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Threshold Quotes

When the pain of continuing exceeds the pain of stopping, a threshold is crossed. What seemed unthinkable becomes thinkable.
Gary Zukav

Authors on Threshold Quotes: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Lawrence M. Krauss Judith Jamison Garth Kravits Franz Kafka William Shakespeare Nick Hanauer Melissa McCarthy Oscar Wilde James Larkin Rachel Carson Nick Hornby Kate Morton Mark Nepo Terence McKenna Nick Harkaway Harold Bloom Khalil Gibran Richard Alley Maria Tatar David Louis Edelman Gary Zukav Roh Moo-hyun Nikolai Berdyaev Christiana Figueres
It has always amazed and humbled me to how the risk to bloom can seem so insurmountable beforehand and so inevitably freeing once the threshold of suffering is crossed.
Mark Nepo

A teacher can only lead you to the threshold of your own mind.
Khalil Gibran

All beginnings are delightful; the threshold is the place to pause.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The threshold is the place of expectation.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

We are just about to cross the 400 parts per million threshold.
Christiana Figueres

We are now on the threshold of a newer movement, with a newer hope and a new inspiration.
James Larkin

To act is easy, to think is hard; to act according to our thought is troublesome.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

At times, we were forced to go through a history of dependence, unable to determine our own destiny. But today, we are at the threshold of a new turning point.
Roh Moo-hyun

We are standing on the threshold of a world-epoch of religious creativeness, on a cosmic divide.
Nikolai Berdyaev

Lack of comfort means we are on the threshold of new insights.
Lawrence M. Krauss

Every mystery solved brings us to the threshold of a greater one.
Rachel Carson

The more the climate is forced to change, the more likely it is to hit some unforeseen threshold that can trigger quite fast, surprising and perhaps unpleasant changes.
Richard Alley

Raising the overtime threshold - something that is about to happen. This is more complex so not as many people understand it, but it's equally consequential.
Nick Hanauer

Magic happens on the threshold of the forbidden.
Maria Tatar

For many men that stumble at the threshold are well foretold that danger lurks within.
William Shakespeare

I have a really low boredom threshold.
Nick Hornby

He had the vague sense of standing on a threshold, the crossing of which would change everything.
Kate Morton

Every dancer lives on the threshold of chucking it.
Judith Jamison

This is a general comment that you should take a committed dose of whatever it is you're taking so that there is no ambiguity, because there's nothing worse than a sub-threshold psychedelic experience.
Terence McKenna

It's not that any sufficiently advanced technology is magic, it's that any technology taking place beyond the threshold of our senses is.
Nick Harkaway

In terms of threshold, as long as it's based in reality, you can go pretty far, as long as you buy that it's really happening.
Melissa McCarthy

To be a poet did not occur to me. It was indeed a threshold guarded by demons.
Harold Bloom

We are on the threshold of a sea change in the agency business.
David Louis Edelman

I have a very low boredom threshold.
Garth Kravits

there is nothing bad to fear; once you have crossed that threshold, all is well. Another world, and you do not have to speak
Franz Kafka

Never so sweet a repast as the Reaper's when you tread upon the threshold of a Quiznos.
Oscar Wilde