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Ribs Quotes

Touch me ‘til my ribs become piano keys, ‘til there is sheet music scrolled across the inside of my lungs.
Andrea Gibson

Authors on Ribs Quotes: Andrea Gibson John Milton John Steinbeck Harry Reid R.L. LaFevers Paul Harding Jeph Jacques Larissa Ione James M. Barrie Sherrilyn Kenyon Catherynne M. Valente Megan Abbott Julia Barr Helena Bonham Carter Veda Hille Eddie Murphy Jessica Simpson Ilona Andrews Aravind Adiga Mark Hart Richelle Mead Charlotte Bronte Michael Gira Jonathan Safran Foer Marilyn Manson Thalia Erik Estrada John Green Neil Patrick Harris William Cobbett Kevin Pietersen Zach Braff Che Guevara
This body is yours. No one can ever take it from you, if only you will accept yourself, claim it again--your arms, your spine, your ribs, the small of your back. It's all yours. All this bounty, all this beauty, all this strength and grace is yours. This garden is yours. Take it back. Take it back.
Jean Hegland

There Adam slept, and God formed the body of woman from one of his ribs, signifying that she should stand at his side as a companion and never lie at his feet like a slave, and also that he should love her as his own flesh.
Christine de Pizan

My heart is a protest that I let rally against my ribs.
Shane Koyczan

Yeah, I do all the stuff I can. Let’s be frank, if you are in an action film, you are not in it for the characters, you are in it for the action – the stunts. If they take that away from you, it’s a sad story. Ha ha! I have damaged everything: knees, elbows, ribs. But I’m an old gymnast. I know how to survive.
Mads Mikkelsen

I always thought filet mignon was the steak to beat, but the fat content in a rib eye is fantastic.
Neil Patrick Harris

Fat paunches have lean pates, and dainty bits Make rich the ribs, but backrout quite the wits.
William Shakespeare

You see, dear, it is not true that woman was made from man's rib; she was made from his funny bone.
James M. Barrie

I fell off stage and bruised some ribs. The worst part was that the audience didn't realize I was gone.
Richard Marx

Adam, who said to our Lord in the Garden of Eden, I got more ribs - you got more broads? Never got a dinner!
Red Buttons

Flowers are the fastest way to a woman's heart. Well, actually, the fastest way is through her rib cage, but flowers are a lot less messy.
Eddie Murphy

The fact is that woman was taken from a rib.
Pope Francis

Used to be that my whole body was my canvas-hot cuts licking my ribs, ladder rungs climbing my arms, thick milkweed stalks shooting up my thighs.
Laurie Halse Anderson

I had a major motorcycle accident on CHIPs that gave me a 50-50 chance to live. I broke a lot of bones and fractured ribs and broken wrists.
Erik Estrada

When you love a woman, you love yourself, and it's terrible really, how it seems perfectly possible to swallow the other. With a man you want to join, you want your ribs to connect like handcuffs. But with a woman if you swallow, she becomes you.
Darcey Steinke

I tried to pretend that I was sitting in the stands with a buddy watching the game - poking him in the ribs when something exciting happened.
Curt Gowdy

Being brokenhearted is like having broken ribs. On the outside it looks like nothing's wrong, but every breath hurts.
Greg Behrendt

Should God create another Eve, and I Another Rib afford, yet loss of thee Would never from my heart; no no, I feel The Link of Nature draw me: Flesh of Flesh, Bone of my Bone thou art, and from thy State Mine never shall be parted, bliss or woe.
John Milton

I should get a few ribs taken out, because I'll be in a corset for the rest of my life.
Helena Bonham Carter

The sound of a jet, an engine warming up, even the clopping of shod hooves on pavement brings on the ancient shudder, the dry mouth and vacant eye, the hot palms and the churn of stomach high up under the rib cage.
John Steinbeck

