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Steven Curtis Chapman Quotes

American Christian music singer-songwriter, Birth: 21-11-1962 Steven Curtis Chapman Quotes
God is telling an amazing, glorious, epic story. We have to decide if we will trust Him with it.
Steven Curtis Chapman

Writing songs out of my faith was a real natural progression. I grew up singing in my dad's choir and singing with my family. Christian music became the music that I identified myself with and was a way that I expressed my faith. Even at a public school I would take my Christian music in and play it for my friends.
Steven Curtis Chapman

If only 7 percent of the 2 billion Christians in the world would care for a single orphan in distress, there would effectively be no more orphans. If everybody would be willing to simply do something to care for one of these precious treasures, I think we would be amazed by just how much we could change the world.
Steven Curtis Chapman

Do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you
Steven Curtis Chapman

God really does have a plan for every child that He knits together, even when they look broken to the world outside, when their story is broken, when their hearts are broken, when their bodies are broken. God still knit this child together with a plan.
Steven Curtis Chapman

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In the gospel, we discover we are far worse off than we thought, and far more loved than we ever dreamed.
Steven Curtis Chapman

God is God and I am not. I can only see a part of the picture He's painting.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I don't see the big picture. I don't have a clue. But I know God does. I'm going to declare that, even if I don't feel it right now.
Steven Curtis Chapman

Quote Topics by Steven Curtis Chapman: Believe People Christian Artist Song Doe Heart Trying Inspiration Jesus Made Thinking Broken Country Want Art Real Reality Might Running Scripture Hopeless I Can Lasts Different Break Up Car Firsts Wonderful Husband
Wherever we are, God's in that moment, God's speaking to us, and if we've just got our ears open and our antennas up, there's no lack of inspiration. He's not silent. We just have to be listening.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I think we all want to know that if our lives don't turn out the way we imagine, there's still a purpose.
Steven Curtis Chapman

What I see is tellin me this world's gone crazy, but, What is real says God's still on His throne, What I need is to remember one thing, that the Lord of the gentle breeze is Lord of the rough and tumble, and he is the King of the jungle.
Steven Curtis Chapman

Success breeds volume, and it's just amazing how many young writers, artists, and musicians there are in town.
Steven Curtis Chapman

As Christians, our compassion is simply a response to the love that God has already shown us.
Steven Curtis Chapman

As soon as you're willing to humble yourself and say, God, please help - then you can find out that His strength really is perfect, that He really does care for you, that He does really want to meet your need.
Steven Curtis Chapman

Out of these ashes beauty will rise.
Steven Curtis Chapman

There’s a day that is coming when all the last will be first and every orphan will be home.
Steven Curtis Chapman

If we walk with the wise, we will grow wise.
Steven Curtis Chapman

There is no greater love than this. There is no greater gift that can ever be given. To be willing to die, so another might live -- there is no greater lover than this.
Steven Curtis Chapman

That's one wonderful thing about country music - it shifts, ebbs, and flows stylistically, unlike pop music.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I believe very confidently in the truth of Scripture, where it says that there is no authority, no power given to man except as given by God.
Steven Curtis Chapman

We've been invited to come and believe the Unbelievable, receive the Inconceivable, and see beyond our wildest imaginations... Lord, we come with great expectations.
Steven Curtis Chapman

There's nothing like a good cheating song to make me want to run home to be with my wife.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I believe God weeps over - over death. Jesus wept at the grave the Lazarus. In the Bible, Jesus weeps at death.
Steven Curtis Chapman

This is life weve been given, made to be lived out, so... live out loud.
Steven Curtis Chapman

Country music is just country. It's going to shift around a little bit, doing some different instrumentations, different production styles. But it will always come back to what you heard at the Opry. Nobody wants it to change.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I would hate to be a new artist or writer in town today. But somehow the cream continues to rise. If there's one who's great, he just jumps out of the pack like you can't believe.
Steven Curtis Chapman

When I go to Africa and spend more time there with people who are the least of the least, those in desperate situations, I am broken by it. But I also find people with so much more joy and freedom living with nothing than I see walking down the streets of my own community here in Tennessee.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I've been here 21 years, and I literally did walk up and down Music Row trying to break into the business. I felt very free to go into any publishing company.
Steven Curtis Chapman

What God wants is to reveal himself more fully to us.
Steven Curtis Chapman

The stories that have had the deepest impact on me and one of the reasons I was excited to finally get to write my story, it's when I can read the story of others who are following Christ, who are committed, but just are still on the journey. They haven't arrived, and can be honest about that process.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I did nothing to deserve God's love; in fact, I was living as an orphan, without hope. Yet God chose to pursue a relationship with me, and through the death of his son Jesus, I was adopted into God's family.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I've always been a rule-follower. Even when I was a kid, I tried to do everything by the book.
Steven Curtis Chapman

There's obviously always danger in making music or art for art's sake. Even as Christians we can be guilty of that, being more about the art than the Artist who gave us this gift.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I am prone to reshape and refashion things to try and please as many people as I can, to get as many nods or smiles out of as many people as possible.
Steven Curtis Chapman

Cars are the reason we, you know, people live or die.
Steven Curtis Chapman

Everything we're singing about is true, and even when you take away all the glitz, it's still true in the darkest, ugliest and most hopeless places.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I love Christmas music and there's nothing like getting together with friends at Christmas time to celebrate with music the incredible reality of the Savior's birth.
Steven Curtis Chapman

It's almost is like God, in our case, gave us a shot of anesthesia, you know, to your body and to your heart in a way, that you can survive. That you're - there's enough of a numbness, you're very much alive and very aware of eternity, I mean, Heaven and the real world there. I talk a lot about how Heaven's never been more clear to me. I've never been more sure that we are made for eternity.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I am in a business that's built on record sales and reputation and how your single is doing and where your song is on iTunes. But the kind of music that I do comes from my beliefs.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I want to live with that sense with the music I make, with the art I make, with the way I love my kids, with the way I am a father and a husband and a friend and a follower of Christ, I want to live with reckless abandonment to the truth of the Gospel.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I enjoy being on stage with other artists. I have a chance to watch and see people responding to the other artists songs. I get to see how people are affected by the music.
Steven Curtis Chapman

I know a lot less about God, but the things I know about God, I know a whole lot more, for sure.
Steven Curtis Chapman