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Simon Cowell Quotes

English businessman and producer, Birth: 7-10-1959 Simon Cowell Quotes
If your lifeguard duties were as good as your singing, a lot of people would be drowning.
Simon Cowell

When I was young and we got caught pinching apples, we got a smack from the local policeman. Today if that happened he would be sued. There is a tendency to punish the victim, not the criminal. If someone broke into my house or my mum's house, I worry that the burglar has more rights than me.
Simon Cowell

The end of the animal trade would leave more time to trap or beat to death pop star wannabes.
Simon Cowell

The object of this competition is not to be mean to the losers but to find a winner. The process makes you mean because you get frustrated. Kids turn up unrehearsed, wearing the wrong clothes, singing out of tune and you can either say, "Good job" and patronize them or tell them the truth, and sometimes the truth is perceived as mean.
Simon Cowell

My advice would be if you want to pursue a career in the music business, don't.
Simon Cowell

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Work hard, be patient, and be a sponge while learning your business. Learn how to take criticism. Follow your gut instincts and don't compromise.
Simon Cowell

I suggest we bring some normality back to this country and say if you are carrying a knife, there must be zero tolerance. If it was up to me, everyone caught with a knife would get an automatic ten year sentence.
Simon Cowell

I'd say the most dangerous thing I've ever done is probably bungee jumping in Thailand...
Simon Cowell

Quote Topics by Simon Cowell: Thinking People Years Artist Want Believe Mean Jobs Kids Dad Hard Work Stars Idols Song Hate Advice Fun Singing Pride Three Criticism Country America Dream Needs Would Be Shows Attitude Achievement Auditions
I think you have to judge everything based on your personal taste. And if that means being critical, so be it. I hate political correctness. I absolutely loathe it.
Simon Cowell

That was extraordinary. Unfortunately, extraordinarily bad.
Simon Cowell

I want people to understand that from the minute Lady Gaga arrived, she created a new set of rules: being different is good; embrace it.
Simon Cowell

Not everybody is perfect, and I don't think we should be looking for perfect people.
Simon Cowell

The best way to kill someone is from the inside, by crushing their hopes and dreams.
Simon Cowell

Shave off your beard and wear a dress. You would be a great female impersonator.
Simon Cowell

Money brings you security and choice. You can make decisions in a different way if you have a lot of money. But when you have nothing, you have a naivety, and a more fearless attitude because you have nothing to lose.
Simon Cowell

Good is not enough. You've got to be great.
Simon Cowell

My dad did teach me a very important lesson about people when he explained to me that everybody around you will have an invisible sign on their head, which says, "Make me feel important."
Simon Cowell

I never knew how much love and pride I would feel.
Simon Cowell

For the music business, social networking is brilliant. Just when you think it's doom and gloom and you have to spend millions of pounds on marketing and this and that, you have this amazing thing now called fan power. The whole world is linked through a laptop. It's amazing. And it's free. I love it. It's absolutely brilliant.
Simon Cowell

The biggest shock when I lost it all was the realization that so much of my life had been out of my control. When I started to make the money back, I vowed that it would never happen again. I bought things only when I could afford them. There was no big mortgage, no cars on hire purchase. I remember buying a TR6 sports car for £6,000, and funnily enough it gave me more pleasure than the Porsche ever had.
Simon Cowell

Harshness to me is giving somebody false hopes and not following through. That's harsh. Telling some guy or some girl who've got zero talent that they have zero talent actually is a kindness.
Simon Cowell

I think America is a hard nut to crack. But once you get a toehold, it's a great place for an entrepreneur because people are so enthusiastic, and you have the most enthusiastic audiences in world.
Simon Cowell

The object of this competition is not to be mean to the losers but to find a winner. The process makes you mean because you get frustrated.
Simon Cowell

I don't want to tell a 15 or 14 year old what they should be doing. I want them to tell me. And that's what I got when I met Justin Bieber for the first time.
Simon Cowell

It would hurt my feelings if I respected your opinions.
Simon Cowell

I don't have sophisticated tastes. I have average tastes. If you looked in my collection of DVDs, you'd see 'Jaws' and 'Star Wars.' In the book library, you'd see John Grisham and Sidney Sheldon. And if you look in my fridge, it's, like, children's food - chips, milkshakes, yogurt.
Simon Cowell

My attitude is, if someone's going to criticize me, tell me to my face.
Simon Cowell

I actually don't understand a word Paula's saying anymore. It's like a new language.
Simon Cowell

Everyone who turns up on 'X Factor' does it because a door has been closed to them at some time in their lives, and this is the only shot they have got.
Simon Cowell

I should get a dog. I would get a rescue dog. I like mutts; I don't care. I would probably get a three-legged dog no one else would want.
Simon Cowell

It was like orderin a hamburger and getting only the buns
Simon Cowell

Whether they run a record company or a grocery store, every boss will tell you you're in big trouble if you're borrowing more than you can ever afford to pay back. Delaying the pain for future generations is suicidal. We've got to start getting the deficit down right now, not next year.
Simon Cowell

What I would argue in my defence is that shows like Britain's Got Talent and The X Factor have actually got people more interested in music again and are sending more people into record stores.
Simon Cowell

When I think of invention, I always think of America. You're always seeing ads: 'Have you got the next big idea?' There seems to be that spirit in America of inventions and inventors.
Simon Cowell

Thank God kids love following an artist. When you get a group who pop, it's the best thing in the world.
Simon Cowell

I've had Botox, but then again pretty much everyone I know has. To me, Botox is no more unusual than toothpaste. It works. You do it once a year - who cares?
Simon Cowell

The artists who endure are the ones who stay focused even after they have reached the top of their profession.
Simon Cowell

I like to know why a video has suddenly gone viral, why a song has broken, why a TV show is suddenly rating out of pattern... I'm pretty good at understanding why things are becoming popular.
Simon Cowell

Most things in music go full circle eventually.
Simon Cowell

One thing I've learnt is you should never fight it. They're natural emotions and when you try and bottle everything up, that's what can make you depressed. Luckily I have fantastic memories [about my parents] and they really help.
Simon Cowell

The only people with power today are the audience. And that is increasing with Twitter, Facebook, and everything else. We cater to their likes and dislikes, and you ignore that at your peril.
Simon Cowell

There's an expression in life: "You can only make one first impression." And that first impression has to be spectacular. So, I wait, and let people see it when it's ready to go. It's not a set rule, but I think it's the better way of working. People will agree with you because of your track record, but you want people to like it because it's good, not because you found it.
Simon Cowell

You didn't beat the compotition you crushed the compotition!
Simon Cowell

I've never liked the idea you have to be a certain age to be a pop star. I like the idea that anybody can enter, anybody can compete.
Simon Cowell

Linda McCartney sausages were my favorite. Theyre much better than eating real sausages and you dont have to contemplate half way through exactly whats inside them. ... You can have them, a bit of fried bread, tinned tomatoes. Delicious.
Simon Cowell

I was slightly cynical of the American mentality before I came over here, but now I preach it. Here, no one's going to tear you down if you buy yourself a $300,000 car. They're likely to say: "Well, you probably worked hard for it. Good luck to you."
Simon Cowell

If you've got a big mouth and you're controversial, you're going to get attention.
Simon Cowell

My proudest achievement has been the success of the shows and artists I have been involved with, because they were made in Britain.
Simon Cowell

I think that by ignoring the show you're ignoring the audience who put you there.
Simon Cowell

Britain's got talent, enormous talent, that's very obvious.
Simon Cowell