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Serious Work Quotes

Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly against totalitarianism and for democratic Socialism as I understand it.
George Orwell

Authors on Serious Work Quotes: Ernest Hemingway Vinton Cerf Ian McDiarmid Jacqueline Bisset George Orwell Barbara Grizzuti Harrison Freeman Patterson
On email and the first instance of spam: This is not for advertising! This is for serious work!
Vinton Cerf

Serious work gets done ... in congenial surroundings, which tend to make you laugh.
Ian McDiarmid

To live exhilaratingly in and for the moment is deadly serious work, fun of the most exhausting sort
Barbara Grizzuti Harrison

The fact that I am interrupting serious work to answer these questions proves that I am so stupid that I should be penalized severely. I will be. Don't worry.
Ernest Hemingway

Making the decision to do more serious work raises eyebrows. It's less easy for the industry to deal with.
Jacqueline Bisset

Consciously and unconsciously, an artist engaged in serious work is always raising or dealing with the question, 'What really matters?'
Freeman Patterson