Love is stealthy hiding under ribs.
Veda Hille

In India, it's the rich who have problems with obesity. And the poor are darker-skinned because they work outside and often work without their tops on so you can see their ribs.
Aravind Adiga

Once again I feel beneath my heels the ribs of Rocinante. Once more, I'm on the road with my shield on my arm.
Che Guevara

I know my husband really loves me because he takes me to have ribs. He says I'm the only girl he ever took out who actually ate anything on her plate, as opposed to pushing it around.
Julia Barr

Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Canada are the horns, the head, the neck, the shins, and the hoof of the ox, and the United States are the ribs, the sirloin, the kidneys, and the rest of the body.
William Cobbett

I used to routinely break my ribs doing stupid things onstage, but I have a healthy fear of breaking my bones now.
Michael Gira

Another time I cracked two of the vertebrae in my back and broke a rib.
Zakk Wylde

I was all ear, And took in strains that might create a soul Under the ribs of death.
John Milton

Clamorous pauperism feastest While honest Labor, pining, hideth his sharp ribs.
Martin Farquhar Tupper

When his grandchildren had been little, they had asked if they could hide inside the clock. Now he wanted to gather them and open himself up and hide them among his ribs and faintly ticking heart.
Paul Harding

I wanted to wear her as you would a piece of clothing, to fold into her ribs, be a stone in her mouth.
Hisham Matar

How are my ribs? They're so meaningless it's hard to believe.
Harry Reid

When I was fighting Tyrell Biggs, Tyson was telling me at ringside to hit him to the ribs. We always had a mutual respect for each other since we sparred those early times. We got that over with.
Lennox Lewis

The quickest way to a man's heart really is through his stomach, because then you don't have to chop through that pesky rib cage.
Jeph Jacques

I have a huge rib cage, which is why I can hold a note out until I'm blue in the face... because I have such a big lung capacity.
Jessica Simpson

How are you?" "Perfectly fine," he said. "Are your ribs broken?" "Probably not. Cracked at most. We fought very carefully." "Did this settle anything?" "It made me feel better," he said, sitting up. "Did you see me kick him in the kidneys?" "I saw.
Ilona Andrews

The more I did it-the more it owned me. It made things matter. It put a spine into my spineless life and that spine spread, into backbone, ribs, collarbone, neck held high. It was something. Don't say it wasn't.
Megan Abbott

It's okay," I said soothingly. "You're just getting your stride back. Once you're up to full power, I'll go crack a rib or something so we can test it." She groaned. "The horrible part is that I don't think you're joking.
Richelle Mead

A rib... loaves and fish... some spit... God can do a lot with a little.
Mark Hart

I heard that I have three ribs, that I have more surgeries than Cher - whatever they say, they say; I know who I am.

Rumors, stories... I'm used to them. I got my ribs removed, I was on 'The Wonder Years'... You know there's a different story every day.
Marilyn Manson

The ribs are the wings of the body. Open your wings.
B.K.S. Iyengar

I pointed at the little kids goading each other to jump from rib cage to shoulder and Gus answered just loud enough for me to hear over the din, 'Last time, I imagined myself as the kid. This time, the skeleton.
John Green

I'm not saying eating babies should be legal, but when they're so delicious, what's the harm in it? I don't know what tastes better, their innocence or their gooey rib butter.
Zach Braff

I think I had about a month off when I broke my rib in Australia, which was magnificent.
Kevin Pietersen

One's ribs shouldn't be prison bars.
David Mitchell

Every night before putting her to sleep, Yankel counts her ribs, as if one might have disappeared in the course of the day and become the seed and soil for some new companion to steal her away from him.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Funny how time heals. Like that bullet in my ribs. It's there, I know it's there, but I can barely feel it at all anymore.
Lauren Oliver

When Adam found his rib was gone He cursed and sighed and cried and swore And looked with cold resentment on The creature God has used it for.
John Hollander

I wish Adam had died with all his ribs in his body.
Dion Boucicault