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Teaching Quotes

What a child can do today with assistance, she will be able to do by herself tomorrow.
Lev S. Vygotsky

'What a child needs help with now, she will be able to accomplish autonomously in the future.'
Authors on Teaching Quotes: Frederick Lenz Ralph Waldo Emerson Cynthia Lewis John Dewey Rajneesh Gautama Buddha Eckhart Tolle Parker J. Palmer Bertrand Russell Dalai Lama William James Albert Einstein Mahatma Gandhi Aristotle Paulo Freire Mark Twain Carol Ann Tomlinson Confucius Malcolm X Nhat Hanh Shunryu Suzuki Marva Collins George Bernard Shaw Maria Montessori John Wooden Elie Wiesel Howard Gardner Thomas Jefferson Andy Hargreaves Laozi Peter Drucker John Ruskin Swami Vivekananda
Bear in mind that brains and learning, like muscle and physical skill, are articles of commerce. They are bought and sold. You can hire them by the year or by the hour. The only thing in the world not for sale is character.
Antonin Scalia

If I remained silent and you remained silent, then who will teach the ignorant?
Ibn Taymiyyah

If I stayed mute and you stayed mum, who will educate the unaware?
Seek (beneficial) knowledge, because seeking it for the sake of Allaah is a worship. And knowing it makes you more God-fearing; and searching for it is jihad, teaching it to those who do not know is charity, reviewing and learning it more is like tasbeeh. Through knowledge Allaah will be known and worshiped.
Ibn Taymiyyah

There are six stages to knowledge: Firstly: Asking questions in a good manner. Secondly: Remaining quiet and listening attentively. Thirdly: Understanding well. Fourthly: Memorising. Fifthly: Teaching. Sixthly- and it is its fruit: Acting upon the knowledge and keeping to its limits.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

The first thing I ask is that people should not make use of my name, and should not call themselves Lutherans but Christians. What is Luther? The teaching is not mine. Nor was I crucified for anyone...How did I, poor stinking bag of maggots that I am, come to the point where people call the children of Christ by my evil name?
Martin Luther

A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room.
Robert Baden-Powell

"A week of outdoor education far surpasses six months of classroom instruction."
A teacher can never truly teach unless he is still learning himself. A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame. The teacher who has come to the end of his subject, who has no living traffic with his knowledge but merely repeats his lesson to his students, can only load their minds, he cannot quicken them.
Rabindranath Tagore

We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history.
Ellen G. White

We need not be apprehensive of the future, provided we remember the Lord's guidance and instruction from our past.
The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it

The utmost remedy of all is educating people how to avoid dependance.
I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow-men.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

When someone offends me, I think it’s a gift from Allah (god). He (Allah) is teaching me humility.
Ibn Taymiyyah

When someone hurts me, I consider it an offering from Allah (god). He (Allah) is instructing me in humility.
Children have real understanding only of that which they invent themselves, and each time that we try to teach them too quickly, we keep them from reinventing it themselves.
Jean Piaget

'Youngsters can only truly comprehend that which they devise on their own, and any time we attempt to impart knowledge too rapidly, we impede them from devising it anew.'
There are no incurable diseases — only the lack of will. There are no worthless herbs — only the lack of knowledge.

There are no untreatable illnesses — only a lack of determination. There are no useless plants — only an absence of familiarity.
If you don’t find a way to love a flawed person, secretly you’re teaching yourself that you are not lovable because of your flaws.
T. D. Jakes

If you do not learn to accept a person's imperfections, unconsciously you are implying that you too are unworthy of love due to your own shortcomings.
Teaching means creating situations where structures can be discovered.
Jean Piaget

Educating implies fashioning circumstances where fundamentals can be exposed.
It is not enough to have a good mind.
The main thing is to use it well.
Rene Descartes

It is insufficient to possess a sharp intellect. The essential part is to apply it judiciously.
Most people search high and wide for the key to success. If they only knew, the key to their dreams lies within.
George Washington Carver

Most people look far and near for the secret to achievement. If only they realized, the answer to their aspirations is within themselves.
For the white man to ask the black man if he hates him is just like the rapist asking the raped, or the wolf asking the sheep, 'Do you hate me?' The white man is in no moral position to accuse anyone else of hate! Why, when all of my ancestors are snake-bitten, and I'm snake-bitten, and I warn my children to avoid snakes, what does that snake sound like accusing me of hate-teaching?
Malcolm X

Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results.
John Dewey

Have the learners engage in an activity that necessitates thought; intellectual growth will inevitably follow.
No one can teach, if by teaching we mean the transmission of knowledge, in any mechanical fashion, from one person to another. The most that can be done is that one person who is more knowledgeable than another can, by asking a series of questions, stimulate the other to think, and so cause him to learn for himself.

There is no place for [the Bantu] in the European community above the level of certain forms of labour ... What is the use of teaching the Bantu child mathematics when it cannot use it in practice? That is quite absurd. Education must train people in accordance with their opportunities in life, according to the sphere in which they live.
Hendrik Verwoerd

Anything that is worth teaching can be presented in many different ways. These multiple ways can make use of our multiple intelligences.
Howard Gardner

'It is possible to instruct any valuable subject through a variety of mediums, tapping into our diverse cognitive aptitudes.'
Let us, therefore, foresake the vanity of the crowd and their false teachings, and turn back to the word delivered to us from the beginning.

