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Suing Quotes

I don't hate anybody. The Winklevi aren't suing me for intellectual property theft. They're suing me because for the first time in their lives, the world didn't work the way it was supposed to for them.
Mark Zuckerberg

Authors on Suing Quotes: Lyndon B. Johnson Cindy Sheehan John Legend Oscar Wilde Conan O'Brien Meat Loaf Marco Rubio Bill Maher Megyn Kelly Margaret Mitchell Bill Keller Michael O'Leary George W. Bush Steven Pacey Kurt Vonnegut Evelyn Waugh Mark Zuckerberg H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
I'm eighty-three and I've been smoking since I was eleven. I'm suing the cigarette company because it promised to kill me and it hasn't.
Kurt Vonnegut

Things aren't right. If a burglar breaks into your home and you shoot him, he can sue you. For what, restraint of trade?
Bill Maher

Don't do business with anyone who has a history of suing people.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Tom Cruise's attorney said he is going to sue anyone who claims he is gay. In a related story, Ricky Martin's attorney has been hospitalized for exhaustion.
Conan O'Brien

The European Union spends most of its time either suing me, torturing me, criticizing me or condemning me for lowering the cost of air travel all over Europe.
Michael O'Leary

The Secretary of Labor is in charge of finding you a job, the Secretary of the Treasury is in charge of taking half the money you make away from you, and the Attorney General is in charge of suing you for the other half.
Lyndon B. Johnson

Isn't it nice of the IRS to tell the media where to ambush me before they tell me that the U.S. Attorney is suing me?
Cindy Sheehan

You have to be careful when it comes to copyrights, whether just sounding like or feeling like something is enough to say you violated their copyrights because there's a lot of music out there, and there's a lot of things that feel like other things that are influenced by other things. And you don't want to get into that thing where all of us are suing each other all the time because this and that song feels like another song.
John Legend

Oscar Wilde was suing the Marquis of Queensbury in 1895 for libel accusing Wilde of homosexuality Counsel: Have you ever adored a young man madly? Wilde: I have never given adoration to anyone except myself.
Oscar Wilde

In the early 1980s, I got into a war with my management - they just kept on sueing me and I lost everything. So I had to go out on tour to make sure the electricity stayed on.
Meat Loaf

I don't know anything about starting a university, and that was a fake university.There are people who borrowed $36,000 to go to Trump University, and they're suing now - $36,000 to go to a university. That's a fake school. And you know what they got? They got to take a picture with a cardboard cutout of Donald Trump. That's what they got for $36,000.
Marco Rubio

There is a point where litigious becomes frivolous. And when you file frivolous lawsuits you can be hit by sanctions. I don't see the basis for suing "The New York Times." Ironically, it was "The New York Times" that was the plaintiff in "The New York Times" versus Sullivan.
Megyn Kelly

Practically everybody is suing everybody else these days.
Margaret Mitchell

You don't want to go around willy-nilly suing news organizations. That's probably self-defeating.
Bill Keller

What I'm telling you is there's too many junk lawsuits suing too many doctors.
George W. Bush

You have to be patient. Litigants are emotionally involved - they're suing or being sued, or they've been in an accident or they're charged (with a crime). They are not very objective about their situation.
Steven Pacey

I am suing Lord Beaverbrook for libel and hope for some lovely tax-free money in damages. He has very conveniently told some lies about me.
Evelyn Waugh