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Talib Kweli Quotes

Talib Kweli Quotes
A flower that grow in the ghetto know more about survival than the one from fresh meadows.
Talib Kweli

Skip the religion and politics, head straight to the compassion. Everything else is a distraction.
Talib Kweli

I think all those artists are artists who are appreciated because you believe their words and you appreciate their honesty in their music. If you don't appreciate the honesty in the music, the beat can be fly as hell but you'll never give an emcee props.
Talib Kweli

I ignored your aura but it grabbed me by the hand, like the moon pulled the tide, and the tide pulled the sand.
Talib Kweli

Do the math: You never settle for less than the whole if you knew the half.
Talib Kweli

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You gotta get back to your essence, Use your gifts and share your presence, Don't count your dollars 'til you count your blessings.
Talib Kweli

Life without knowledge is death in disguise.
Talib Kweli

Artists make art for themselves. Art is an honest expression. Artists who pander to their fans by trying to make music "for" their fans make empty, transparent art. The true fan does not want you to make music for them, they want you to make music for you, because that's the whole reason they fell in love with you in the first place.
Talib Kweli

Quote Topics by Talib Kweli: Hip Hop People Rap Artist Thinking Art Rapper New York Song Looks Community Mean Way Writing Blessing Kids Deejays Struggle College Careers Records Leader Care Children Inspirational Essence Labels Focus Responsibility Play
The beautiful thing about hip-hop is it's like an audio collage. You can take any form of music and do it in a hip-hop way and it'll be a hip-hop song. That's the only music you can do that with.
Talib Kweli

If lyrics sold then truth be told/I'd probably be just as rich and famous as Jay-Z.
Talib Kweli

I'm at a loss for words. But even my loss is amplified.
Talib Kweli

You know, there's a lot of activism that doesn't deal with empowerment, and you have to empower yourself in order to be relevant to any type of struggle.
Talib Kweli

When you shine bright, some won't enjoy the shadow you cast.
Talib Kweli

Hip-hop isn't as complex as a woman is.
Talib Kweli

Just because no one can understand how you speak, Don't necessarily mean that what you be sayin is deep.
Talib Kweli

We get high on all types of drugs when, all you really need is Love
Talib Kweli

You make knowledge relevant to life and you make it important for children to learn things that will really relate to things going on in their lives, and not abstract.
Talib Kweli

You can have your own opinion, but not your own facts.
Talib Kweli

If you ain't using all the talents God provided you with For the betterment of Man, understand, You ain't nothing but a waste.
Talib Kweli

Nowadays rap artists coming half-hearted, Commercial like pop, or underground like black markets. Where were you the day hip-hop died? Is it too early to mourn? Is it too late to ride?
Talib Kweli

A true artist does not depend on radio for success. A true fan does not let radio determine what they support
Talib Kweli

The responsibility of an artist is to be honest with themselves.
Talib Kweli

I don't care if Rick Ross is 40 years old -- he's a misguided 40-year-old person.
Talib Kweli

There just needs to be a gay rapper who's better than everybody. That's when that question will no longer be able to be asked.
Talib Kweli

I think hip hop is a dance music that's rebellious by nature.
Talib Kweli

Life is a beautiful struggle.
Talib Kweli

I think once you're in the public eye, whether you're a boss, a teacher or whatever you do, that you're automatically in the position of role model. You have people looking up to you, so whether you choose to accept it or not is a different question.
Talib Kweli

I not only wanted to showcase lyrical skills but also continue to drop knowledge on the hiphop community. Im looking to elevate through my music, and through my music I educate.
Talib Kweli

I see that happening with hip hop purists now. Where you have an artist like a Kendrick [Lamar] or a Drake, who are really trying different things emotionally, different things musically, and on a mainstream level. And you have underground hip hop fans dissing it, for the simple fact that it's mainstream - not because what they're doing is whack, or what they're doing is not sincere.
Talib Kweli

War is not civilized.
Talib Kweli

You have to know when to be arrogant. You have to when to be humble. You have to know when to be hard and you have to know when to be soft.
Talib Kweli

My fondest memories were watching the Beastie Boys get prepped to come on stage. They had a lot of antics and they play a lot of basketball... then they were giving out cameras to the crowd, and performing from the bleachers. The most important thing I learned was that you control your crowd, not the other way around.
Talib Kweli

I'm not looking to set a standard... but, I believe I have offered a challenge to others with my work.
Talib Kweli

So I think hip-hop is moving and is going to continue to move in the direction of rappers just being honest with themselves, whether you're talking about Common and Mos Def or Nas and 50 cent.
Talib Kweli

When I met you it was magic... We polar opposites, but attracted like we was magnets.
Talib Kweli

The only way for me to be an artist is to be honest in my craft. If I veer from that, I'm not giving the investors what they want. Sometimes it's my job as an artist to know what I want to do, even when the fans tell me different.
Talib Kweli

You gotta eat right, you gotta have healthy habits, you know, and balance out your decadence with a healthy lifestyle during the day.
Talib Kweli

We send young white boys to the Army. We're sending young black boys to the prisons.
Talib Kweli

People didn't really take white rappers seriously until Eminem, because he was better than everybody. Like female emcees, you need to be like Lauryn Hill or Nicki Minaj or killing everything before somebody takes you seriously.
Talib Kweli

The problem with our role is Americans live in a world of illusion.
Talib Kweli

My musical influence is really from my father. He was a DJ in college. My parents met at New York University. So he listened to, you know, Motown, and he listened to Bob Dylan. He listened to Grateful Dead and Rolling Stones, but he also listened to reggae music. And he collected vinyl.
Talib Kweli

Woman are complex creatures.
Talib Kweli

We're in an illusion about what our role is in world politics and foreign affairs, and our policies are killing and destroying and doing a lot of things that we are not aware of.
Talib Kweli

But it becomes disrespectful when the artist's process is not respected.
Talib Kweli

Well if somebody's giving me a script, I'll consider it. But it's not something I'm chasing.
Talib Kweli

Once you're signed to a label you compromise.
Talib Kweli

Even an independent label is looking for a hit, they're not looking for a record that's not gonna do well.
Talib Kweli

What's more condescending and corny than someone telling you how much more money they have than you and telling you basically, 'I don't care about poor people,' which is a large part of what you hear of corporate hip-hop on the radio.
Talib Kweli

It doesn't get any more underground, conscious or indie than Macklemore, Ryan Lewis, but because they got a couple of really big pop hits, actually some of the biggest pop hits that hip-hop has ever seen, people are missing that part of their story. People are not counting that blessing.
Talib Kweli

God gave us music, so we play with our words.
Talib Kweli