Let us, thusly, abandon the conceit of the multitude and their deceptive maxims, and rediscover the instruction provided to us from the outset.
People are always teaching us democracy but the people who teach us democracy don't want to learn it themselves.
Vladimir Putin

People are always preaching democracy yet those same advocates seem unwilling to practice it.
Caste is a state of mind. It is a disease of mind. The teachings of the Hindu religion are the root cause of this disease. We practice casteism and we observe Untouchability because we are enjoined to do so by the Hindu religion. A bitter thing cannot be made sweet. The taste of anything can be changed. But poison cannot be changed into nectar.
B. R. Ambedkar

To me it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of Muhammad and the utter degradation of women is the outstanding cause for the arrested development of the Arab. He is exactly as he was around the year 700, while we have kept on developing.
George S. Patton

Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new.
Og Mandino

Adopt the demeanor of a pupil, never be arrogant enough to refrain from inquiries, never presume you know too much to acquire fresh knowledge.
Differentiation is simply a teacher attending to the learning needs of a particular student or small groups of students, rather than teaching a class as though all individuals in it were basically alike.
Carol Ann Tomlinson

It is our duty to give meaning to the life of future generations by sharing our knowledge and experience; by teaching an appreciation of work well done and a respect for nature, the source of all life; by encouraging the young to venture off the beaten path and avoid complacency by challenging their emotions.
Paul Bocuse

From a clear knowledge of the Bhagavad-gita all the goals of human existence become fulfilled. Bhagavad-gita is the manifest quintessence of all the teachings of the Vedic scriptures.
Adi Shankara

'A thorough comprehension of the Bhagavad-gita renders all aspirations of humankind fulfilled. Bhagavad-gita is the epitome of the whole Vedic literature.'
Thou shalt not kill: the four most important, and yet, most ignored words in all religious teachings. There is not an asterisk next to that commandment saying, “Unless you walk on all four and have fur, feathers, horns, beaks or gills.
Gary Yourofsky

Of all the teachings we receive, this one is most important: Nothing belongs to you of what there is, of what you take, you must share.
Chief Dan George

'The most crucial lesson to learn is that nothing can be claimed as your own; whatever you acquire must be shared with others.'
Differentiated Instruction is a teaching philosophy based on the premise that teachers should adapt instruction to student differences. Rather than marching students through the curriculum lockstep, teachers should modify their instruction to meet students' varying readiness levels, learning preferences, and interests. Therefore, the teacher proactively plans a variety of ways to 'get it' and express learning.
Carol Ann Tomlinson

My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

My people will be educated in the fundamentals of democracy, the facts of reality and the theories of science. Ignorance must be eliminated.
Let us labor for the security of free thought, free speech, pure morals, unfettered religious sentiments, and equal rights and privileges for all men, irrespective of nationality, color, or religion;.... leave the matter of religious teaching to the family altar, the church, and the private school, supported entirely by private contribution. Keep church and state forever separate.
Ulysses S. Grant

That's all teaching is; arranging contingencies which bring changes in behavior.
B. F. Skinner

Organizing situations to generate modifications in conduct.
You learn at your best when you have something you care about and can get pleasure in being engaged in.
Howard Gardner

You excel when you have a passion for something and take delight in the process.
The most practical teaching of the Gita, and one for which it is of abiding interest and value to the men of the world with whom life is a series of struggles, is not to give way to any morbid sentimentality when duty demands sternness and the boldness to face terrible things.
Bal Gangadhar Tilak

It saddens me that in many churches today, you hardly hear the name of Jesus being mentioned. Instead, you hear psychology being taught. You hear motivational teachings. You hear 'doing, doing, doing', 'vision, vision, vision' or 'calling, calling, calling'. You hear very little of Jesus Christ and His finished work being taught. Is this what Christianity is about? Your doing, your calling and your vision?
Joseph Prince

The teacher is of course an artist, but being an artist does not mean that he or she can make the profile, can shape the students. What the educator does in teaching is to make it possible for the students to become themselves.
Paulo Freire

If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.
John Dewey

If we instruct today's pupils the same way as yesterday's, we deprive them of their future.
When someone is taught the joy of learning, it becomes a life-long process that never stops, a process that creates a logical individual. That is the challenge and joy of teaching.
Marva Collins

Instilling in someone the thrill of knowledge acquisition can become a perpetual pursuit that forms a rational individual. That is the exhilaration and delight of instruction.
The university and in a general way, all teaching systems, which appear simply to disseminate knowledge, are made to maintain a certain social class in power; and to exclude the instruments of power of another social class.
Michel Foucault

The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination.
Maria Montessori

The key to successful instruction is to view the student's mental capacity as a rich soil in which ideas can be planted, to flourish under the spark of creative fancy.
Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching, and whoever learns teaches in the act of learning.
Paulo Freire

Whoever imparts instruction acquires knowledge in the process of teaching, and whoever acquires knowledge imparts instruction in the process of learning.
The scandal of education is that every time you teach something, you deprive a [student] of the pleasure and benefit of discovery.
Seymour Papert

The travesty of education is that every time knowledge is imparted, a [pupil] loses the joy and advantage of uncovering it.
Orientalism can be discussed and analyzed as the corporate institution for dealing with the Orient—dealing with it by making statements about it, authorizing views of it, describing it, by teaching it, settling it, ruling over it: in short, Orientalism as a Western style for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient.
Edward Said

The mere imparting of information is not education. Above all things, the effort must result in making a man think and do for himself.
Carter G. Woodson

The provision of knowledge alone is not learning. Above all else, the effort must cause someone to think and act independently.
The first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught.
Sri Aurobindo

'The foundation of successful instruction is that nothing can be imparted.'