Khan

resignation, perhaps the most stifling word in the language.
Caitlin Thomas

That's best Which God sends. 'Twas His will: it is mine.
Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton

To will what God doth will, that is the only science That gives us any rest.
Francois de Malherbe

What do we any of us have but our illusions? And what do we ask of others but that we be allowed to keep them?
W. Somerset Maugham

Act well your given part; the choice rests not with you.

The doctrine of Necessity or Destiny is the doctrine of Toleration.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Insecurity and resignation mingle with the hope for a better order.
Gustav Heinemann

I have... submitted the resignation of the government, and I have declared that I will not be a candidate to head the (next) government.
Rafik Hariri

Let God do with me what He will, anything He will; and, whatever it be, it will be either heaven itself, or some beginning of it.
William Mountford

That what cannot be repaired is not to be regretted.
Samuel Johnson

Is it reasonable to take it ill, that anybody desires of us that which is their own? All we have is the Almighty's; and shall not God have his own when he calls for it?
William Penn

Leave to Heaven the measure and the choice.
Samuel Johnson

It seems that nothing ever gets to going good till there's a few resignations
Kin Hubbard

A resignation is a grave act; never performed by a right-minded man without forethought or with reserve.
Salmon P. Chase

O Lord, I do most cheerfully commit all unto Thee.
Francois Fenelon

By resorting to self-resignation,
the unfortunate consummate.
Honore de Balzac

The weather today is partly angry, leading to resignation and ultimatums.
Chuck Palahniuk

I will not resign because my resignation will not resolve anything.
Thaksin Shinawatra

The death of JFK to the resignation of Richard Nixon marked a great turning point in American life.
Pierre Salinger

What is resignation? It is putting God between one's self and one's grief.
Sophie Swetchine

I have been told I have resigned; however, I'm telling you I have not resigned. Usually a guy knows if he's resigned, but I know that I have not resigned.
Thomas M. McGee

He is greedy of life who is not willing to die when the world is perishing around him.
Seneca the Younger

According to the papers, I'm miserable, alienated, and on the brink of resignation. But that's simply not where I am.
Vince Cable

The rumor that the state of my health will necessitate my resignation is entirely unfounded.
Frederick William Borden

Mike Flynn is a fine person. I asked for his resignation. He respectfully gave it.
Donald Trump

I don't watch the dailies. You want to just turn in your resignation when you watch the dailies.
Richard Jenkins

Resignation is just simply out of the question.
John Podesta

A man must take the fat with the lean.
Charles Dickens

I've analyzed the best I can... and I have not found an impeachable offense, and therefore resignation is not an acceptable course.
Richard M. Nixon