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Resources Quotes

Education develops the intellect; and the intellect distinguishes man from other creatures. It is education that enables man to harness nature and utilize her resources for the well-being and improvement of his life
Haile Selassie

Authors on Resources Quotes: Tony Robbins Peter Drucker William Hazlitt C. K. Prahalad Mark Nepo Martin Luther King, Jr. George Washington Brian Tracy Ahmed H. Zewail DJ Spooky Hillary Clinton John Berryman Thabo Mbeki Dalai Lama R. Buckminster Fuller Theodore Roosevelt John C. Maxwell Smith Wigglesworth Niklas Zennstrom Jorge Luis Borges Chris Hegedus Marc Benioff Jerry Sandusky David Blunkett Honore de Balzac R. C. Sproul G. Campbell Morgan Emile M. Cioran Alexander Hamilton Jay Ellis Brian McKnight Rob Zombie George Crumb
God is the source. Everything else is a resource.
Tony Evans

God is the origin. Everything else is a supply.
When God calls you to an extraordinary task, He provides extraordinary resources.
John Wimber

There is nothing new about poverty. What is new, however, is that we have the resources to get rid of it.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Time is your most important resource. You can do so much in ten minutes. Ten minutes; once gone is gone for good.
Ingvar Kamprad

God has foreordained the works to which He has called you. He has been ahead of you preparing the place to which you are coming and manipulating all the resources of the universe in order that the work you do may be a part of His whole great and gracious work.
G. Campbell Morgan

Organizations are communities of human beings, not collections of human resources
Henry Mintzberg

You become stronger only when you become weaker. When you surrender your will to God, you discover the resources to do what God requires.
Erwin W. Lutzer

It's not the lack of resources that cause failure, it's the lack of resourcefulness that causes failure.
Tony Robbins

We have already seen evidence that, notwithstanding the addition of substantial resources, we are experiencing great stress in recruiting and not inconsequential retention problems.
John M. McHugh

All the resources of the Godhead are at our disposal!
Jonathan Goforth

Relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.
Stanley Milgram

Africa is wealthy in natural resources; the problem is they are not optimally utilized.
Yoweri Museveni

Finland, and all the other European countries, we are too dependent on imported energy. We should be using a broader variety of energy resources.
Tarja Halonen

It's not about the resources you have available. It's about the resourcefulness you have within you.
Tony Robbins

My goal is for a cooperative world at peace, using its resources to build, not to destroy.
Gerald R. Ford

The ability to ask questions is the greatest resource in learning the truth.
Carl Jung

Voice your position in God and you will be surrounded by all the resources of God in the time of trial.
Smith Wigglesworth

The consolidation of the music business has made it difficult to encourage styles like the blues, all of which deserve to be celebrated as part of our most treasured national resources.
Bonnie Raitt

If your aspirations are not greater than your resources, you’re not an entrepreneur.
C. K. Prahalad

It is not for the State Department or even the Secretary of State to say when and how the resources of the American people will be spent.
Mike Pence

Human potential is the only limitless resource we have in this world.
Carly Fiorina

What you people call your natural resources our people call our relatives
Oren Lyons

You can't have public health without a public health system. We just don't want to be part of a mindless competition for resources. We want to build back capacity in the system.
Paul Farmer

The most precious resource we have is time.
Steve Jobs

It's not about your resources, it's about your resourcefulness .
Tony Robbins

Not until the empirical resources are exhausted, need we pass on to the dreamy realms of speculation.
Edwin Powell Hubble

I have often said China is not lacking in material resources. The question is whether we can make full and good use of them.
Chiang Kai-shek

Children are the world's most valuable resource.
Jerry Sandusky

Unlimited growth assumes unlimited resources, and this is the genesis of Ecocide.
Maude Barlow

Every experience I've had in my life is a resource in my body.
Anna Halprin

The development of our human resources is an area in which we need to do well as it is decisive in determining the success of our diversification programme.
Hassanal Bolkiah

The planets resources are rare; we must consume more ethically and equitably.
Alain Ducasse

You will do well to cultivate the resources in yourself that bring you happiness outside of success or failure.
Bill Watterson

It's not resources but resourcefulness that ultimately makes the difference.
Tony Robbins

We must protect our most precious resource, our environment, for future generations.
Alma Adams

Take advantage of the resources around you and the relationships you build!
Misty Copeland

My definition of good is that you understand that this is a question of power. That you be willing to give up some power. That you be willing to give up some resources.
Sister Souljah

Economics is the study of how society manages its scarce resources.
Greg Mankiw

Greater powers and resources do not guarantee tactical superiority.
Sun Bin

In war, mere appearances have had all the effect of realities; and that a person, under a firm persuasion that he can command resources, virtually has them; that very prospect inspiring him with hope and boldness in his exertions.

An investor who proposes to ignore near-term market fluctuations needs greater resources for safety and must not operate on so large a scale, if at all, with borrowed money.
John Maynard Keynes

You are not the mistakes of your past, but the resources and capabilities that you have gleaned from your past.
Jordan Belfort

Human resources are just tremendous in Egypt but we need the science base.
Ahmed H. Zewail

Through the inevitable mismanagement of resources and goods at the disposal of the state, all forms of collectivism lead eventually to tyranny.
Friedrich August von Hayek

You don't lack resources. You lack resourcefulness .
Tony Robbins

Trust and integrity are precious resources, easily squandered, hard to regain. They can thrive only on a foundation of respect for veracity.
Sissela Bok

Ever to confess you're bored means you have no Inner Resources.
John Berryman

All the resources we need are in the mind.
Theodore Roosevelt

Hubris is one of the great renewable resources.
P. J. O'Rourke