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Stairs Quotes

The world is made of stairs, and there are those who go up and those who go down.
Ed McBain

The world is a staircase, and there are those who ascend and those who descend.
Authors on Stairs Quotes: Mehmet Murat Ildan Mitch Hedberg John Boyne Roy T. Bennett Ed McBain Georges Clemenceau Tamsin Egerton Jaime Pressly Chris Colfer Louis Kronenberger Gabrielle Zevin Dale Hansen Greg Gutfeld Terry Pratchett Frank Loesser Cole Porter Kristin Hannah Michael Buble Langston Hughes Danny DeVito Jean de la Bruyere Shaun White Maria McCann Anders Zorn Hannibal Dawn French Jenifer Lewis Sherri Shepherd Mariah Carey Ally Carter Gelett Burgess Drew Barrymore Mary Howitt
Failures are the stairs we climb to reach success.
Roy T. Bennett

Triumphs are the steps we take to reach accomplishment.
We are all on the stairs, my friend; some of us are going down, some us are going up!
Mehmet Murat Ildan

The elevator to success is broken, take the stairs.
Jenifer Lewis

My father would lift me high. And dance with my mother and me and then. Spin me around til I fell asleep. Then up the stairs he would carry me and I knew for sure I was loved.
Luther Vandross

Life for me ain't been no crystal stair
Langston Hughes

I took the stairs and felt like my childhood took the elevator.
Drew Barrymore

The best time of love, is when one goes up the stairs.
Georges Clemenceau

An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs.
Mitch Hedberg

Start climbing the stairs without thinking how steep are the stairs or how many stairs are there!
Mehmet Murat Ildan

No amount of smiling at a flight of stairs has ever made it turn into a ramp.
Stella Young

If you want to buy my wares Follow me and climb the stairs... Love for sale.
Cole Porter

I climbed like a billion stairs... its not like I can take them two at a time.
Danny DeVito

There might be too many stairs to go up; ignore the stairs!
Mehmet Murat Ildan

The mongoose I want under the stairs when the snakes slither by.

I was going to come in and push you down the stairs.
Jennifer Lawrence

Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience.
Mitch Hedberg

I keep my own personality in a cupboard under the stairs at home so that no one else can see it or nick it.
Dawn French

To ask me is in vain; For who goes up your winding stair Can ne'er come down again.
Mary Howitt

Now, finally has the elevator arrived. The stairs was about to become a personal inferno.
Anders Zorn

He looked the boy up and down as if he had never seen a child before and wasn't quite sure what he was supposed to do with one: eat it, ignore it or kick it down the stairs.
John Boyne

I never have wit until I am below stairs. [Fr., Je n'ai jamais d'esprit qu'au bas de l'escalier.]
Jean de la Bruyere

Jazz is like a great blues band that fell down the stairs
Michael Buble

I hear music Mighty fine music, The murmur of a morning breeze up there The rattle of the milkman on the stair Sure that's music.
Frank Loesser

You beat a woman and drag her down a flight of stairs.
Dale Hansen

Every right quote is a golden stair to enlightenment!
Mehmet Murat Ildan

My feet, they haul me Round the House, They hoist me up the Stairs; I only have to steer them, and They Ride me Everywheres.
Gelett Burgess

I love my body. And if I didn't, I'd get on the Stair Master
Jaime Pressly

Do you know how wizards like to be buried?" "Yes!" "Well, how?" Granny Weatherwax paused at the bottom of the stairs. "Reluctantly.
Terry Pratchett

The truly ambitious are always as busy on the landings as they are breathless on the stairs.
Louis Kronenberger

I've been pushed down many flights of stairs in my time, but I always manage to find an elevator
Chris Colfer

However steep or ramshackle they may be, don't ever despise the stairs which take you up to higher levels!
Mehmet Murat Ildan

This machine, the wheelchair, I can go all over the place, but you need a place without stairs to get in.
Itzhak Perlman

Mr Lorry asks the witness questions: Ever been kicked? Might have been. Frequently? No. Ever kicked down stairs? Decidedly not; once received a kick at the top of a staircase, and fell down stairs of his own accord.
Charles Dickens

I'm neurotic about children. I see dangers everywhere - sharp corners, stairs.
Tamsin Egerton

And I was crying for gravity. It had sent me down the stairs, and I'd thought that meant something, but maybe it was just the direction that all things tend to flow.
Gabrielle Zevin

Ask dumb questions and listen quietly for the answers. That's a wisdom stair climber.
Greg Gutfeld

Fifteen minutes later, Betsy came thundering down the stairs. "I'm going to the mall with Sierra to see a movie." Michael leaned forward, switched off the television. "Can you please rephrase that in the form of a question?" "Sure. Can I have some money?
Kristin Hannah

I trip walking down the stairs, but I can skate them probably.
Shaun White

I followed him up the stairs. I was a fornicator, of unnatural appetite, in thrall to an Atheist. I repeated the words in my head and tried to feel the shock of them, but they remained strange and cruel, far removed from Ferris and me. It was simpler to say I was in love.
Maria McCann

I do a lot of stairs, a lot of planks, a lot of squats, a lot of treadmill, a lot of screaming - and I do it four times a week.
Sherri Shepherd

Good-bye Dr. Steve,' I said, then climbed the stairs and went to the fifth floor to die.
Ally Carter

Apparently I don't do stairs, I won't walk on carpet and I refuse to walk on grass. How do I do to get around, hover?
Mariah Carey

Get your runtcheeks down those stairs, right now
James Dashner

His very foot has music in 't As he comes up the stairs.
William Julius Mickle