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Rose McGowan Quotes

American actress, Birth: 5-9-1973 Rose McGowan Quotes
I came out of the womb waving red lipstick.
Rose McGowan

From a really young age, I was into female empowerment and supporting the underdog. Right now, I'm into female vengeance.
Rose McGowan

The awesome thing about being an artist? You can't be fired from your own mind.
Rose McGowan

It's my job to spread deviance to the American youth.
Rose McGowan

At 13, when I was a runaway, I was taken in by the most amazing drag queens in Portland, Ore. We didn't always know where our next meal was coming from, but there was so much camaraderie and love. Not to mention, those girls could paint a face, and I learned how because of them.
Rose McGowan

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I went to regular schools and I was home schooled a lot but I don't have any history in schools. Like, I literally don't exist. I didn't even get a birth certificate until the mid-80s. I always feel like I could be, like, 10 years younger, or maybe I'm 70!
Rose McGowan

I like strong, strong women who don't go down without a fight. I like iconic roles. They don't come around very often, so I have to wait for them. Obviously I'm not the typical blonde who stands by the side, while the man has all the fun.
Rose McGowan

I still say I can do whatever I want as long as I'm not hurting anybody else. I don't understand why more people aren't like that.
Rose McGowan

Quote Topics by Rose McGowan: People Thinking Mean Men Trying Fun Fighting Mind Jobs World Art School Kids Hurt Doors Actors Running Believe Kind Stills Want Talking Different Body Growing Up Together Gay Long Wall Home
I think working with artists is incredibly important for everybody in the world, but also, it is a way of seeing the world differently.
Rose McGowan

I was a boy in the ads I did as a child. My sister was the girl, and I was the boy. I had short hair and I was in overalls and I was giving flowers to my sister Daisy, who fit their model of what a girl was supposed to look like.
Rose McGowan

I think if I had lived back in Salem, I would have been burned at the stake
Rose McGowan

People get so burned out on hearing about sexism, but you know what? I would love to burn out on it. I would love to never talk about that again, but until we're all equal I shall have to fight, and remain fighting.
Rose McGowan

Why should I downplay myself to make someone else more comfortable?
Rose McGowan

It wasn't that I was shy to go out with him, I just didn't want people with preconceived notions to assume anything about why we were together. I was pretty careful for a while.
Rose McGowan

I'm a pussycat unless you do something to one of my friends. Then I'll think of unique ways to get back at you. I'm more creative than your average bear.
Rose McGowan

I have a lot of brothers and sisters, and each movie has helped pay for tuition. And then I was like, I only have one left in college, so why am I doing this? But now I want to go back to Italy and live on a farm in Tuscany.
Rose McGowan

I don't know how exactly but I'm maybe perverse in the sense that I like being disappointed in something on a daily basis. Because it means that I'm still not jaded.
Rose McGowan

Hetero - normative behavior and herd mentality is dangerous. It's okay to be different. It's okay to stand out for whatever reason. Some people are just born that way and instead of trying to tear them down, learn something new. Be curious and open because maybe that's a pathway out for you, too.
Rose McGowan

If somebody said something racist around me, or you, or most people, you would correct it, you would stop it, but when they say things about women, so frequently no one says anything. That has to change.
Rose McGowan

With fame, all of a sudden you're seeing yourself through the eyes of a world of men, and that's . . . Look, it's very weird to have part and parcel of a job to feel like you're a lure for men to come into the theater. Some people do have a very innate sexuality to them. I may or may not have it, but it makes people see you in a certain light that has nothing to do with me.
Rose McGowan

A lot of times when you do things where you're killing people, the character is always having an existential crisis about it. It's fun to be no-holds-barred and have no big crisis of conscious.
Rose McGowan

I think I ran so hard and so fast, in a lot of ways, from my life and I kind of took a fall. It was like - what do they call it? - post-traumatic stress syndrome.
Rose McGowan

I just felt like, "Why would you discuss my body as if it's an object?" People will come up and say things like, "Are your breasts real?" I mean, people will come up and discuss my body as if I'm not human.
Rose McGowan

I don't believe in rules. I would be happy to be climbing a pyramid when I'm 70. And I know I will be.
Rose McGowan

I've had, like, four long-term boyfriends. I tend to be in relationships for long periods of time.
Rose McGowan

That's my takeaway from 'Scream' - I know I can fit in dog doors. You have to jimmy your body in a certain position and really hope you're not wearing something super fancy.
Rose McGowan

It's funny, honestly, by rights, with a lot of the stuff that's happened to me I should be running down the street with my hair on fire, but instead I want to shape things, and I want to shake things up. There's nothing wrong with being an agitator.
Rose McGowan

I've seen many actors go awry by making the wrong choices early on.
Rose McGowan

I was up watching Meet Joe Black at four AM. I was hoping Brad Pitt would die, and he was still alive at seven forty in the morning! I actually felt sorry for once, for critics.
Rose McGowan

I am going to be pretty kick a$$ by the time I'm thirty, and I can't wait!!
Rose McGowan

I always thought I was more satanic than Manson.
Rose McGowan

While I learned, I hid out largely in the gay community, and overall it kept me very safe.
Rose McGowan

If one person starts crying, I'll cry. If one person has no money, I'll give them mine. If I had a bicycle growing up, I always felt incredibly guilty when I see someone sitting at the bus stop.
Rose McGowan

Quentin Tarantino is controlled insanity, I would say. He's very loud and fun. I don't think there's anybody on the planet like him that I have ever met.
Rose McGowan

I literally feel pity for a lot of the stupid idiots that I have to deal with.
Rose McGowan

This hetero - normative behavior and herd mentality is dangerous. It's okay to be different.
Rose McGowan

I moved from Italy to Oregon in the '80s - sort of like moving to the middle of a "Duck Dynasty" episode, which was massive culture shock to say the least.
Rose McGowan

When I get my feelings hurt, or when things scare me, or freak out my sensibilities, or when my feathers get ruffled, it takes me aback, of course, but then I think, I'm grateful that I have a mind that can want more for people and want more for the planet. It's not that hard. It's really quite simple.
Rose McGowan

I see so much beauty in people and in the world and when I see ugliness I try to either expose it or fight but also remind myself that it's mostly just people who can't spell who say mean things.
Rose McGowan

I really prize my freedom more than work. I prize just being human and doing other things.
Rose McGowan

Since I didn't grow up going to school dances, etc., I didn't have the normal . . . I grew up in a very different way so a lot of the childish concerns or teenage concerns weren't my concerns. My concerns were survival.
Rose McGowan

I think of the kids that live on top of garbage dumps, I think of the ways we could reach out to other countries, I think of certainly climate change. There's so much. The nighttime is that time, is it not?
Rose McGowan

I love shooting guns. I would never shoot an animal or hunt, but I probably would be a very good hit woman. It's hand-in-glove for me.
Rose McGowan

I don't mind being disliked - I will be the one to step up and say what needs to be said if it helps one woman who comes after me.
Rose McGowan

You have to be at the forefront of culture to create art, which they call "product," and Hollywood is not. It's this very old business model, which I think is dying in a lot of ways.
Rose McGowan

Every woman knows that any man engaging in street harassment can switch to anger very quickly and that anger goes to rage and their rage is their masculinity being threatened. We're scared for good reason.
Rose McGowan

There are moments when you act that you actually disappear from your body, and that's amazing. That's better than any drug, I would imagine. People take drugs to disappear from themself, and that's what it feels like when you hit that moment.
Rose McGowan

I'd never even seen orange cheese. I mean, who decided to make that orange? And so there was something different about me that they wanted to crush. I don't think it had anything to do with my physicality, but every single day in school it was, "You're the ugliest thing I've ever seen."
Rose McGowan

I went from being just a kid to all of a sudden not being able to walk a block without a man waggling his tongue through his fingers, which is disgusting. I mean, I was 13 and suddenly I'm trying to see myself through the eyes of men, trying to figure out why I'm getting this reaction from them versus just being able to walk through the world whole.
Rose McGowan

I kind of grew breasts overnight and then the world got really loud.
Rose McGowan