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Robert Plant Quotes

English singer-songwriter, Birth: 20-8-1948 Robert Plant Quotes
The whole idea of music, from the beginning of time, was for people to be happy
Robert Plant

All I can say is that it's amazing what you can accomplish when you're young and foolish.
Robert Plant

I think that passion and love and pain are all bearable, and they go to make love beautiful.
Robert Plant

Music means communication to me. I say 'listen you people out there, listen to my music, let's be one.' Music is a friend to me when I am lonely, when I am blue. You can't define music 'cause music is cosmos and it knows no barrier or definition. You have to feel music to dig it.
Robert Plant

Kashmir is my last resort. I think, if I truly deserve it one day, I should go there and stay there for quite a while. Or if I really need it at any point, it should be my haven, my Shangri-la.
Robert Plant

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I like the idea of being alone. I like the idea of often being alone in all aspects of my life. I like to feel lonely. I like to need things.
Robert Plant

Music is for every single person that walks the planet.
Robert Plant

Don't be hard on yourself. And take as many chances, risks, as you can.
Robert Plant

Quote Topics by Robert Plant: Thinking People Years Rocks Ideas Song Kids Voice Zeppelins Two Trying Want Beautiful Way Heaven Adventure Character Singers Real Stuff Night Musician Plant Essence Creativity Men Albums Past Mean Reflection
You can't give up something you really believe in for financial reasons. If you die by the roadside - so be it. But at least you know you've tried. Ten minutes in the music scene was the equal of one hundred years outside of it.
Robert Plant

You have nothing. One should never allow themselves to think that they have, one can just touch - to have is to lack appreciation, to touch is to want to touch again.
Robert Plant

As we wind on down the road, our shadows taller than our souls.
Robert Plant

(`Stairway to Heaven' is) a nice pleasant, well-meaning naive little song, very English. It's not the definitive Led Zeppelin song. `Kashmir' is.
Robert Plant

There's still time to change the road you're on...
Robert Plant

It's sort of a feeling of power onstage. It's really the ability to make people smile, or just to turn them one way or another for that duration of time, and for it to have some effect later on. I don't really think it's power... it's the goodness.
Robert Plant

I absolutely adore and idolise women. All women. I think they are all amazing. The female musicians I've met have been far more inspiring than the male ones. Women tend to be much more creative and ambitious. I think I may have been a woman in a past life.
Robert Plant

I'm not a sad old hippie - I'm a joyous old hippie.
Robert Plant

You know, people can't fall in love with me just because I'm good at what I do.
Robert Plant

It's amazing, it's pumping, it's furious, it's anxious, it's happy and it's far more real than anything you'll ever experience in a Western city. Morocco is a living, pulsating entity which is rapidly changing all the time but there are parts of Marrakesh that carry on as they have done for a thousands years. The music is a reflection of that, of all times and all religions and of all the natural expectations and conditions of the people who live there.
Robert Plant

Does anyone remember laughter?
Robert Plant

My vocal style I haven't tried to copy from anyone. It just developed until it became the girlish whine it is today.
Robert Plant

Dolly Parton's done 'Stairway to Heaven.' Anything's possible.
Robert Plant

My mother was a gypsy, and she had a lot of dark blood in her, and her hair was very, very thick - she couldn't even get a brush through it. So I have been very fortunate. And every time I go to cut it off, hairdressers refuse to do it.
Robert Plant

I’m pleased with how ridiculous I am. I like me. Though I’m not a huge fan. I know when to switch me off.
Robert Plant

The 50s were great because I collected stamps.
Robert Plant

The essence of my lyrics is the desire for peace and harmony. That's all anyone has ever wanted. How could it become outdated?...We are trying to communicate a fulfilled ideal...I am a reflection of what I sing. Sometimes I have to get serious because the things I've been through are serious...The way I see it, rock n' roll is folk music.
Robert Plant

I don't know how much more expressive you can get than being a rock and roll singer.
Robert Plant

Boredom is the beginning of all destruction and everything that is negative.
Robert Plant

It's OK to quote from your past. But I'm more interested in quoting from my present and pointing towards the future.
Robert Plant

Who wants to see 3 aging old racists on stage, anyway?
Robert Plant

The past is a stepping stone, not a millstone.
Robert Plant

There's so many parts of your life, you know? People say that you don't get any better after the age of about forty or something like that, as a performer. I find all that to be a misconception. I don't feel bad about the way I present stuff. The calendar and the mirror - they're bastards.
Robert Plant

I want to play tennis and fornicate.
Robert Plant

I'm not saving lives. I'm singing and I should go placidly and joyously through the whole thing and work hard and not take it for granted. It's great to have this gift.
Robert Plant

Each album has a different atmosphere. The third album and Houses of the Holy seem to be the two albums that people didn't get off on quite as strongly as the other ones. But I think they contain the basic ingredients for the further pursuance of what we're doing... the turning point to relieve the tedium of repetition.
Robert Plant

I think we're in a disposable world and 'Stairway to Heaven' is one of the things that hasn't quite been thrown away yet.
Robert Plant

Finding another way to do what I know I can do pretty well. A way that stimulates me. I'm always on some sort of learning curve. If I can continually be surprised then I'm alert.
Robert Plant

You know sometimes words have two meanings.
Robert Plant

It's a shame to see these young chicks bungle their lives away in a flurry and rush to compete with what was in the old days the goodtime relationships we had with the GTOs and people like that. When it came to looning, they could give us as much of a looning as we could give them. It's a shame, really.
Robert Plant

There have been people I've warmed to over the years but, as the situation I'm in is so fleeting and transient, I've always known it's going to be over kind of real quick.
Robert Plant

No, I've never thought that I was gay. And that's not something you think. It's something you know.
Robert Plant

How can you consider flower power outdated? The essence of my lyrics is the desire for peace and harmony. That's all anyone has ever wanted. How could it become outdated?
Robert Plant

The music beckons to those who are listening.
Robert Plant

I can find my way from 500 A.D. through to 1066 pretty well as an amateur historian.
Robert Plant

I've stopped apologizing to myself for having this great period of success and financial acceptance.
Robert Plant

I can't moan about any of it. I had a great time in the goldfish bowl.
Robert Plant

There are always generic terms like 'Americana', but there are no boundaries as to where it can go.
Robert Plant

Since I was a kid, I've had an absolute obsession with particular kinds of American music. Mississippi Delta blues of the Thirties, Chicago blues of the Fifties, West Coast music of the mid-Sixties - but I'd never really touched on dark Americana.
Robert Plant

There's a similarity between European and North African folk musics.
Robert Plant

I owe everything to the musicians I work with.
Robert Plant

If I didn't do what I do, I wouldn't be as young as I am.
Robert Plant