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Susan Elizabeth Phillips Quotes

Susan Elizabeth Phillips Quotes
You can't do extraordinary things in the world if you're spending time criticizing others because they don't look or behave the way you think they should.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Anything worth having is worth fighting for.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

I finally figured out that not every crisis can be managed. As much as we want to keep ourselves safe, we can't protect ourselves from everything. If we want to embrace life, we also have to embrace chaos.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

She gave Pretty Boy a surreptitious glance. Did he honestly expect her to believe he was gay? True, there were the gay boots and those stunning good looks. But, even so, he blasted enough heterosexual mega-wattage to light up the entire female population. Which he’d undoubtedly been doing since he shot out of the birth canal, glimpsed his reflection in the obstetrician’s eyeglasses, and gave the world a high five.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

‎"There’s no such thing as mistakes – only a lack of foresight.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

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I don't love you anymore", she whispered. "I don't love you at all." His throat closed. "It's all right, sweetheart. I love you enough for both of us.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Don't mess with me, Calvin. You'll only get hurt.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

sometimes knowing when to give up is the real test of character... -annabelle granger
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Quote Topics by Susan Elizabeth Phillips: Men Love You Thinking Heart Writing Believe Want Trying World Hands Real Jobs Mother People Hurt Looks Sleep Way Running Kids Book Guy Blue Husband Dream Fall Needs Giving Pain Hero
Life sure is easier when you're rich." "And a natural born charmer. Don't forget that part." "How could I?" she retorted. "It's the only thing we have in common.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

This is America. We’re entitled to our opinions.” “Wrong. This is Texas. And my opinion is the only one that counts.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Pride had kept her running when love had betrayed her.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

She threw up her hands. "All right. Why not?" Why not?" Sure." His arms fell to his sides. "That's it? I pour my heart out. I love you so much I've got freakin' tears in my eyes. And all I get in return is 'Why not'?" What did you expect? Am I supposed to fall all over you just because you've finally come to your senses?" Would it be too much to ask?"...He'd begun to glare at her again, his eyes growing stormier by the minute."When do you think you might be ready? To fall all over me, that is.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

ignore the pain, play through it.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

We’re all works in progress, honey. And believe me when I tell you that I’ve had to work harder than most.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

When male authors write love stories, the heroine tends to end up dead.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

You're beautiful, every part of you. I love your hair, the way it looks, the way it feels. I love touching it, smelling it. I love the way you wrinkle your nose when you laugh. It makes me laugh, too, every time. And I love watching you eat. Sometimes you can't shovel it in fast enough, but when you get interested in a conversation, you forget there's anything in front of you. God knows, I love making love with you. I can't even talk about that without wanting you. I love your pathetic attachment to those seniors. I love how hard you work.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

When you've been around a snake long enough, you learn how to crawl in the dirt.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

I guess we're oil and water. (Phoebe) I'd say we're more like gasoline and a blowtorch. (Dan)
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

They reached the carriage house. When she turned the knob, he got all critical again. “Why isn’t this door locked?” “It’s Parrish. There’s not much point.” “We have crime here, just as any other place does. Keep this door locked from now on.” “Like that’s going to stop you. All you’d have to do is give it one good kick, and – “ “Not from me, you ninny!” “I hate to be the one to break the bad news, but if they find my body, you’re the one with the biggest grudge.” “It’s impossible to hold a rational conversation with you.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

He settled his hat back into position. She was a rookie in her first big game, and he’d never let her see how close she’d come to unseating a champion
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

If you were a sane woman, I would, of course, behave in a more rational fashion. Since you are a lunatic, however, this is the only way.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

When it's your fourth marriage, you tend to lose faith in superstitions.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

You have a college degree? You can barely talk.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

She reached into the pocket of her dress and threw the small stack of bills at him. They fluttered to the ground like broken dreams. "I hope you choke on every penny." "Pick that up." She drew back her arm and slapped him as hard as she could.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

She gestured toward his very fine chest with her pencil. “On the off chance I find out after we’re married that your declaration of abiding love and devotion has been an elaborate con job perpetrated by you, Bodie, and Scary Spice…” He massaged her arch. “I definitely wouldn’t lose too much sleep over that.” “Just in case. You will give me all you worldly goods, shave your head, and leave the country.” “Deal.” “Plus, you have to hand out your Sox tickets so I can burn them in front of your eyes.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

I married a damned cereal killer
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

