Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state has its roots in the street.
Joseph Goebbels
Whoever can master the avenue will eventually prevail over the country, for every manifestation of power politics and any authoritarian-controlled nation has its origins in the street.
The pleasure and joy of man lies in treading down the rebel and conquering the enemy, in tearing him up by the root, in taking from him all that he has.
Genghis Khan
The gratification and delight of mankind lies in subduing the insurrectionist and vanquishing the adversary, in uprooting him completely, in stripping him of all he possesses.
Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.
I came into the world charged with the duty to uphold the right in every place, to destroy sin and evil... the only reason I took birth was to see that righteousness may flourish, that good may live, and tyrants be torn out by their roots.
Guru Gobind Singh
Money Is The Root Of All Evil I Thought....But When Im Broke Is Usually When I Have The Evilest Thoughts
'Wealth Is The Origin Of All Corruption I Believed....But When Im Penniless Is Generally When I Have The Most Sinister Ideas'
Being dead broke is the Root of all Evil.
Rick Ross
Profound poverty is the Origin of all Mischief.
It is too often forgotten that when the Europeans gained enough maritime skills and gunpowder to conquer most of the world, they not only colonized the bulk of the world's people but they colonized the interpretation of history itself. Human history was rewritten to favor them at the expense of other people. The roots of modern racism can be traced to this conquest and colonization.
John Henrik Clarke
I will not tire of declaring that if we really want an effective end to violence we must remove the violence that lies at the root of all violence: structural violence, social injustice, exclusion of citizens from the management of the country, repression. All this is what constitutes the primal cause, from which the rest flows naturally.
Oscar Romero
Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater.
George Washington Carver
Anxiety towards something serves as the origin of animosity for others, and internalized hostility will eventually demolish the malevolent.
For this purpose was I born, let all virtuous people understand. I was born to advance righteousness, to emancipate the good, and to destroy all evil-doers root and branch.
Guru Gobind Singh
I was created to promote justice, liberate the righteous, and obliterate all wickedness completely.
We come from God. As the tree from the root and the stream from the spring; that's why we should always be in contact with Him, as the trunk from the root. Because the stream dries up when it is separated from the spring and the tree dies when is uprooted.
No matter how strong and dedicated a leader may be, he must find root and strength amongst the people. He alone cannot save a nation. He may guide, he may set the tone, he may dedicate himself and risk his life, but only the people may save themselves.
Ferdinand Marcos
To be truly visionary we have to root our imagination in our concrete reality while simultaneously imagining possibilities beyond that reality.
Bell Hooks
To be truly pioneering we have to ground our creativity in our present reality while simultaneously envisioning potentials beyond that setting.
The land is where our roots are. The children must be taught to feel and live in harmony with the Earth.
Maria Montessori
The ground is the birthplace of our heritage. It is imperative to instruct youths to appreciate and live in peaceful coexistence with Nature.
Faith is not by wishful thinking, it is what takes root in the heart and shows in one's actions.
Sayyid Qutb
Belief is not a matter of hopeful musings, it is what germinates in the core and manifests in one's behavior.
They that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil.
Paul the Apostle
Those who seek wealth can be ensnared by temptation, foolish desires, and ruinous greed, for the avarice of money is the source of all wickedness.
The tree that would grow to heaven must send its roots to hell.
Friedrich Nietzsche
'Only through the deepest depths can one ascend to the highest heights.'
Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
John Steinbeck
Socialism never flourished in America because the destitute view themselves not as oppressed working-class individuals but as temporarily strapped billionaires.
Military action without politics is like a tree without a root.
Ho Chi Minh
'Militarism without politics is akin to a sapling without nourishment.'
A tree without roots is just a piece of wood.
Marco Pierre White
A sapling without its foundation is merely a block of timber.
The truth of ourselves is the root of our acting.
Sanford Meisner
The veracity of our being is the basis of our behavior.
Jacobins, I have a truth to tell you. You do not know your most deadly enemies; they are the constitutional priests. It is they who protest most in the provinces against anarchists, disorganisers, Dantonism, Robespierrism, Jacobinism... Do not cherish any longer the popular errors; cut at the roots of superstition! Declare openly that the priests are your enemies.
Jean-Paul Marat
I believe we are a species with amnesia, I think we have forgotten our roots and our origins. I think we are quite lost in many ways. And we live in a society that invests huge amounts of money and vast quantities of energy in ensuring that we all stay lost. A society that invests in creating unconsciousness, which invests in keeping people asleep so that we are just passive consumers or products and not really asking any of the questions.
Graham Hancock
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Why? Because every human being has a root in the Unity, and to reject the minutest particle of the Unity is to reject it all.
Baal Shem Tov
"You should have the same regard for your neighbor as you do yourself, because we are all connected and to neglect even one person is to disregard the whole."
No one can lead a happy life, or even one that is bearable, without the pursuit of wisdom, and that the perfection of wisdom is what makes the happy life, although even the beginnings of wisdom make life bearable. Yet this conviction, clear as it is, needs to be strengthened and given deeper roots through daily reflection; making noble resolutions is not a important as keeping the resolutions you have made already.
Seneca the Younger
The Gringo, locked into the fiction of white superiority, seized complete political power, stripping Indians and Mexicans of their land while their feet were still rooted in it. Con el destierro y el exilo fuimos desuñados, destroncados, destripados - we were jerked out by the roots, truncated, disemboweled, dispossessed, and separated from our identity and our history.
Gloria E. AnzaldĂșa
Ponder the fact that God has made you a gardener, to root out vice and plant virtue.
St. Catherine of Siena
I know now that he who hopes to be universal in his art must plant in his own soil. Great art is like a tree, which grows in a particular place and has a trunk, leaves, blossoms, boughs, fruit, and roots of its own. The more native art is, the more it belongs to the entire world, because taste is rooted in nature. When art is true, it is one with nature. This is the secret of primitive art and also of the art of the mastersMichelangelo, Czanne, Seurat, and Renoir. The secret of my best work is that it is Mexican.
Diego Rivera
Surround yourself with positive people. Also, be a positive person. Root for people. Somebody else's success is not your failure.
Bill Burr
Contemporary architects tend to impose modernity on something. There is a certain concern for history but itâs not very deep. I understand that time has changed, we have evolved. But I donât want to forget the beginning. A lasting architecture has to have roots.
I. M. Pei
Just as a tree without roots is dead, a people without history or cultural roots also becomes a dead people.
Malcolm X
The root of creativity is found in the need to repair the good object destroyed during the depressive phase.
Melanie Klein
The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.
Paul Farmer
The Blood deals with what we have done, whereas the Cross deals with what we are. The Blood disposes of our sins, while the Cross strikes at the root of our capacity for sin.
Watchman Nee
To kill the grass you must also remove the root
Pol Pot
By justification we are saved from the guilt of sinâŠby sanctification we are saved from the power and root of sin
John Wesley
Whatever you keep hidden in your heart, God
manifests in you outwardly. Whatever the root of
the tree feeds on in secret, affects the bough and
the leaf.
A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders.
Larry Elder
God's goodness is the root of all goodness; and our goodness, if we have any, springs out of His goodness.
William Tyndale
The common root, of course, comes out of Africa. That's the pulse.The African pulse. It's all the way back from . . . the old slave chants and up through the blues, the jazz, and up through rock. And it's all got the African pulse.
Duke Ellington
Christian optimism is not a sugary optimism, nor is it a mere human confidence that everything will turn out all right. It is an optimism that sinks its roots into an awareness of our freedom, and the sure knowledge of the power of grace. It is an optimism that leads us to make demands on ourselves, to struggle to respond at every moment to God's call.
Josemaria Escriva
I am convinced that imprisonment is a way of pretending to solve the problem of crime. It does nothing for the victims of crime, but perpetuates the idea of retribution, thus maintaining the endless cycle of violence in our culture. It is a cruel and useless substitute for the elimination of those conditions--poverty, unemployment, homelessness, desperation, racism, greed--which are at the root of most punished crime. The crimes of the rich and powerful go mostly unpunished.
Howard Zinn
Therefore once for all this short command is given to you. 'Love and do what you will.' If you keep silent, keep silent by love; if you speak, speak by love; if you correct, correct by love; if you pardon, pardon by love: let love be rooted in you, and from the root nothing but good can grow.
Saint Augustine
I kept my culture. I kept the music of my roots. Through my music I became this voice and image of Africa and the people without even realising.
Miriam Makeba
We should embrace our immigrant roots and recognize that newcomers to our land are not part of the problem, they are part of the solution.
Roger Mahony
Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world. The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same.
We dare not forget, lest we become a nation that does not only not know its roots but where itâs going
Mzwakhe Mbuli
Ethiopia always has a special place in my imagination and the prospect of visiting Ethiopia attracted me more strongly than a trip to France, England, and America combined. I felt I would be visiting my own genesis, unearthing the roots of what made me an African.
Nelson Mandela