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Ron White Quotes

Ron White Quotes
If life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade. And try to find somebody who's life gives them vodka, and have a party.
Ron White

If life throws you a curveball, you should make the best of it. And seek out someone whose situation offers an opportunity for celebration.
I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.
Ron White

I think that when life throws you a curveball, you should make the most of it... And search for someone whose luck has delivered them with spirits, and celebrate.
You can't fix stupid. There's not a pill you can take, or a class you can go to.
Ron White

You can't fix stupid.
Ron White

Years ago, while I was watching a baseball game between the Baltimore Orioles and the Texas Rangers, I remember staring in awe at Cal Ripken. I realized during this game that 'you don't have to be flashy' or have 'power numbers' to be great. It's about the simple things that are the hard things. It's about leadership, work ethic and commitment.
Ron White

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I had the right to remain silent... but I didn't have the ability.
Ron White

I believe that a bad Super Bowl halftime show is still better than a soccer game.
Ron White

I did not climb to the top of the food chain to eat carrots.
Ron White

Quote Topics by Ron White: Years People Comedian Long Funny Giving Creative Stupid Believe Thinking Laughing Clubs Knows Inspirational I Believe Beer Death Penalty Television Two Goal Hands Trying Eye Bigs Looks Cuban Cigars Fans Texas Mean Stars
The way my brain processes information is quite odd. I mean, I have Attention Deficit Disorder and another learning disability I can't even spell. I don't even have a high school diploma. I'm smart, but you can't prove it on paper.
Ron White

In Texas, we have the death penalty, and we use it. That's right. If you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back.
Ron White

The arresting officer, who I had literally known, all my life. You know what I mean? This guy lived four doors down the street me, in a town of less than four hundred people. *We've met.* Now, he takes me to jail, and he asks me if I have any aliases. And I was just being a smartass, and I said, "Yeah. They call me, "Tater Salad!" Seventeen years later, I'm handcuffed on a bench in New York with blood coming out of my nose, and this cop goes, "Are you Ron 'Tater Salad' White?"
Ron White

The next time you have a thought... let it go.
Ron White

Diamonds - that'll shut her up... for a minute!
Ron White

Everything creative is somewhat collaborative. If you're a painter and someone stretches your canvas, it was collaborative on some level. Ultimately I'm the writer for me, but also anytime one of my friends gets stuck with a bit, they can call me and I'm pretty good at helping them get there. I think we all work together on some level, but for the most part, we're on our own.
Ron White

I was so in love with the idea of making people laugh for a living that I didn't care what I had to do to get there. Or how much money I was going to make when I did get there.
Ron White

When life hands you lemons make lemonade. Then find someone who's life gave them Tequila and have a party.
Ron White

When I was about 12 years old back in Houston, my Dad used to take us to the driving range.
Ron White

My only goal is to make you laugh, not tell you the truth.
Ron White

You can only do two things with your life: give it away or throw it away.
Ron White

The bulk of my fans are my age, and I'm aging at the same rate they are. That makes me relevant. They like hearing what I have to say. I work hard at it, but it's addicting, really.
Ron White

There are a million really good cigars, you gotta really float around cigars. It's not like being locked into a brand of cigarettes; at least to me it's not.
Ron White

People are saying that I'm an alcoholic, and that's not true, because I only drink when I work, and I'm a workaholic.
Ron White

We have hearing aids in order to fix our ears. We have lasik surgery in order to fix our eyes. People ... you can't fix stupid!
Ron White

I believe everything creative is somewhat collaborative. If you're a painter and someone stretches your canvas, it was collaborative on some level.
Ron White

The biggest piece of advice that I give young comedians is: If it's your goal to get where I'm at, go do something else. Because you'll never get here. Never. The odds are so bad. Because not only do you have to be a really, really strong comedian but you also have to be lucky. And most people don't get that combination.
Ron White

I don't even plan things until later, so no I got no plans.
Ron White

I only like the live audience. I don't even like to do standup where it's being filmed. Because it affects the way the audience responds to what you say, because it makes them uncomfortable. You have to perform in a light room, and I prefer a dark room. But I love to perform, and I don't really see myself doing any television at all.
Ron White

I'd rather do a really good small part than a really bad big part.
Ron White

You know, my first album, some of those jokes I'd done for twelve years because I couldn't throw 'em out.
Ron White

They call me Tater Salad
Ron White

Barbara was actually Jeff Foxworthy's interior designer when we first met. So, not only was Jeff responsible for my success in my career, he also introduced me to the woman who I'm going to spend the rest of my life with, which, I think, makes us even.
Ron White

I'm a comedian, and I like to work on my live show, and if I'm doing television, I don't have time to work on my live show, and I can become a lame comic, and that sucks.
Ron White

I have had a front row seat to observe Darren's success over the last few years and never fully knew the keys to his achievement. He has unselfishly revealed his secrets with The Compound Effect so that others can learn from his success. In my eyes, it is more valuable than gold!
Ron White

I believe everything creative is somewhat collaborative.
Ron White

You wanna get the truth out of me, get me hammered.
Ron White

I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke every last one of 'em.
Ron White

There have been times in my life that I've had a ton of vices, and my demons have run amok for years and years and years.
Ron White

I've never been one to look up the ladder. I've always looked down the ladder. As long as there's one guy down there, I'm fine.
Ron White

I quit smoking cigarettes and with the $70 a month I am saving not smoking cigarettes I'm smoking $700 worth of cigars.
Ron White

You can't ride home on a bowl of goat.
Ron White

There are two kinds of comics; there are the ones who build bridges, and then there are the people who walk across the bridges as though they built them. The bridge builders are few and far between.
Ron White

But I work harder now because I have so much more exposure. And actually the harder you work as a writer, the better you get at it. It's like anything else. It's a muscle you have to exercise. I write more now than ever.
Ron White

I was considered by my peers to be a good comedian. So that's all I ever strived to do was get some recognition from my peers.
Ron White

I'd like to start off this show by asking you all a question, cause I don't know the answer. Uh, I lost my sunglasses and yesterday I went to the Sunglass Hut. Here's the question: Why does a pair of sunglasses cost more than a 25-inch color television set? I go to the Sunglass Hut. I see a pair that I like. I don't love them. I don't. I like 'em. $309.
Ron White

Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty... mine's putting in an express lane.
Ron White

I started selling out comedy clubs before I got to town with no advertising. I was selling out theaters just on the rumor that I was going to be there.
Ron White

I smoke really good cigars, I don't smoke Cuban cigars. I would never do anything as Un-American as smoke a decent cigar.
Ron White

I did have a deal for a little while a cigar company that never really materialized that much, except that I ended up with 100 boxes of my own cigars with my signature on them. Which is great, they are wonderful cigars but they never really fulfilled out so now I'm out of it. I can sign up with somebody else or go pick a blend or whatever. I probably will, there is no sense in not doing it.
Ron White

Everybody I know is a joke writer.
Ron White

From the very beginning I started with a beer and a cigarette because I couldn't figure out what to do with my hands. So usually I have a beer and cigarette and that's what I was doing with my hands because that looked natural and felt good.
Ron White