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Tommy James Quotes

American singer-songwriter, Birth: 29-4-1947
Sweet cherry wine, so very fine, take it on down, pass it all around.
Tommy James

Maybe tomorrow when He looks down Every green field and every town All of his children every nation There'll be peace and good, brotherhood... Crystal blue persuasion.
Tommy James

Songs Like Mony Mony aren't really written, they're sort of hanging in space - waiting to be found - I'm just thankful we found this one.
Tommy James

I think everybody did their share of experimenting in the 1960s with drugs. My story is real simple. I was taking amphetamines in the late 60s and I was addicted to them. I don't necessarily know the why. I'm sure at the time I could've told you six different reasons why I was doing it. But, in the end, all of that stuff, all chemicals will hurt you.
Tommy James

Here she comes now, say, Mony, Mony. Shoot 'em down, turn around, come on, Mony.
Tommy James

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I'm not quite sure. Probably because "Hanky Panky" and "I Think We're Alone Now" had more to do with it than anything else. For some reason, staccato eighth notes on a bass sounded like bubblegum. Basically, groups like the 1910 Fruitgum Co. took my early format and kind of perverted it, and made these mindless pre-fab hits over and over. In the 60s, anybody who was making commercial music, that is music that didn't have a political slant to it, or wasn't taking drugs, was bubblegum. And that term kind of hung on a lot of people back then, and it's unfortunate.
Tommy James

If I don't get at least 1 email in any given hour, I begin to think my friends are conspiring against me.
Tommy James

My baby does the hanky panky.
Tommy James