If you get all tangled up, just tango on.
Al Pacino
If you find yourself in a tangle, just two-step forward.
For me, tango was always for the ear rather than the feet.
Astor Piazzolla
In plain proletarian worker's language, it takes two to tango.
Fred Hampton
The beginning and the end of the tango is the walk.
Robert Duvall
I love tango, and I used to dance when I was young.
Pope Francis
Dance tango and you are literally plastered up against somebody's body
Janny Scott
The tango is a very interior dance. It's not an exterior - it's not flashy and all over the floor. It's a very interior dance when you see the old guys dance in the clubs. I learned everything from the old guys in the clubs.
Robert Duvall
It takes two to tango! I need everybody to sing with me.
Krishna Das
When you're 50, the best thing to do is dance the Argentinean tango.
Marina Abramovic
You can raise welts like nobody else, as we dance to the Masochism Tango.
Tom Lehrer
It takes two to tango; when I go, you go.
Malcolm X
When you dance tango fast, you have to think slow.
Robert Duvall
I'm a bad walker but I can dance tango. You know why? Put your hand up. Push on my fingertips and just hold it. In tango, your feet are free but the top of your body pushes, so if I feel like I'm gonna fall, my partner can catch me. So I walk with a stick but I can totally dance the tango. It's a romantic kind of thing.
Melody Gardot
-'I don't see what good it's going to do for you to waltz back in there and--' -'Can I tango back in there, instead? So much sexier than the waltz.
Kiersten White