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Sheri Holman Quotes

Horror hostess, bondage goddess, Charles Addams cartoon comes to life, Vampire was every first-generation fanboy's wet dream. Scott Poole takes us on an unforgettable ride through the overlapping underworlds of B&D magazines, Hollywood noir, and early political liberation movements that inspired actress Maila Nurmi to challenge a postwar culture bent on stifling women's choices, bodies, and desires. This book is a subversive masterpiece.
Sheri Holman

It's the greatest of Southern honors . . . to have one's name incorporated into a family tree. It's an honor not lightly given.
Sheri Holman

Good and Evil are opposite points on a circle, Dr. Chiver. Greater good is just halfway back to Bad.
Sheri Holman

Greater good is just halfway back to Bad.
Sheri Holman

If she'd spaced her children out and had eleven babies in eleven years, she would have been no better than her own mother and sisters: irresponsible, a welfare cheat, another bit of Sawdust Lane white trash. But as luck would have it, she'd had them all at once, and now she was, overnight, middle-class. And respectable.
Sheri Holman

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Every four years we go through the same cycle of hope and disillusionment.
Sheri Holman

No woman kills herself for love, and rarely for shame. It is the cruelty of hope that does a woman in; for no matter how many men a woman has given herself to, she never holds her life cheap until she foolishly believed it to be valued.
Sheri Holman

Stephanie Kallos's lovely and heartfelt first novel is a gift. A story of broken hearts and broken promises, it is also the story of the ways we put things back together-messily, beautifully, and ultimately triumphantly. Kallos is a writer to watch, and one who, mercifully, still believes in happy endings.
Sheri Holman