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Robert B. Weide Quotes

For me, it was never a choice not to play the game because I was never attracted to it in the first place. I have plenty of friends who get stalked by the paparazzi, but it's not anything you'd aspire to. Fame is like Frankenstein's monster - once you've created it, it can get out of control.
Robert B. Weide

I think people take their behavioural tips from everyone else. So, if the director is calm and the lead actors are calm, no one wants to be the sore thumb. And I've remained friendly with everyone.
Robert B. Weide

Everybody always asks me what the big surprises were that I discovered about Woody and I never have a good stock answer for that, I never know quite what to tell them other than generally that he's much less neurotic and quirky than I would have expected.
Robert B. Weide

When it came to the on-camera TV stuff, I'd be standing next to the director, my friend, and he'd be asked a question that I should have been answering.
Robert B. Weide

I've done documentaries and TV for six years but this was my first feature as director, so there were moments when I'd look around and was excited... but, of course, it was also very challenging on a day-to-day basis. And, of course, now that it's coming out people want to talk mostly to the actors.
Robert B. Weide

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When I came to England I was quite surprised to see that you people have it too. But why people are so interested in other people's private lives is beyond me. It's like group hypnosis, or something - a giant distraction.
Robert B. Weide

There are different levels of fame. There are the polite fans who quietly and respectfully approach you and ask for an autograph - and that's acceptable. But the next level... when you think you're having a moment of privacy and there's someone with a long lens catching you when you're about to eat, or sunbathe, or worse... it's just so intrusive and I think it's part of the sickness of our culture.
Robert B. Weide