His gaze was a lot steadier than her heartbeat. “She’s the reason for those whispered phone calls I used to overhear, isn’t she?” “Don’t be silly. I was talking to my lover.” “She told me she lives at a place called Brookdale. After I hung up, I did a little research on the Web. Your talent for obfuscation continues to amaze me.” “Hey, I haven’t obfuscated in weeks. Makes you go blind.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Something snapped inside her. “Of course I’m afraid! Relationships do bad things to me.” He started to respond, but the pain had gone on long enough, and she didn’t want to hear it. “You know what I want? I want peace. I want a good job and a decent place to live. I want to read books and listen to music and have time to make some female friendships that are going to last. When I wake up in the morning, I want to know that I have a decent shot at being happy. And here’s what’s really sad. Until I met you, I was almost there.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

There’s no accounting for the mysteries of the human heart
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

No marshmallows. "I don't believe this! I'm going to write the president of General Mills! Don't they have any quality control?" "I'm sure it's just a fluke" "Doesn't make any difference whether it's a fluke or not. It shouldn't have happened. When a person buys a box of lucky charms he's got expectations
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

You remind me of someone with a bad toothache who's hitting herself in the head with a hammer to distract herself from the pain in her mouth.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

I write romance, women's fiction, chicklit. I think it all fits very comfortably under the same umbrella. Basically, I write books for women - books about relationships, books that make you laugh and sometimes make you cry a little.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

If you want me, you'll have to earn me. And, mister, I don't come cheap.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Here’s the life lesson I’ve learned, Fifi: Some people are born to play the hero, and some are born to play the bad guy. Fighting your destiny only makes life harder than it needs to be. Besides, people remember the villain long after they’ve forgotten the hero.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Save your sweet talk for later, Daphne. The garbage guys just drove up with the new Dumpster." "Shut the lid after you climb in.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Writing is hard for everybody except fools.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

I never thought I'd have to give you-a former Sunday School teacher-a lecture on ethics." "Former Sunday School teachers don't go around without their underwear." "You show me where it says that in the Bible.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

What are you gonna do, angel face? Stab me with your eyebrow pencil?
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

You’re the most important thing in the world to me. I know you don’t believe it, but I’m going to prove it to you.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Disagreements over money are the biggest cause of divorce." She waved her hand. "Absolutely no problem. Your money is our money. My money is my money." She wrote away. "I should make you negotiate with Phoebe.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

She loved Bram in a clear-eyed way she’d never loved her ex-husband, no rose-colored glasses or mindless giddiness, no Cinderella fantasies or false certainty that he’d put her life in order. What she felt for Bram was messy, honest, and soul-deep. He felt like…part of her, the best and the worst. Like someone she wanted to struggle through life with; share triumphs and catastrophes; share holidays, birthdays, every days
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

As far as I'm concerned, men like you were put on this world to entertain women like me.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Okay, so I'll admit I'm curious. Big deal. We both know what that leads to. Dead cat.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

I sure do miss that woman. Smart. Funny. Sweet. She never gave me a moment's trouble." "Gosh, I'm sorry about that. I knew it was boring between you two, but not that bad.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

He should have seen this coming, but he hadn't. Of course she wouldn't want to move back to Wynette after everything that had happened to her there. But what about his family, his friends, his roots, which stretched so deep into that rocky soil he'd become part of it?
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

We just lost our electricity. You want to tell me what’s so funny about that?” “It’s not exactly funny. It’s more of a good news/bad news situation.” “In that case, hit me with the good news first.” “They’re both sort of rolled up into one.” “Stop stalling.” “All right. Now don’t get mad, but . . .” Smothered laughter drifted toward him. “Cal . . . I’m naked.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

You were the best birthday present I ever got." "Thank you." "I wanted to give you something back, but I've got to warn you that it's not half as good as my present. Even so, you have to keep it." "All right." He draped the pink bow around his neck and grinned. "Happy birthday, Rosebud.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

For a moment he could have sworn he smelled violets, which was very peculiar, since he had no idea what violets smelled like, except somehow he knew they smelled just like Lady Emma.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Dallas, is it remotely possible for you to carry on a conversation that's not loaded down with manure?
Susan Elizabeth Phillips

The love story between the hero and the heroine has to be at the center of the book. I think that's pretty true in my books. I usually write a secondary love story, with maybe nontraditional characters. Sometimes I write older characters. I'm interested in female friendships, and family relationships. So I don't write the traditional romance, where you just have the hero and the heroine's love story. I like intertwining relationships.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips