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Screens Quotes

I'm not afraid of portraying anything on-screen
Halle Berry

Authors on Screens Quotes: Halle Berry Warren Beatty Julianna Margulies Dwayne Johnson Mark Burnett Stephen Sondheim Bill Joy John Lloyd Young Emmanuelle Beart George A. Romero Tim Cook Michael C. Hall Beth Henley Jerry Stiller Peter Sellers Samantha Mathis Werner Herzog Joseph Wambaugh Devon Aoki Northrop Frye Rodney Dangerfield Alexander Payne John Malkovich Bela Lugosi George Clooney Ty Burr Bill Bryson Joel Edgerton Peter Farrelly Zooey Deschanel Ralph Waldo Emerson Howard Hawks Jeff Buckley
We are even better looking on the small screen
Jerry Stiller

Fervid atheism is usually a screen for repressed religion.
Wilhelm Stekel

Probably 95 percent of the things that are written never get on the screen.
Joseph Wambaugh

Turn your head away from the screen, my friend. It will tell you nothing more.
Jeff Buckley

I like to direct for the big screen.
David Boreanaz

You have to draft a catcher, because if you don't have one, the pitch will roll all the way back to the screen.
Casey Stengel

I like actors who, when you see them on screen, you sense a person, not just an actor.
Alexander Payne

John Wayne represents more force, more power, than anybody else on the screen.
Howard Hawks

The director is the channel through which a motion picture reaches the screen.
King Vidor

You have to do things that excite you; you have to have a passion for your work. Otherwise you're just a face on the screen.
Ed Westwick

I was once asked what I thought was the most disquieting thing you could see on the screen and I said, "An open door".
Christopher Lee

A close-up on screen can say all a song can.
Stephen Sondheim

The screen is a magic medium.
Stanley Kubrick

my wifes cooking is so bad the flys fix our screens
Rodney Dangerfield

If I am not confident that I can portray the character perfectly on screen, I won't even try.
Meryl Streep

I feel ghostly unreal until I become somebody else again on the screen.
Peter Sellers

Some things we forget. But many things we remember on the mental screen, which is the biggest screen of all.
David Lynch

A lot of 3D movies have so much on the screen that you almost don't know where to look.
Robert Rodriguez

Characters who are on screen from start to finish are not necessarily the ones who have the greatest impact.
Jeanne Moreau

Meryl Streep does things I would never have thought possible... Her presence on screen is outstanding.
Leonardo DiCaprio

Every single thing you see on-screen came out of somebody's creativity. It doesn't exist. Nature didn't deliver it to us. Everything had to be dreamed.
Jeffrey Katzenberg

For me, it was more a dramatic shift to go from the stage to the screen.
Michael C. Hall

God screens us evermore from premature ideas.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I often times find with movies that the heavier the onscreen situation is, the more levity there is off screen. It's almost out of necessity.
Joel Edgerton

If your screen is wrong, your correctives are wrong
Brett Jones

I didn't really care about my physical health; I only cared about what was on screen.
Nicole Kidman

I don’t think of myself as being a celebrity, it’s too mortifying. I have a hard time watching myself on screen and it’s getting worse. I can’t tell whether my work is good or not.
Johnny Depp

I don't like to be me. I'm not so comfortable being me on screen because then I'd be a presenter. I'm not Jimmy Fallon.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson

I love people, watching people interact. It's a lot of psychology. We learn about ourselves by watching other people's lives on the screen.
Tatiana Maslany

I was mad at Screen Gems, but I'm not mad at them anymore.
Davy Jones

I've learned to keep my work on the stage or on the screen.
John Lloyd Young

I have to say from the outset that not all prose can be transferred to the screen.
Andrei Tarkovsky

Chazz Palminteri is just the ultimate screen husband.
Linda Fiorentino

I've never played anyone but myself on screen.
Glenn Ford

Everything you see on screen is real. By doing what we do, there's naturally going to be a lot of grimacing. And whimpering.
Johnny Knoxville

The screen magnifies everything, even the way you are thinking.
Bela Lugosi

I do a lot of screen re-writing.
Bruce Vilanch

I know whenever it comes to be really dysfunctional and vile and base and hostile on screen, I'm good at that.
Werner Herzog

Content is King,' and with more screens needing entertaining content now than at any time in history, that statement is truer than ever.
Mark Burnett

I think you're much more approachable when you're on a small screen.
Julianna Margulies

It's difficult to see yourself up on screen without being a critic.
Devon Aoki

One of the most visually beautiful movies you can see on the big screen.
Ty Burr

When I was old enough to go to movies alone, I got to see 'Frankenstein' and 'Dracula' on the big screen. I just fell in love with them.
George A. Romero

I've never been afraid to be who I really am on screen.
Halle Berry

I do know this: When somebody has to look great on the screen, that's the death of funny.
Peter Farrelly

A world without newspapers or a world where the newspapers are purely electronic and you read them on a screen is not a very appealing world.
Bill Bryson

Man creates what he calls history as a screen to conceal the workings of the apocalypse from himself.
Northrop Frye

[Fences] is just a great play to bring to the screen.
Denzel Washington

It is really awkward to see myself on screen.
Suraj Sharma