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Taste Buds Quotes

Sometimes sushi is just superb, and other times there's nothing like a great big steak. It depends where your taste buds are at the time.
Francesca Annis

Sometimes sushi is simply delightful, and other times a hearty steak is the only thing that will do. It depends on one's cravings at the moment.
Authors on Taste Buds Quotes: Francesca Annis Bert Greene Mark Hyman, M.D. Brett Ratner Lisa St. Aubin de TerĂ¡n Sherrilyn Kenyon Barry Lyga Neal Barnard Erica Bauermeister Isa Chandra Moskowitz David H. Murdock
In the 21st century our tastes buds, our brain chemistry, our biochemistry, our hormones and our kitchens have been hijacked by the food industry.
Mark Hyman, M.D.

You will find that your taste buds have a memory of about 3 weeks.
Neal Barnard

Fine food is poison. It can be as bitter as antimony and bitter almonds and as repulsive as swallowing live toads. Like the poison the emperor took every day to stop himself being poisoned, fine food must be taken daily until the system becomes immune to its ravages and the taste buds beaten and abused to the point where they not only accept but savour every vile concoction under the sun.
Lisa St. Aubin de TerĂ¡n

'Vacation' means titillating my taste buds.
Brett Ratner

There is no such thing as reconstituted lemon juice, only reconstituted taste buds.
Bert Greene

Oh no, if you really want to be wicked to him, nuke it first. (Geary) Yeah, but given his reaction to the cupcake, that might overload his taste buds with pleasure and kill him. (Tory)
Sherrilyn Kenyon

I’m a complicated man, with complicated taste buds.
Barry Lyga

If you live in your senses, slowly, with attention, if you use your eyes and your fingertips and your taste buds, then romance is something you’ll never need a greeting card to make you remember.
Erica Bauermeister

I love the creative, whole-foods recipes in But I Could Never Go Vegan! Kristy Turner has heard all the excuses and has a response for each. It's true, no life is complete without the occasional calzone-but stuff 'em with Kristy's Buffalo Cauliflower and Cashew Blue Cheese and you can have calzones and be vegan too. Get ready for your taste buds to explode.
Isa Chandra Moskowitz

We have developed a culture in which we eat with our taste buds, not our brains.
David H. Murdock