It is not necessary to conceal anything from a public insensible to contradiction and narcotized by technological diversions.
Neil Postman
The technological breakthrough of the World Wide Web has been enormously beneficial to society.
Mike Fitzpatrick
The more the society becomes a technological society, the less it has to hold itself together.
John Zerzan
The problem isn't how to make the world more technological. It's about how to make the world more humane again.
John Maeda
The more technological a society is, the greater the security gap is.
Bruce Schneier
Technological advances could allow us to see more clearly into our own lives.
Kevin Kelly
But if the technological Singularity can happen, it will.
Vernor Vinge
Bitcoin is a technological tour de force
Bill Gates
The power to hurt ... has evolved in a direct relationship to technological advancement.
Roger Zelazny
Twitter is more a cultural than a technological change.
Chris Sacca
You always learn something about movies. Directing or acting, there's always something new. It's the technological thing; there's always something to learn.
Robert De Niro
Technological 'revolutions' don't really overthrow anything - they simply append a new and dynamic market to that which went before.
Nathan Myhrvold
Technological change can become 'fetishized' as a 'thing in itself', as an exogenous guiding force in the history of capitalism.
David Harvey
We become victims of the great disease of technological society - meaninglessness.
Doris Janzen Longacre
I'm serenely convinced that we are heading into what will amount to a time out from technological progress as we know it.
James Howard Kunstler
Can our Society meet the Challenge of a Technological Future?
Aharon Katzir
The power of crowd sourcing always remains with the crowd, not the technological implementation.
Jay Samit
The National is the most advanced package of technological wonders yet assembled under one roof.
Jack Kroll
Every technological product has to be designed and its fabrication overseen, and this is what engineers DO.
Samuel Florman
In 2010, you have roughly 38 billion dollars spent by government on cyber and telecoms security and another 60 billion or so by private corporations. So approximately 100 billion dollars spent on security, mostly on technological solutions, which the corporates are offering governments in particular; it's a very high growth area. So everyone is climbing over each other to get the contracts for government procurement on this. There is undoubtedly an element of this and that's what encourages, in part, the whole idea of locking down the Internet.
Misha Glenny
This virtual reality stuff is the technological equivalent, really, of psychedelics.
Jerry Garcia
The human brain is the god of technological innovation.
Terence McKenna
A technological advance of a major sort almost always is overestimated in the short run for its consequences - and underestimated in the long run.
Francis Collins
Because of technological breakthroughs, the society will need fewer and fewer unskilled laborers.
Maya Angelou