Realism is always subjective in film. There's no such thing as cinema verite.
Crispin Glover
No sane person should believe that something is subjective merely because it cannot be settled beyond controversy.
Hilary Putnam
Truth is neither ojectivity nor the balanced view; truth is a selfless subjectivity.
Knut Hamsun
Quantitative methods are no more synonymous with objectivity than qualitative methods are synonymous with subjectivity.
Mike Patton
Modern culture is constantly growing more objective. Its tissues grow more and more out of impersonal energies, and absorb less and less the subjective entirety of the individual.
Georg Simmel
Film is the only technology that allows us to share subjectivity with someone else.
Jason Silva
I was concerned with something like the notion of 'language speaking the subject,' and with the transformation of the woman herself into a sign in a system of signs that represent a system of food production, a system of harnessed subjectivity.
Martha Rosler
"Is," "is," "is" — the idiocy of the word haunts me. If it were abolished, human thought might begin to make sense. I don't know what anything "is"; I only know how it seems to me at this moment.
Robert Anton Wilson
The distinguishing characteristics of mind are of a subjective sort; we know them only from the contents of our own consciousness.
Wilhelm Wundt
every subjective phenomenon is essentially connected with a single point of view, and it seems inevitable that an objective, physical theory will abandon that point of view.
Thomas Nagel
Truth has been relegated to subjectivity; beauty has been subjugated to the beholder; and as millions are idiotized night after night, a global commune has been constructed with the arts enjoying a totalitarian rule.
Ravi Zacharias
When you take a photo at 1/1000 of a second, the moment can become an eternal fact, an eternal moment. So we have a philosophical problem of objectivity and subjectivity.
Eikoh Hosoe
When they talk of ghosts of the dead who wander in the night with things still undone in life, they approximate my subjective experience of this life.
Jack Abbott
Postmodernism was a reaction to modernism. Where modernism was about objectivity, postmodernism was about subjectivity. Where modernism sought a singular truth, postmodernism sought the multiplicity of truths.
Miguel Syjuco
Our own self-awareness arises not in the Cartesian cogito, but in our finding ourselves in relation to other beings in whom we both actively recognize and do not recognize our own subjectivity, in an inexhaustible dialectic.
John Milbank
We can escape the commonplace only by manipulating it, controlling it, thrusting it into our dreams or surrendering it to the free play of our subjectivity.
Raoul Vaneigem
People tend to vote the present tense - not the subjective.
Diane Sawyer
It's all about people. It's all about the subjectivity of what people love.
Joe Pantoliano
A creation needs not only subjectivity, but also objectivity.
Stephen Chow
Where conscious subjectivity is concerned, there is no distinction between the observation and the thing observed.
John Searle
Pessimism only describes an attitude, and not facts, and hence is entirely subjective.
Francis Parker Yockey
Il n'y a pas d'autre univers qu'un univers humain, l'univers de la subjectivite humaine. There is no other universe except the human universe, the universe of human subjectivity.
Jean-Paul Sartre
As the ego cogito, subjectivity is the consciousness that represents something, relates this representation back to itself, and so gathers with itself.
Martin Heidegger
Mozart's music is an invitation to the listener to venture just a little out of the sense of his own subjectivity.
Karl Barth
As with sound, images are subjective. You and I may not see the same color red as red, but we will probably agree that the image on the screen is a digital image or film image, based on contrast, bit depth, and refresh rate.
John Dykstra
At its best, entertainment is going to be a subjective thing that can't win for everyone, while at worst, a particular game just becomes a random symbol for petty tribal behavior.
John Carmack
The point of my explanation is I'm very subjective when it comes to describing my characters: they are all a little bit a part of me from the outside in or the inside out - but to put your mind at ease, I built Paul Snider from the outside in.
Eric Roberts
The theory, hypothesis, framework, or background knowledge held by an investigator can strongly influence what is observed.
Norwood Russell Hanson
Many of the artists are not pretending to have an objective point of view. They're revealing the subjectivity.
Massimiliano Gioni
One cannot conceive of objectivity without subjectivity.
Paulo Freire
More rationale decreases subjectivity.
Sol Sender
When you make a film, you like to run it with an audience. They tell you you're narrow-minded or subjective, or that seems too long, or that doesn't work.
Richard Donner
We all think of ourselves as our subjectivity, our consciousness.
Vijay Seshadri
New York is ultimately not the synthesis but merely the sum of its unfathomable subjectivities, its personal histories, its uncategorisable figures.
Jonathan Dee
The problems of human subjectivity replicate themselves at many different scales, like the overtones and undertones in a stringed instrument striking ghost-intervals up and down into infinity. This is not Hegel's ingenuity, it is his responsiveness to the organic structure in us that echoes itself throughout the whole architecture.
Kenny Smith
Subjectivity is an ability, the capacity to use a new inner mode of presenting the fact that you currently know something to yourself.
Thomas Metzinger
Whatever subjectivity we are going to talk about is going to be in an intersubjectivity of human beings that have a certain nature and have certain needs to be met and have to figure out how exactly to do that.
William G. Kline
But I don't actually adopt the point of view that our subjective impression of free will, which is a kind of indeterminacy behavior, comes from quantum mechanical indeterminacy.
Murray Gell-Mann
Cynicism is something that is part of the media production of a certain type of subjectivity or consciousness that is passive and disempowered, cynical, fatalistic, pessimistic.
Daniel Pinchbeck