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So Sad Quotes

So sad,
so fresh the days that are no more.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Authors on So Sad Quotes: Charles Bukowski Javier MarĂ­as Sheryl Crow Anton Chekhov Cloris Leachman Jonathan Safran Foer Rick Riordan Austin O'Malley Cornelia Funke Melina Marchetta Sylvia Browne Wayne Coyne Beryl Bainbridge Robert A. Heinlein Vanessa Veselka Alfred Lord Tennyson F. Scott Fitzgerald Dorothy Day Virgil Ansel Elgort
What are you so sad about? We're going to know him for the rest of our lives.
Melina Marchetta

It's so sad, you get less starstruck when you start realizing that it's not a big deal.
Ansel Elgort

It's so sad that no one writes down the things we go through, and even worse - no one will ever know about it, no one will ever see or hear about it, no one will ever be able to restore.
Javier MarĂ­as

If it makes you happy It can't be that bad If it makes you happy Then why the hell are you so sad
Sheryl Crow

Everything is so sad and so wonderful.
Cloris Leachman

Then I feel so happy and at the same time so sad, it's unimaginable.
Anton Chekhov

It's so sad: anything that has to do with God, people want to dispel.
Sylvia Browne

Without art, without communicating, we wouldn't live beyond 30 because we'd be so sad and depressed.
Wayne Coyne

Is it then so sad a thing to die?

Death isn't funny." "Then why are there so many jokes about death? Jill, with us — us humans — death is so sad that we must laugh at it.
Robert A. Heinlein

people are not good to each other. perhaps if they were our deaths would not be so sad.
Charles Bukowski

But I knew the truth and that's why I was so sad. Every moment before this one depends on this one. Everything in the history of the world can be proven wrong in one moment.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Why are they so sad?” I asked. “Well, they’re dead,” Carter speculated.
Rick Riordan

It is yesterday that makes tomorrow so sad.
Austin O'Malley

Sometimes, when you're so sad you don't know what to do, it helps to be angry.
Cornelia Funke

nothing is so sad as the injustices of old age.
Beryl Bainbridge

Some things are so sad that they have no name. I have tried to name them and I can't.
Vanessa Veselka

There is something so horrifying and so sad when people are living alone. That is why the old and lonely come to us.
Dorothy Day

It’s just that I feel so sad these wonderful nights. I sort of feel they’re never coming again, and I’m not really getting all I could out of them.
F. Scott Fitzgerald