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Robert J. White Quotes

American neurosurgeon (d. 2010), Birth: 21-1-1926
Personality is a mask you believe in.
Robert J. White

There are no funny lawyers - only funny people who made a career mistake.
Robert J. White

I am left with no choice but to acknowledge the existence of a superior Intellect, responsible for the design and development of the incredible brain-mind relationship... I have to believe all this had an intelligent beginning.
Robert J. White

I think Chairman Davis has said he would always prefer that baseball strengthens its own policies and not leave it to Congress to legislate. In the absence of any action, he believes Congress is ready to move forward.
Robert J. White

Our attitudes, opinions, beliefs and judgments are, simply put, our attitudes, opinions, beliefs and judgments. They are not universal truths.
Robert J. White

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The greatest love of all is happening to me.. So goes the popular song. It's a great song. It speaks to the heart, and deeply. It strikes powerfully to uplift the human spirit, at the quest for self-love and self-esteem, the pride in being alive that each of us is entitled to experience simply by being born a human being.
Robert J. White