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Simon T. Bailey Quotes

Expand your inner circle to include those who can challenge your thinking and escalate you to unreached heights of success.
Simon T. Bailey

Each of us is born brilliant. Then we spend the rest of our lives having our brilliance buried by people, circumstances, and experiences. Eventually, we forget that we ever had genius and special talents, and our brilliance is locked away in a vault deep within. So we settle for who we are, instead of striving for who we were meant to be.
Simon T. Bailey

Whether you have a leadership title or not, you have the potential to either lead your organization beyond all expectations or inhibit its growth through entropy.
Simon T. Bailey

The greatest tragedy in life is not death. The greatest tragedy is to be alive and not know why
Simon T. Bailey

You weren't born to fit in. You were born to be brilliant.
Simon T. Bailey

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Change is your friend not your foe, change is a brilliant opportunity to grow.
Simon T. Bailey

Each of us is like a diamond, and each of us has the potential to be brilliant.
Simon T. Bailey

You work and live to meet your daily needs rather than to maximize your potential. You simply exist from day to day, without much passion or enthusiasm for life. Meanwhile, your talents remain untapped, buried somewhere deep inside. This is an awful way to live.
Simon T. Bailey