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Stability Quotes

Stability leads to instability. The more stable things become and the longer things are stable, the more unstable they will be when the crisis hits.
Hyman Minsky

Authors on Stability Quotes: Kim Dae-jung Robert Reich Dmitry Peskov Samuel Johnson Nassim Nicholas Taleb Vladimir Putin David Wessel Khaled Mashal Gabriel Orozco Artie Lange Klemens von Metternich Paul Hawken Marie Curie Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Annette Bening John Wooden Geoff Dyer Karl Lagerfeld Sarah Addison Allen DMX Gabrielle Reece Ariel Sharon Hugh Mackay Dan Savage George W. Bush Antonin Scalia Jose Manuel Barroso Lebbeus Woods Sarah Siddons Jean-Claude Juncker Nathaniel Branden Gabrielle Union Ralph Fiennes
There is no stability without solidarity and no solidarity without stability.
Jose Manuel Barroso

Stability is not immobility.
Klemens von Metternich

Flexibility is the key to stability.
John Wooden

The stability we cannot find in the world, we must create within our own persons.
Nathaniel Branden

We don't want to change. Every change is a menace to stability.
Aldous Huxley

History shows that anything conducive to our national stability is good.
Jiang Zemin

Don't look to the approval of others for your mental stability
Karl Lagerfeld

A lot of my work is about questioning the stability and permanence of architecture, and, in turn, the stability of society.
Lebbeus Woods

Stability can only be attained by inactive matter.
Marie Curie

American presence is, you know, the major cause of balance of power and the stability in this region.
Kim Dae-jung

Never think that lack of variability is stability. Don't confuse lack of volatility with stability, ever.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

If our emotional stability is based on what other people do or do not do, then we have no stability. If our emotional stability is based on love that is changeless and unalterable, then we attain the stability of God.
Marianne Williamson

Broaden your vision, and maintain stability while advancing forward. That is my philosophy.
Li Ka-shing

There can be no peace, no stability as long as occupation and aggression continue.
Khaled Mashal

I don't think all people yearn for freedom, actually. I think they yearn for stability.
Tucker Carlson

I'm still the same. That's why the fans love me. Because they need stability in the industry.

Be ready to face the worst. This will leave you with stability in your mind.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Unicef wants to encourage a sense of stability for a child.
Ralph Fiennes

We normally consider stability to be the constant in life and accidents to be the exception, but it's exactly the opposite. In reality, the accident is the rule and stability is the exception.
Gabriel Orozco

I ask Liberians to pray so that God will bring peace and stability, and bring about unification to ourselves.
George Weah

We no longer have the pact from 1997; it was radically amended in 2005 and the Commission is applying this Stability Pact with wisdom and rationality.
Jean-Claude Juncker

I am not the easiest guy to live with. It is probably the lack of stability in my life.
Artie Lange

True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced.
Tom Robbins

We are losing our living systems, social systems, cultural systems, governing systems, stability, and our constitutional health, and we're surrendering it all at the same time.
Paul Hawken

Every quotation contributes something to the stability or enlargement of language.
Samuel Johnson

If stability and efficiency required that there existed markets that extended infinitely far into the future - and these markets clearly did not exist - what assurance do we have of the stability and efficiency of the capitalist system?
Joseph Stiglitz

Acting is a career without a safety net, because it's not like a professional job where every year you hope to be promoted, and get a sense of career stability. There is never any stability in this business.
Naomie Harris

Work is the only only only remedy for life: for happiness, for interest, for stability, for security. Hard, willed work. Oh work!
Elizabeth Smart

Chastity is the cement of civilization and progress. Without it there is no stability in society, and without it one cannot attain the Science of Life.
Mary Baker Eddy

Unification is one thing, and stability in Northeast Asia is another thing.
Kim Dae-jung

No one welcomes chaos, but why crave stability and predictability?
Hugh Mackay

Looking deeply at life as it is in this very moment, the meditator dwells in stability and freedom.
Gautama Buddha

The statesman cannot govern without stability of belief, true or false.
George Bernard Shaw

Children have a right to some stability and constancy from the adults in their lives.
Dan Savage

All together, we know for many years that terror is the most dangerous thing for local, regional and international stability.
Ariel Sharon

A world without the United Nations or with a paralyzed United Nations would be far more costly to all of us and far more dangerous to peace and stability.
Richard Holbrooke

How can you have this reference point, this stability, that is required to maintain the continuity of selves day after day?
Antonio Damasio

I am sure that the Ukrainian nation deserves a better life. That is why I have voted for good changes and for stability.
Viktor Yanukovych

Stability is not the way of the world.
Paul Singer

Merkel is a flagship of the EU. Not everything depends on her, but much does. I have been shocked in a positive way by how Merkel is defending international law so openly and strongly. She wants to have peace and stability in the EU, and she knows that Russia is a problem in terms of security. It seems to me that many Germans are led by a certain fear of Russia. So you hear things like, "Let's avoid conflicts with Moscow, let's appease the Kremlin."
Arseniy Yatsenyuk

We will remain steady. We will pursue every avenue in the search for peace and stability.
Ronald Reagan

A comprehensive list of factors brings predictive stability and predictive stability and predictive power.
Robert Haugen

Exchanging of unfriendly statements, rejecting any possibility of cooperation and interaction in combating terror, especially in Syria and so on and so forth. So it's not something that contributes to global stability and security.
Dmitry Peskov

Women can build stability. We can make peace.
Hawa Abdi

The incredible stability in inflation is really a novel human experience. And the inflation is being the result of money.
Russ Roberts

I've always been pretty levelheaded. In show business you need to have a certain internal stability.
Annette Bening

Our success comes from stability.
Bernard Laporte

Alas, how wretched is the being who depends on the stability of public favour!
Sarah Siddons

We can say, you can win the war only when you restore stability in Syria.
Bashar al-Assad