People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for.
Harper Lee
Sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whisky bottle in the hand of another... There are just some kind of men who - who're so busy worrying about the next world they've never learned to live in this one, and you can look down the street and see the results.
Harper Lee
...but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself.
Harper Lee
Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and I'd have the facts.
Harper Lee
The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box.
Harper Lee
People in their right minds never take pride in their talents.
Harper Lee
I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks.
Harper Lee
Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies, and our lives.
Harper Lee
You rarely win, but sometimes you do.
Harper Lee
I'm gonna be a new kind of clown. I'm gonna stand in the middle of the ring and laugh at the folks.
Harper Lee
I think I'll be a clown when I get grown.... There ain't one thing in this world I can do about folks except laugh, so I'm gonna join the circus and laugh my head off.
Harper Lee
When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness sake. But don't make a production of it. Children are children, but they can spot an evasion faster than adults, and evasion simply muddles 'em.
Harper Lee
I think I'll be a clown when I get grown,' said Dill. Jem and I stopped in our tracks. Yes sir, a clown,' he said. 'There ain't one thing in this world I can do about folks except laugh, so I'm gonna join the circus and laugh my head off.' You got it backwards, Dill,' said Jem. 'Clowns are sad, it's folks that laugh at them.' Well I'm gonna be a new kind of clown. I'm gonna stand in the middle of the ring and laugh at the folks.
Harper Lee
If there's just one kind of folks, why can't they get along with each other? If they're all alike, why do they go out of their way to despise each other? Scout, I think I'm beginning to understand something. I think I'm beginning to understand why Boo Radley's stayed shut up in the house all this time. It's because he wants to stay inside.
Harper Lee
When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness' sake.
Harper Lee
You can choose your friends, but you sho' can't choose your family.
Harper Lee
With him, life was routine; without him, life was unbearable.
Harper Lee
Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.
Harper Lee
Why reasonable people go stark raving mad when anything involving a Negro comes up, is something I don't pretend to understand.
Harper Lee
I was born good but had grown progressively worse every year. Scout
Harper Lee
There are just some kind of men…who’re so busy worrying about the next world they’ve never learned to live in this one.
Harper Lee
That proves something- that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because they're still human.
Harper Lee
You can choose your friends but you sho' can't choose your family, an' they're still kin to you no matter whether you acknowledge 'em or not, and it makes you look right silly when you don't.
Harper Lee
Bad language is a stage all children go through, and it dies with time when they learn they're not attracting attention with it.
Harper Lee
They've done it before and they'll do it again and when they do it -- seems that only the children weep. Good night.
Harper Lee
When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness’ sake. But don’t make a production of it. Children are children, but they can spot an evasion quicker than adults, and evasion simply muddles ‘em. No... you had the right answer this afternoon, but the wrong reasons. Bad language is a stage all children go through, and it dies with time when they learn they’re not attracting attention with it. Hotheadedness isn’t.
Harper Lee
Ladies in bunches always filled me with vague apprehension and a firm desire to be elsewhere.
Harper Lee
Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win.
Harper Lee
Atticus had said it was the polite thing to talk to people about what they were interested in, not about what you were interested in.
Harper Lee